Common Challenges in Crises

In a crisis, a lot of information comes our way. In some cases it overloads, and necessary information is hard to find. Challenges to small business owners include:

  • Transitioning to online sales and service delivery
  • Understanding government assistance and loan programs
  • Dealing with forced business closure
  • Productivity: working from home
  • Strategic planning/marketing at uncertain times
  • Pivoting and adapting: how your business moves forward
  • Dealing with employee issues

Webinars: Coping and Adapting

Ask experts and network with other business owners. Every Wednesday, Extension will be hosting the statewide online webinar, “Coping with COVID-19.” This open forum encourages questions to instructors and guest experts (bankers, consultants). Webinars will be conducted in English in the morning and Spanish in the afternoon. While we are advised to stay home, this is a chance to stay connected. Register and find resources on Extension’s business development page.

B. Borden, L. Thomas 2020, Small Business and COVID-19, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

COVID-19 Small Business Information and Resources
Since the COVID19 pandemic began, Extension has been accumulating important links for business owners.  These resources include small business loans, grants, and guidelines provided by our state and county offices. 
L. Thomas 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
¿Qué hago si no puedo? Empresarios resilientes (2020-09-18)
¿Qué hago si no puedo? Empresarios resilientes
Lucas Thomas 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Business Entities and Taxes
Webinar on Business Entities and Taxes: How to Create Your Business
Thomas, L. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Bulletin 2020-08-03
Cash Flow & Business Finance (2020-09-01)
Cash Flow & Business Finance Join the webinar with the Pahrump Valley Chamber of Commerce!
Lucas Thomas 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Cómo sobrellevar el COVID-19 August 5-Webinar Semanal
Cómo sobrellevar el COVID-19: August 5-Webinar Semanal
Thomas, L. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Bulletin, 2020-08-05