- Floating aquatic plant that grows at water surface; often highly branched
- 1 submerged and 2 floating leaves whorled around stem at each node
- Floating leaves are oval, flat, 1-2.5 in. wide and covered with short hairs less than 0.12 in. long that are shaped like an egg-beater
- Submerged leaves are white to brown, fine, hair-like, up to 1 in. long and resemble roots
- No true flowers; some submerged leaves develop spores, but they are not viable
- No true roots, but submerged leaves act as roots
- Grows best in areas that do not experience extended periods of freezing temperatures; not known to occur in Nevada
- Perennial; reproduces by stem fragments; can form a mat over 1.5 ft. thick under favorable conditions
- Listed on the Federal Noxious Weed List
- Mechanical removal can be effective but must be done repeatedly; escaped stem fragments can form new plants
- Aquatic herbicides such as diquat and fluridone are effective
Blecker, L., Creech, E., Dick, J., Gephart, S., Hefner, M., Kratsch, H., Moe, A., Schultz, B.
Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide – Giant salvinia,
Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Field Guide