In this Edition

About the Newsletter

The Master Gardener Volunteers of Douglas County provide horticulture information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics.  This newsletter of April 2023 is one of the many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission. 

Upcoming Events & Classes Spring 2023

Health in the Garden 

Garden Activity for the Season 

Master Gardener Program 

J. Gardner, I. Angelini, A. Christy, P. Sanborn 2023, Gardening in Douglas County Nevada (2023-04), Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Master Gardener Newsletter

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

"The Good Weed Series: Purslane (Portulaca oleraceav), Desert Gardening in Southern Nevada, Blog Posts 21-01
The Master Gardener Volunteers of Southern Nevada provides horticultural information on gardens, landscapes, plants and other related topics. This blog post is one of many resources of information available to the public to help accomplish this mission.
Deever, D. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Associated Programs

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Master Gardeners of Douglas County

Learn about the Master Gardener program in Douglas County, Nevada.