About This Newsletter

Welcome to our newsletter dedicated to gardening enthusiasts in Nevada! Here, the Master Gardener Volunteers of Washoe County are committed to fostering a community of gardening knowledge and education. Through this publication, we aim to provide research-based horticulture insights for our readers. Each quarter, we offer a wealth of information covering various aspects of gardening, from upcoming garden events to advice on topics ranging from pest control to sustainable gardening practices. Join us as we explore the science and artistry of gardening together!

A Note From the Editors

Washoe County Master Gardener Coordinator
Extra! Extra!

What's Happening This Spring?

Humble Bumble Bees

Photos and article by Becky Colwell

Know Your Beneficial Predators

Photos & article by Becky Colwell

Kokedama: A Great Kick-Off for a New Year

Article by Liz Morrow

A Mustardy 2023

Photos & article by Martha McRae

Worried About Weeds?

By Carrie Jensen
UNR Extension Urban IPM and Pesticide Safety Program Coordinator

Thoughts on My Garden

By Angela White

A (Not So Secret) Garden for Teaching and Learning

Photos & article by Martha McRae

Questions or comments?
Reach out to us!



Help Desk Hours: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
Phone: 775-784-4848
Email: ExtensionWashoeMG@unr.edu

Rachel McClure Master Gardener Coordinator
Phone: 775-336-0274
Email:  rmcclure@unr.edu 

McClure, R., Colwell, B., Doolittle, C. 2024, Washoe County Master Gardener Newsletter (2024-03), Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Newsletters

Learn more about the author(s)


Also of Interest:

lettuce seedlings
Northern Area (Reno) Planting Schedule
Find out when to plant vegetables with the Extension Master Gardener's planting guide for the Reno area!
Brinkerhoff, K. 2023, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Crop field rows
Northern Area (Reno) Planting Schedule
Find out when to plant vegetables with the Extension Master Gardener's planting guide for the Reno area!
Brinkerhoff, K. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno