Agriculture is a primary economic and social component of Eureka County. Providing research-based information to stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of agriculture is important to all stakeholders in the county to assist long-term economic and social viability of individual operations and the community.

  • Guest lecturer for UNR Sheep Production class
  •  Assisted sheep producers in wool evaluations through the use of a leased Ocular Fiber Diameter Analysis (OFDA) machine providing wool quality data for the selection of sires and dams to improve their herds' wool production capabilities.
  • Topped the UT wool Market auction with Rafter 7 wool and NV and adjoining state producers utilizing R7 genetics also sold their wool at the highest prices.
  • Produced the annual Rafter 7 Merinos annual Ram and Ewe sale providing quality genetics to Nevada and regional sheep producers.
  • Developed a line of GBREC wool products in collaboration with Mountain Meadow Wool processing facility in Buffalo Wyoming. 
  • Inseminated 206 ewes with Boroola genetics to increase lambing rates and fertility of the R7 flock. Continued research will be performed once lambs are born to determine phenotypic suitability and hardiness of the hybrid offspring for GBREC and producers.
  • Provided animals and assistance to UNR Researcher for a dual-purpose research project examining genetic influence on weight gain on a rangeland setting and utilizing gps collars to study ewe and lamb movements on range
  • Provided stakeholder assistance in development of regenerative cropping plans on native meadows and pivots to improve soil health and economic returns.
  • Provided animals and assistance to UNR Researcher for a dual purpose research project examining genetic influence on weight gain on a rangeland setting and utilizing gps collars to study ewe and lamb movements on range.


Rangeland resources on both private and publicly managed lands are a crucial resource for Eureka County agricultural producers, hunters and recreationists and the community. As a rural county, rangeland resources provide the foundations for all agricultural enterprises and serve as the basis for rural life and the culture and customs of the community. The Eureka County Extension Educator serves on the Eureka County Natural Resources Advisory Commission to advise County Commissioners on the use and conservation of these resources and providing research-based information for issues they encounter.

  • Assisted a producer/mining operation in developing sage grouse habitat for mitigation and regenerative cropping plans on native meadows and on pivots to improve soil health and economic returns.
  • Assisted in convening a UNR Public Lands Policy Center to develop defensible and practical examples of ecologically and economically reformed policy and science-based practices that can be readily presented to government leaders, elected officials (including the newly elected), and natural resource professionals.
  • Implemented the Strategic operating plan to enhance collaboration between NV Association of Conservation Districts and partners (agencies and NGO’s) to address natural resource issues on rangelands and farms including water conservation, drought resilience, soil health, water quality, reduced soil erosion and improvement of crop productivity with less fertilizer and commercial inputs.


Noxious and invasive weeds are widespread throughout Nevada and threaten the productivity of cropland, pasture and rangeland. The Eureka County Extension Educator continues to serve on the County Weed and rodent and assist local producers, the Nevada Department of Agriculture, and Conservation Districts to provide research-based information for weed issues they encounter.

  • Assisted Eureka County Public works in location and treating invasive weeds 
  •  Provided letters of support to NV Department of Agriculture for two pesticide products supporting continued use of these products in gopher and squirrel control.


  • Held the annual Eureka Jr. Livestock Show and Sale with 31 youth in various livestock projects, and market projects auctioned during the Livestock Sale.
  •  Hosted numerous Workshops for all Eureka Community youth.
  •  Had 5 participants in the BLM/ Wild Horse Projects, 13 youth that will be involved in our regular Horse Program
  •   3 Active Clubs (initial decrease in clubs due to changing participants to “general” clubs, 105 different projects completed throughout the year, and 14 Active Volunteers.


  • Board member on Eureka Natural Resources Advisory Board and Eureka Conservation District
  • NV BLM Mojave-Southern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council member
  • Liaison between UNR and Nevada Woolgrowers



State- $97,372
Federal- $33,473
County- $65,153
Grants- $16,160
Gifts- $78
Other- $2,882


Opening Balance- $1,201,448
Revenue- $128,794
Expenses- $146,131
Ending Balance- $1,184,111
McCuin, G. 2022, Eureka Annual County Report | Fiscal Year 2021-2022 , Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

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Eureka County Housing Infographic Set
This housing assessment offers an overview with four infographic fact sheets including Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Housing Supply, Housing Demand and Housing Affordability Analysis.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, A. Martinez, R. Visuett 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Eureka Opera House
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to Nevada Counties in 2021: Eureka County
This fact sheet outlines the procedures for calculating the level of federal payment from the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program.
T.R. Harris, R. Chicola 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-04
Eureka Opera House
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M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-03
Eureka Historic Museum
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Eureka County
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M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Publication
Eureka Opera House in Eureka, NV
Demographic Characteristics for Eureka County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and...
Borden, F., Lednicky, J., McCuin, G. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno