University experts help homeowners to make homes more fire safe
Smith, E. and Andrews, A. 2019, What is defensible space and how do I create some around my home?, Nevada Today

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How can I prepare my home and neighborhood for a wildfire?
University experts caution actions taken by homeowners before a fire ever starts play a critical role.
Smith, E. and Andrews, A. 2019, Nevada Today
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Andrews, A. and Roice-Gomes, J. 2019, Nevada Today
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Smith, E. 2005, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Firescaping: Landscape design for defensible space
Firescaping is landscape design that reduces house and property vulnerability to wildfire. The goal is to develop a landscape with a design and choice of plants that offer the best defensible space and enhance the property.
Skelly, JoAnne 2001, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-01-33
A women rakes leaves on her front lawn. House in the background.
Ten Frequently Asked Questions About Defensible Space
As Nevada communities grow, so does the wildfire threat on homes. The term "defensible space" was coined to describe vegetation management practices aimed at reducing the wildfire threat to homes. This fact sheet addresses some of the frequently asked questions regarding defensib...
Smith, E. 1996, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-96-39