University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.



Charlene Fetterly, the Lander County Community Based Instructor II, provided leadership working with both youth and volunteers to offer a variety of nontraditional programs including Battle Mountain after-school programming, summer Battle Mountain 4-H Youth Photography Camp with 14 participants held at the Cookhouse Museum, and traditional clubs addressing interests such as shooting sports, fiber arts, small animal, large livestock, photography, and beginning and advanced Lego Robotics, among others. As a statewide trainer for the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals program and serving on the Nevada 4-H Livestock Committee, Charlene is planning programming to address important aspects of the 2019 4-H Expo to be held in Winnemucca, Nevada Fall of 2019. Our county is a partner in planning and providing the North Central Nevada 4-H Camp in Lake Tahoe annually for youth ages 9-18.

The 2018 Battle Mountain 4-H Summer Photography Camp was attended by 14 youth ages 9-14 on July 30-31, & August 1, 2018 at the Cookhouse Museum and funded by Nevada Arts Council and Lander County Convention and Tourism Authority.

Lander County 4-H’ers and certified volunteers participated in Battle Mountain Afterschool Programs, Eureka and Tri-County Fairs, Battle Mountain Club Officer Leadership Training, Large and Small Animal Workshops, North Central 4-H Camp Related Activities, Club and County Achievement Recognition, Nevada Youth for Quality Care of Animals Programs, and Nevada Livestock Judging, Skill-a-thon and Quiz Bowl Contests and related Workshops.


Informing producers, their families, and veterans about assistive technology, tools, and services that could help in their agricultural business and production activities was initiated with the UNR Center for Excellence in Disabilities and the Nevada Small Business Development Center’s Boots for Business program for Nevada Veterans. A related interactive display was hosted at the 2018 College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources Field Day on Sat., September 8, 2018. In addition, local staff helped producers access resources and training to increase the profitability of their operations through programs such as the Cattleman's Update and Nevada Agricultural Risk Management programs. They aided producers through education about monitoring impacts of drought conditions, using market cattle trends, and researching critical issues such as the Humboldt River Basin Watershed.

Lander County Cooperative Extension staff partnered with government agencies to provide residents with research based information and experiences to assist their understanding of a variety of programs related to preserving the quality of water, rangelands, wildlife habitat, and rural environment. UNR specialists such as Dr. Sherman Swanson provided hands-on training for agriculture producers, government public land managers and foresters, and community leaders in Lander County such as Riparian Assessment Training staged at the Joe Saval Ranch in July of 2018.


Seniors Eating Well was an 8-week lesson series provided by Dr. Lisa Taylor at the Lander County Senior Center in Battle Mountain July through September, 2018 with 11 seniors participating every Monday. The goals of the program were to reinforce healthy eating habits and lifestyles, preventing chronic diseases and saving health-care costs for the entire community. Nutrition education, meal planning and food preparation were significant features of every lesson. The Stay Strong Stay Healthy exercise program is being provided for seniors in two locations as a result of a statewide Extension grant funded program. This program’s goals are preventing falls, building strength, developing self-confidence and increasing mobility, especially for aging adults.

+22 percent: I eat a variety of vegetable most days.
+20 percent: I can identify one or more credible information sources for dietary supplements.
+17 percent: I am choosing low-sodium option when buying packaged foods.
+28 percent: I use herbs in cooking/seasoning of food to decrease my salt intake at home.

-20 percent: I eat French fries or other fried potatoes, like home fries, hash browns, or tater tots.


Lander County Extension Educator leadership resulted in funding to plant more than 30 trees in the historic Austin Cemetery through a grant awarded by the Nevada Department of Forestry. Partnering with state and feceral forestry educators and Austin Chamber leaders resulted in school and community tree education events held in celebration of Arbor Day. In addition, questions from Lander County residents on garden pests, irrigation, tree issues, soil related problems, and weed concerns were addressed following onsite assessments and follow-up meetings. The Grow Your Own series provided horticultural and gardening information to homeowners who desired to become successful gardeners and backyard food producers through interactive videoconferencing and locally led group programming. More than 42 citizens participated in both class series.

FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018


$1,089,310 - Total Revenue
$61,707 - Total Expenses
$279,692 - Total Balance


$86,916 (53%) - County
$28,769 (17%) - State
$28,769 (17%) - Federal
$1,500 (1%) - Grants

Lander County Cooperative Extension
815 N. 2nd St. | Battle Mountain, NV 89820
Lisa K. Taylor, Extension Educator | 775-635-5565

Taylor, L. 2017, Lander County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

If you need more information.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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