Program Impacts

Health and Wellness

Extension continues to provide Mineral County residents access to health and nutrition programs. Youth nutrition education is implemented through Mineral County School District with Veggies for Kids-Take Home. Senior programs are unique to Mineral County Seniors and include a senior strength training class and Veggies for Seniors.

Veggies for Seniors is a fruit and vegetable distribution program for Mineral County seniors 65 years-old and older. The program provides recipes, coordinates with food banks and community services, and provides educational information about increasing fruit and vegetable intake and increasing physical activity. The program is built upon providing access to fruits and vegetables and is funded by Mineral County and the State of Nevada. A Mineral County strength training program is also available to seniors twice a week to gain strength and improve balance.

This program is coordinated out of Mineral County Extension.  Extension would like to thank Patricia Click for her 13 years of support and servie as a loyal staff member in memoriam.  A memorial account was created by Paticia Click’s family and friends after her passing in December of 2023 to support the Mineral County Veggies for Seniors program.

Mineral County Youth and Community Programs

Mineral County Youth Programs include community events, in-school enrichment education and the 4-H Program.  The community events are Harvest Festival held in late October 2023, the Earth Day event in April of 2024, and the 4-H Ski Club at June Mountain.  The Mineral County 4-H Program created a day camp in 2023 for Mineral County youth that was well attended.  In addition, the 4-H program went online with its 4-H application process.  Online 4-H enrollment enabled parents to sign up youth for multiple programs without a large application process.

There were about 20 youth that attended the Central Area 4-H Camp in Lake Tahoe in August 2023 from Mineral County.

 Agriculture Education

There is statewide agriculture education that is coordinated out of the Mineral County Extension office. This program includes the Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and Nevada Risk Management Education Program.  The Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher program was kicked off in 2020 and was conducted as a hybrid program with online learning and a producer tour.

There were Southern Nevada agricultural roundtables created to identify producer needs in the Nevada Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and the Nevada Risk Management Program.  The roundtables were developed to identify agricultural needs in southern Nevada, and to work with stakeholders on potential solutions to identified needs.

American Indian Programs

Programs continued in 2023-2024 for American Indian business development, COVID-19 Assistance Programs, Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program (FRTEP), and UNR tribal students’ program. All programs continued virtual but began in-person programming in 2023-2024. Education updates for COVID assistance moved to monthly/quarterly, and teams began in-person programming with workshops and meetings. Need Assessment data for the Walker River Reservation and Duck Valley Reservation was compiled for tribal member review in preparation for publication.

Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Mineral Extension Expenses

  • State- $65,792
  • Federal- $44,391
  • County- $54,619
  • Grants- $175,836
  • Gifts- $1,322
  • Other- $45,699

County Funds Summary 

  • Opening Balance- $24,494
  • Revenue- $56,448
  • Expenses- $64,012
  • Ending Balance- $16,930
Emm, S. 2023, Mineral County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2023-2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

Extension Associated Contacts


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