Program Impacts
University of Nevada, Reno Extension provides community education to solve problems and deal with issues within local communities. With local needs at the forefront, we develop educational programs in a number of ways - public presentations, workshops, demonstrations, publications and through the media. In recent years, we've begun to use Internet, interactive video and satellite broadcast technologies, bringing knowledge directly to your home and community. With the help of volunteers, we deliver educational programs in these areas: Agriculture, Children-Youth and Families, Community Development, Health and Nutrition, Horticulture and Natural Resources.
This year the WSARE State Coordinators Annual Meeting was held in Reno, Nevada, and was hosted by Pershing County Extension Educator, Steve Foster.
Steve led the group in a tour to the Palomino Valley Wild Horse and Burro Center in Reno, the Extension Bee Keeping Program in Gardnerville, NV., a tour of the Carson Valley with a stop at the town of Genoa.
Guest speakers included: Desert Research Initiative-Jill Moe, Program Manager, Jeb Beck (Wild Horse and Burro Center) and Ryan Lamb, from J.T. Basque Restaurant.
Also visited on the tour were the Paiute Tribe Museum, the Numana Paiute Tribal Fish hatchery, Nixon, NV., Lattin Farms in Fallon, NV, and the Frey Ranch Distillery, also in Fallon.
Pershing County farmers/ranchers identified a significant need for more knowledge about how to safely, and economically manage pests. Therefore, I developed a comprehensive pest management program that addressed local and statewide audiences.
Inputs/Outputs: This year, I organized, hosted and presented a four-hour pesticide CEU training session, for Pershing County pesticide applicators, with the collaboration of Nevada and National Extension Educators/Specialist. Also, 8 hours of CEU training was offered by statewide training through interactive video
Topics presented at the Pershing County training session were:
- Aphid Control – Steve Foster, UNCE Extension Educator.
- Control Strategies for Perennial Pepperweed– Brad Schultz, Extension Educator.
- Dodder Control – Harold Watters, Ohio State Extension, Agronomist.
- Rangeland Weed Management – Paul Meiman, Range Management Specialist.
The Radon Education Program is supported by Dixie McKay/Admin. Assistant. Radon information is available on the Extension Pershing County Facebook page, or fliers, coloring books, EPA’s Citizens Guide to Radon, CDC Household Radon fact sheet, and charts showing the lifetime risk of lung cancer death from Radon exposure in homes. Residents learn how to obtain a radon test kit, how to test, and how to mitigate the problem.
Local resident Colby Burke accepted the position as Pershing County’s 4-H Community Based Instructor III, in June of 2020, and since that time has grown the 4-H Program from fewer than 8 clubs to 18 clubs. Our clubs now include: Arts and Crafts, a Horse Club, Photography Club, Shooting Sports, Cooking, Sewing, Livestock Club, Community Club, Softball, the Show Skiing Club, Self Defense, Goat Club, Beef Club, Swine Club, Sheep Club, Rabbit Club, a Dog Club and Hot Air Balloon Club.
Colby has also started a 4-H Community Club in Imlay, Nevada.
FISCAL YEAR 2020 – 2021
$138,234 – Opening Balance
$91,653 – Revenue
$67,411 – Expenses
$162,476– Ending Balance
$67,411 – County
$53,051 – Federal
$67,922 – State
$39,445 – Sponsored Projects
$3,072 – Other
Foster, S.
Pershing County Annual Report, FY 2021,
Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report