Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council
AGENDA July 7, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.
Nevada State 4-H Camp
1 4-H Road, Stateline NV 89449
Zoom connection will be available at
Please note: The Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council may address agenda items out of sequence to accommodate persons appearing before the Council or to aid the efficiency or effectiveness of the meeting. The Council may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the Council may remove an item from the agenda. Items designated “For Possible Action”, if no other action is designated, are for acceptance by vote of the Council.
1. Call to order, roll call of members and establish a quorum
2. Introductions
3. Public Comment: Note: No vote may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken, (NRS 241.020). Public Comment will be limited to three minutes per person.
4. Review and Approval of Agenda For Possible Action
5. Review and approval of January 21, 2020 meeting minutes For Possible Action
6. Camp Financial Update For Possible Action
7. Camp Facilities Update For Possible Action
8. 4-H Camp Education Update For Possible Action 9. Camp Master Plan Update For Possible Action
10. 4-H Camp Friends & Family Picnic For Possible Action
11. Advisory Council Elections Process For Possible Action
12. 4-H Camp Reopening Efforts-Potential Fundraising Efforts For Possible Action
13. Public Comment: Note: No vote may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken, (NRS 241.020). Public Comment will be limited to three minutes per person.
14. Announcements and other business
15. Set Date of next meeting For Possible Action
16. Adjourn For Possible Action
Cooperative Extension office 2621 Northgate Lane, Ste. # 15, Carson City, NV (775-887-2065)
Cooperative Extension office 4955 Energy Way, Reno NV (775-784-4881)
Cooperative Extension office 1329 Waterloo Lane Gardnerville, NV (775-782-9968)
Nevada State 4-H Camp, 1 4-H Road Stateline NV (775-588-6943)
Nevada Public Notice Website – State of Nevada Public Notices Website
Higher Education – University of Nevada Reno - University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council
Stark, C
Camp Advisory Meeting Agenda (2020-07-07),
Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, Proceedings