Photo of Jamie Benedict, Extension

Jamie Benedict

Associate Professor | Interim Department Chair


My research interests include the examination of systems and environmental characteristics that influence nutritional health with an emphasis on the school environment.  Currently, I am spear-heading a study to measure the implementation of a school wellness policy.  One purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which the policy has been executed.  This step is critical before the impact of the policy can be fully assessed.  I am also very interested in food insecurity and its impact on nutrition-related behaviors and needs; and attitudes towards obese persons, particularly among health professionals, and the impact of these attitudes on their practice.



B.S. University of Arizona, 1984
Ph.D. University of Arizona, 1990
Registered Dietitian, ADA 1990 (#13893)


NUTR 485/685 Nutrition Research and Contemporary Issues

NUTR 470/670 Community Nutrition

NUTR 110  Success Strategies in Nutrition

Honors and Awards

  • MPH Teacher/Mentor of the Year, UNR School of Public Health, 2006
  • Outstanding Professional in Maternal and Child Health, Nevada Public Health Association, 1998
  • Education Award - Newsletters; National Association of Extension Home Economists, Third Place
  • Nutrition Education Through Research Award, National Association of Extension Home Economists
  • Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, 1993


Washoe County School District Food Policy Advisory Committee Member, 2004-06

Washoe County School District Food and Beverage Study Committee Member, 2002-2004

Nevada Department of Education Nutrition Policy Advisory Committee Member, 2002-2004


News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

A Systematic Scoping Review to Characterize the Challenges in US Food Banks (USFB) and Pantries
The purpose of this systematic scoping review was to characterize the challenges in the U.S. food banks and to identify areas for further research and intervention.
Angeline Jeyakumar, Sandra Nyarko, Jamie Benedict and Holly Gatzke 2024, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior Volume 56, Issue 8, Supplement 1, August 2024, Page S24
Using Popular-press Nutrition Books to Develop Critical Reading Skills of First-Year College Students J. Benedict 2013, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 45, Issue 2 , Pages 188-190
Team Development and Beyond
The objective of this article is to demonstrate how Tuckman’s model for small group development can be used to examine the evolution of teams retrospectively for the purpose of improving future practice.
Wilson, M. P., Benedict, J. A., Snow, G., Havercamp, M. J. 2010, Journal of Extension, 48(5)
Evaluation of a community-based health promotion program for the elderly: Lessons from Seniors CAN Collins, C., Benedict, J. 2006, American Journal of Health Promotion, 21(1), 45-48.
Food for Health and Soul: A curriculum designed to facilitate healthful recipe modifications to family favorites. Woodson, J., Braxton-Calhoun, M., Benedict, J. 2005, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 36(6), 323-324.
Use of Health Belief Model to examine older adults food-handling behaviors. Hanson, J., Benedict, J. 2002, Journal of Nutrition Education, 34 (Supplement 1), S25-S30.
Spoon, M., Devereux, P., Benedict, J., Leontos, C., Constantino, N., Christy, D., Snow, G. Spoon, M., Devereux, P., Benedict, J., Leontos, C., Constantino, N., Christy, D., Snow, G. 2002, Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34 (5), 268-272.
Team Nutrition Partners: A volunteer program to enhance the school environment. Benedict, J ., Spoon, M. 2001, Journal of Nutrition Education, 33(4), 249-250.
System, Environmental, and Policy Changes: Using the sociological model as a framework for evaluating nutrition education and social marketing programs with low-income audiences. Gregson, J., Foerster, S.B., Orr, R. Jones, L, Benedict, J., Clarke, B., Hersey, J., Lewis, J., Zotz, K. 2001, Journal of Nutrition Education, 33(Supplement 1), S4-S15.
An exploratory study of recreational drug use and nutrition-related behaviors and attitudes among adolescents Benedict, J. , Evans, W., Calder, J. 1999, Journal of Drug Education, 29(2), 141-157.
Use of nutrition screening to develop and target nutrition education interventions for the elderly. Benedict, J., Wilson, D., Snow, G., Nipp, P., Remig, V., Spoon, M., Leontos, C., and Read, M. 1999, Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 19(2), 31-47.
Special Publications
Statewide Needs Assessment for Nevada's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed). Benedict, J. A., Wahrenburg, M. V., Kerwin, H., Treftz, C. 2019, Nevada Nutrition Assistance Consortium
Technical Publication
Statewide Needs Assessment for Nevada’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) Benedict, J. A., Wahrenburg, M. V., Kerwin, H., Treftz, C. 2019, Nevada Department of Health and Human Service