4-H Youth Development reached 17,507 total youth in Washoe County. Our varied programs empower youth to become contributing members of society through an experiential learning environment working. In 4-H, youth learn and develop and the knowledge spreads through the family. Youth and volunteers represent diversity and inclusion across the human spectrum. 4-H Youth Development has proven merit in Washoe County with high praise and status amongst stakeholders in the County. 

In response to COVID-19, Extension 4-H Youth Development programs produced Facebook videos that focused on experiential STEM lessons that families could replicate at home with minimal supplies on hand. 

By the numbers: 229 youth enrolled in 4-H clubs facilitated by volunteer leaders, 1192 youth participated in 4-H Special Interest/Short-Term STEM Based Projects, 5309 youth participated in School Enrichment Programs, 4673 youth participated in After School STEM Based Enrichment Programs in 24 Washoe County Title I schools, 371 youth participated in 4-H Day Camping Programs with a STEM/STEAM focus. One of the day camps was a Summer Day Camp that was in-person and COVID-19 compliant, Created 107 Facebook STEM videos with 5,733 total views. 

A total of 489 adult volunteers provided direct learning opportunities for youth in Washoe County. Volunteers contributed the equivalent of 1.6 million dollars to county wellbeing.

*Direct, in-person programming stopped in March and resumed on a smaller scale in September, which decreased the time and numbers reached. 


The nutrition programs promote research-based behaviors associated with obesity risk reduction. All the youth participants in the following programs attend schools which have over 50 percent of their student bodies eligible for free and reduced-price meals, a proxy indicator of low socio-economic status.  

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Fresh produce and 44 educational flyers (estimated reach of 552,574 students, parents, and teachers) were delivered to schools. This stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. 

Pick a Better Snack - PABS
733 students learned during school the fun of vegetables and their selection as a snack. After COVID19, the teaching converted to Zoom lessons and online posted video lessons.  Policy, Systems, and people. 

Coordinated Approach to Child Health 
This afterschool nutrition education program offered to 140 people at the Reno Housing Authority community sites of Stead Manor, Hawk View Apartments, Mineral Manor, Myra Birch Manor, and Essex Manor. After COVID-related 916 recipe booklets were distributed. 

Dig In!, a food growing nutrition education program, was taught to 232 children in 4th & 5th grade in Mariposa Academy of Language and Learning and Libby Booth Elementary School. The estimated 450 after COVID contacts received videos, take-home garden kits, plants to families. 

Healthy Food Systems
There were nine indirect education sessions at two Farmers Markets in Washoe County. The start of the 2020 season at Farmers Markets was impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Free affordable take-home recipes, SNAP-Ed nutrition information, MyPlate information, and a list of local farmers' markets accepting SNAP EBT were offered to Farmers Markets shoppers who stopped by our booth.  


The Extension horticulture program responded to the COVID-19 pandemic this spring by providing free live online education about how to grow produce for their families in a backyard garden. 

Grow Your Own, Nevada! reached 1,420 Washoe County residents in spring 2020 (16 classes), compared to 128 in-person attendees in fall 2019 (4 classes). Victory Garden Starter Kits were assembled and provided free to 102 Washoe County residents in April. 

Extension offers a number of workforce development certification programs. Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) focuses on landscape water conservation by teaching efficient irrigation and sustainable landscaping practices. We partnered with the Nevada Landscape Association and Truckee Meadows Water Authority to make QWEL relevant and accessible to the green industry. New certified green industry professionals totaled 19. 

The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) offers continuing education units (CEUs) for both certified applicators and those who wish to become certified. 44 CEUs were provided to 354 Washoe County applicators. The Green Industry Training Program, co-sponsored by the Nevada Department of Agriculture, provided the nursery and landscaper certification to 20 out of the 25 Washoe County attendees.


Washoe County Extension’s Early Childhood and School Readiness programs are designed to increase vulnerable young children’s interest, knowledge, and engagement in early learning activities, and to encourage and teach their parents to be positive forces for their children’s learning as they enter and progress through school. 

Our STEM (Let’s Discover STEM), healthy children (Health Kids, Early Start), and early literacy (Family Storyteller) programs reached 3,887 Spanish- and English-speaking families through direct education, social media, and Policy, Systems, and Environmental changes activities. The programs increased children’s interest and engagement in early literacy, STEM, and healthy eating activities, and improved parents’ skills and confidence to help their children be healthy and succeed in school. 


People working in childcare centers need training to provide quality childcare to our youngest children to help make them feel safe and secure to grow and learn. One of the most recognized quality training programs is the Infant Toddler Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential that University of Nevada Extension offers in Washoe County. Our Infant Toddler Trainer/Coach presented over 300 Nevada Registry approved training hours, as well as assessments, and on-site coaching.    The impact of the coaching program can be seen in the daily interactions between the teacher and the children, these improved relationships mean better outcomes for children and families.  24 teachers were awarded CDA credentials.  

At this time, 4 participants from the Spring 2020 program are still pending their awards due to COVID-19 situations. There are 12 new program participants in the FALL 2020 program. 


Federally Recognized Tribal Extension Project (FRTEP) for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe located in Washoe County. Our goals include building capacity with the farmers and ranchers in agricultural production and financial management, creating a strong youth development component and assisting the tribes in economic planning. 

Interest in constructing family size hoop house units on each of the reservations, resulting in eight (8) units currently being constructed on the Pyramid Lake Reservation which the FRTEP programs are supervising the construction activities.  Our hoop house program repairs existing hoop houses, and constructs new hoop houses each year for the Western Shoshone Tribes. 

Our Veggies For Kids curriculum has been taught on both reservations. We have also introduced a Veggies for Seniors program which delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to the elder population on each of the reservations. 


The Living With Fire Program (LWF) teaches Nevadans how to live more safely in wildfire-prone areas. LWF reached 26 Washoe County communities through in-person presentations, activities, events, and media coverage. We reached a total of 549 direct, or in person contacts. In June 2020 the Living With Fire Program partnered with NV Energy to display a digital billboard promoting Nevada Wildfire Awareness Month on the I-580/U.S. 395 Spaghetti Bowl Express. This billboard reached an impressive total of 1,852,389 residents. 

Partners in these efforts included: Bureau of Land Management, the City of Reno Fire Department, Nevada Division of Forestry, NV Energy, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Sparks Fire Department, Truckee Meadows Fire Rescue, U.S. Forest Service- Humboldt Toiyabe, U.S. Forest Service – Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Washoe County Emergency Management, Washoe County Health District and the Washoe County School District.

FISCAL YEAR 2019 – 2020

Washoe Extension Income

Grants - $1,564,500
County - $1,541,820    
State - $291,951
Federal - $218,817


County Funds Summary

Opening Balance - $1,523,261
Revenue - $1,541,820
Expenses - $1,332,468
Ending Balance - $1,732,613 

Gatzke, H. 2020, Washoe County Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, County Report FYI 2020

Extension Associated Contacts


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