
Lyon County 4-H provides programs for youth ages 5 to 19 in five major communities in Lyon County.  These programs offer more opportunities for achievement and activities outside of school for youth to develop mentally, physically, emotionally and professionally.  4-H programs encourage youth to become active and 
engaged in their community.   

Lyon County 4-H Leaders’ Council awarded scholarships to two high school graduating seniors this year.   Fernley 4-H awarded one high school graduating senior $1,000 towards college tuition from the Jessica Davis Memorial Fund. 
Numerous Lyon County 4-H members have continued their association with the University of Nevada, Reno by 
attending college there. 

For the 2018-2019 4-H year, 4-H in Lyon County ran clubs with 25 volunteers and 126 4-H members in clubs. Active clubs this year included Art and Photography, Bee Keeping, Clover buds, Community, Crochet, Dog, Fishing and Camping, Home Economics, Horse, Horse Judging, Leadership, Legos, Livestock, Livestock Judging, Outdoor Survival, Archery Shooting Sports, Pistol Shooting Sports, Shotgun Shooting Sports, Sewing, and Ski and Snowboard. There were 72 4-H projects entered in the Lyon County Fair. Lyon County 4-H events this year included Lyon County Jr Livestock Show, Horse Judging Clinics and Contest, Livestock Judging Clinics and Contest, Teen Retreats and Clover bud Day Camps.  Lyon County Extension also hosted Nevada State 4-H Livestock Contests. 

Lyon County 4-H Leaders’ Council was able to award scholarships to two high school graduating seniors for the upcoming year.  Fernley 4-H awarded one high school graduating senior $1,000 towards college tuition from the Jessica Davis Memorial Fund.



Pick A Better Snack is a health and nutrition program geared at second and third grade 
students and is funded by the SNAP-ED program. Once a month Community Based 
Instructors went into the 55, second and third grade classrooms at seven different Lyon County schools. There were 1,296 unduplicated youngsters who learned about the vitamins and minerals found in various fruits and vegetables, along with how they benefited their growing bodies. Students were given the chance to try the fruits and vegetables offered. Along with the nutritional education, they were educated in regards to the health benefits of “Playing Hard!”

Students were given a monthly bingo card, that included 25 various activities and food choices.  They were encouraged to do one activity a day with their families. The program also provided a monthly parent newsletter that gave information to the parents or guardian on the fruits and vegetables the students had tasted.  Pretests and posttests were administered to the students to see if there was an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption. Total people reached through this program was 3,097.


The Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Summer program was taught at all the Boys and Girls Clubs in Lyon County. It is funded by SNAP-ED also. Each club had a one-week summer program full of fun, physically active games and arts and craft activities that included making healthy snacks. Participants received one nutritional lesson each day. In the five CATCH Summer Institutes, there were 476 unduplicated 


The School Physical Activity and Nutrition Environment Tool (SPAN-ET) program is a 
whole-school evaluation tool that assesses the physical activity spaces and equipment, nutritional services, nutritional educational components, and wellness policies of schools receiving the SNAP-ED program in Lyon County. The purpose is to ascertain nutritional and physical activity possibilities at the school in order to evaluate long-term impacts of the SNAP-ED programs. It has been adopted state-wide for use in Lyon, Washoe, Lincoln and Clark Counties.  Extension, Lyon County completed assessments in five schools, completed and delivered the reports to the principals which includes area of suggested improvements and also areas they are exceeding in.  Extension would be happy to provide guidance regarding the suggested improvements.

Programs such as Pick A Better Snack and the SPAN-ET evaluation program are important to Lyon Community youth, along with the CATCH Summer Programming.  Education and evaluation combined are a method to facilitate change.



The Nevada Radon Education Program is a partnership with the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. This program provides educational material to Nevada 
citizens regarding the health risk posed by elevated levels of radon in the home. Free test kits are provided to Nevadans during a promotional period once a year to assist in evaluating their radon potential. Lyon County has a large potential for radon. Testing homes for radon is the first step in preventing radon caused illness and mortality.

Extension in Lyon County participates in the radon program by distributing educational
material and radon test kits in three major communities during radon awareness months. The City of Fernley and the Dayton Fire Department are collaborative partners with Extension to facilitate test kit distribution in outlying communities. 

As of August 6, 2019, 1,439 homes in Lyon County have been tested. Of those homes tested, 27.1 percent had radon potential above the EPA action level. Based on the test results, 15.3 percent of these homes were mitigated to reduce the potential health risk to their residents. 



Lyon County’s horticulture program provides science-based educational material and training to meet commercial and home horticulture needs.  

Extension’s Grow your Own series are held twice a year in Lyon County with eight workshops in the spring and four workshops in the fall. These workshops provide horticulture information to individuals interested in a more sustainable and healthier lifestyle by growing and preserving their own food. 

Pesticide applicators’ workshops are provided through the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP).  These workshops offer continuing education units (CEUs) for those professions that require applicators to recertification and training for individuals preparing to take the applicators pesticide certification test. There were 14 participants in these workshops.

Extension, Lyon County has an ISA certified arborist and master gardener to do identification, diagnosis, landscape and garden recommendations and presentations in those areas of expertise.  This program provided education, identification and diagnostics to 71 individuals. 


FISCAL YEAR 2018-2019


$282,473.00 (52%) - Grants
$132,669.00 (24%) - County
$105,260.00 (19%) - State
$25,592.00 (5%) - Federal


$545,994 - Total Revenue
$70,676 - Total Expenses
$203,893 - Total Balance

Gatzke, H. 2019, Lyon County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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