University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.
Based on the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), programming was developed to reduce risks and behaviors that contribute to chronic disease with emphasis on reducing obesity rates through increased physical activity and promotion of healthy diets. Goals included increasing the number of people meeting daily fruit and vegetable serving recommendations and decreasing consumption of sugary beverages.
A set of 36 Fruit and Vegetable education cards were created and distributed at schools with fresh fruits and vegetables distributed during the school day. Ten schools completed self-assessments to improve their lunchroom environments and over 105 teachers were trained through our partnership with Green our Planet School Garden. Over 1770 school staff, students and their families were reached at events in support of school wellness.
Overall, The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) used an ecological approach combining direct education with policy, systems and environmental change strategies in 16 high need Clark County School District (CCSD) elementary schools with the overall goal of seeing an increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Results indicate that Second and third grade students in the Pick a better snack™ intervention schools reported an increase in the number of times per day that they consumed fruits and vegetables, Student attitudes towards fruits and vegetables improved such that students reported an increased liking to try new fruits and vegetables, The average score Smarter Lunchroom Self-Assessment improved from 34 to 42 by making modest changes to the lunchroom atmosphere and by increasing student involvement at participating schools.
Nutrition education (Pick a Better Snack) was provided to over 3,200 2nd and 3rd grade students at 16 high need schools in Clark County.
Clark County 4-H grows young people with the skills needed to succeed in life and careers. It empowers our youth to pursue their passions to become leaders in their communities. 4-H is university-supported research combined with community based programs that inspires our youth to act and learn by doing. We engages youth through a variety of delivery models in the areas of STEM, Healthy Living, Agriculture and Civic Engagement.
Clark County has over 2800 youth in clubs, 1100 in camping programs, over 9000 in in-school enrichment programs and over 23,400 youth in special interest/short-term programs with a total reach of over 36,300 youth participating in 4-H.
A collaboration of the Cooperative Extension Economic Development Team, the Office of Economic Development at UNLV and the Nevada Small Business Development Center. This team counsels clients, coordinates events and conducts research on industry and economic trends.
Since inception, January 2018, the team has offered 48 classes with over 750 participants, generated 242 new clients, secured over $6,500,000 in operating capital, had 39 new business starts and created 180 new jobs.
The better we can assist small businesses to navigate today’s business environment the stronger Nevada’s economy will become.
-Buddy Borden
A research-based community of practice where trainers, coaches, administrators and childcare providers working with young children come to improve skills, discuss community issues and extend learning. All these programs are resulting in statistically significant improvement in participants.
- Infant/Toddler/Preschool Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) - CDA (120 hours) was earned/completed by 62 teachers.
- Nevada Ready! - Provided 54 hours of early childhood education focusing on the Early Childhood Environment Rating to 118 teachers.
- Early Childhood Education (Face-to-Face) - Provided 44 two-hour classes toward the required 24 hours of early childhood education annually to 335 providers.
- Opportunity Village Jobs Program for those with disabilities - Provided 5 core trainings, 4 times annually which is required to be employed in a child care center for 60 Opportunity Village Students.
- Sunrise Children’s Foundation - Provided 36 two-hour training sessions to meet annual 24 hour training requirement for 120 Early Childhood Care Providers.
- Leadership Community of Practice, Coaching Institutes, Leadership Academy/Train the Trainer - Monthly sessions are ongoing with 60 Directors and 10 coaches.
Teachers have said:
I am more engaged in more hands-on-activities with children.
Our program is less teacher-directed and more child-directed.
Online Training (Required coursework for Early Childhood Providers)
Recognizing and Reporting Abuse and Neglect: 2077 enrolled users, 1749 certificates issued
Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: 1770 enrolled users, 1445 certificates issued
Signs and Symptoms of Illness: 1241 enrolled users, 1111 certificates issued
The Research Center and Demonstration Orchard is a cooperative effort between University of Nevada Cooperative Extension and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The emphasis is water conservation in the Mojave Desert and Urban Horticulture. The center contains over 800 fruit trees and grape vines, vegetables and other row crops. The Overall goal is to research new varieties of fruit producing trees, vines and other plant materials in sustainable ways. It is also where hands-on training/classes are held for home owners and commercial clientele. Master Gardeners and community volunteers help maintain the center. Some of the fruits and vegetables produced are obtained by commercial chefs for testing with excess given to charitable organizations for feeding the hungry.
Over 700 people participated in classes, over 8,000 volunteer hours were logged by 40 Master Gardeners and other volunteers, over 5,500 pounds of produce grown at the research center were sold to the public and over 450 lbs. were donated to charitable groups, 400 yards of organic recycled mulch and 100 yards of compost were distributed to the public at no charge. Five local restaurants use and promote locally grown fruits and vegetables from the research center.
Research efforts include: 70 vines and 8 varieties of “Hops” grown and being evaluated with 3 breweries; Over 158 varieties of fruit trees and over 37 varieties of grape vines are being tested; Five varieties of sweet potatoes and 22 different vegetables are being tested for best growing practices in the Las Vegas area; Tomatoes are under a trial for determining best growing procedures under different forms/levels of shading; Water usage in 10 different ornamental species of trees is being compared to turf grass usage.
FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018
$118,801,678 - Total Revenue
$6,021,492 - Total Expenses
$12,780,186* - Total Balance
*Note: We have an approved and signed-off spend-down plan in place for the balance. The plan has been approved and signed-off by the Board of Regents and the County Manager.
$6,091,179 - County
$1,515,653 - Grants
$1,017,055 - State
$462,615 - Federal
$116,282 - Sales
Clark County Cooperative Extension
8050 Paradise Road, Suite 100 | Las Vegas, NV 89008
Eric Killian, Extension Educator | 702-257-5542
Killian, E.
Clark County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018,
Extension | University of Nevada, Reno