Program Impacts
- Attended the Idaho Woolgrowers Association Meeting and the Salt Lake wool sale assisting producers with co-operatives
- Conducted AI on 600 head using Australian genetics and an additional 100 head using Booroola genetics to enhance reproductive traits
- Traveled to Buffalo Wyoming to deliver 3200 lbs of wool for processing UNR merchandise. Sold 1600 lbs of wool to Jimmy Beans for wool crafting in Reno who uses locally sourced sustainable wool to make their products.
- GBREC attended AI schooling at New Frontier Genetics in Ogden Utah
- Purchased a new, larger lambing barn where 2269 lambs were born Spring of 2021. Ewe lambs and ram lambs were fairly equal in number.
- In September we held our Annual Ram sale where over 170 Rafter 7 rams were sold.
- Hired a full time Administrative Assistant
Rangeland Resources
Eureka county's economic base is almost entirely dependent upon the use of natural resources most of which originate on public lands. Proactive resource management through a holistic or ecologically based approach integrated with social and economic goals offers the most direct and efficient means of addressing the priority concerns of the county.
- The Eureka County 4-H Program included 5 traditional 4-H clubs, 12 volunteer leaders, and 20 kids enrolled in 4-H
- 25 kids participated in the Youth Livestock show and sale
- There were 76 projects completed in FY 2020-2021
- 4-H club is starting to get a Shooting Sports club up and running again
- There will be several new clubs and projects coming this year
- Continued to work with volunteers and committees to provide accurate information on changing guidelines and requirements during Covid-19 to facilitate continued 4-H programming and events.
Support for other Extension and Community programs
- Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition article featured in the newsletter “UNR Helps Forage and Livestock Producers in Times of Drought”
- Instructed Range Camp Students on the Sagebrush Rangelands Curriculum
- Co organizer of Conservation District Needs Assessment survey in 7 counties
- Serve on Eureka Natural Resources Advisory Committee
- Serve on the Eureka Conservation District as a Supervisor
- Serve on the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts Board as 1st Vice President
- Serve on the Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition Board
- Provided Peer review for two Extension Fact Sheets and two search committees: UNR Water Management Specialist position and Lander County Extension Educator
Scholarship and research related to Extension programming in Eureka County
- M. Orr, and G. McCuin. "Locally Led Conservation for Nevada; Conservation Districts at Work." The Progressive Rancher. March Issue 2, pgs.14-15 (March 2019)
- Schultz, B., B. L. Perryman, S. Swanson, G. McCuin, D. Voth, P. Novak-Echenique and P.T. Tueller. Ranchers' Monitoring Guide. UNCE Special Publication. 81 p. (Peer review completed, comments incorporated and submitted to Area Director on December 10, 2019 for final approval).
- G. McCuin. "The Importance and Value of Soil Health to Nevada Producers." presentation at NvACD annual meeting. 11/22/19
- G. McCuin. "A Public Private Partnership." Invited presentation to Congressional Staff by Congressman Chris Stewart. 11 /28/19
- G. McCuin. "A Public Private Partnership." presentation to BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. 11/31/19.
Fiscal Year 2020 (July 2020-June 2021)
Total Revenue $134,776
Total Expenses $201,594
State $70,922
Federal $39,644
County $49,037
Grants $14,288
Other $27,704
FY 2019-20 Balance $1,079,137
County Ending Fund Balance $1,164,876
McCuin, G.
Eureka County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021,
Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report