Effort designed to increase engagement with Nevada communities

Our College rolled out a new social media policy during a webinar Nov. 18, 2020 (view the recording). This new policy was developed to maximize the impact of our social channels and reduce issues related to copyright, accessibility and privacy.

Under the new policy, all but three Extension program pages (@UNRExtensionMasterGardeners, @LivingWithFire and @Nevada4H) are to be discontinued. The discontinued program pages will be merged with the page for the Extension county or state office that provides the program. Program page admins are encouraged to become admins on the county or state office page.

Below is a list of affected program pages, the office providing the program and the main or location page into which the program page will be merged. If you have any questions, please contact CABNRComms@unr.edu.


Program pages left to be merged into main and location pages

Last updated July 23, 2021

Program name/page to be merged Office providing the program Main or location page into which it will be merged
Clark County NV 4-H Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
E. Clark County 4H Program Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
Healthy Children, Healthy Homes Washoe County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Washoe)
High Fives for Health Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
Humboldt County 4-H Horse Program & Show Humboldt County UNRExtension (Humboldt)
Master Gardeners of Southern Nevada Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension Master Gardeners
Master Gardeners Tree Fruit Orchard Clark County - Las Vegas University of  Nevada, Reno Extension Master Gardeners
Nevada Risk Management Education Mineral County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Mineral)
Nevada State 4-H Ambassadors Nevada State 4-H University of Nevada, Reno Extension 4-H Youth Development
Nevada State 4-H Camp Nevada State 4-H University of Nevada, Reno Extension 4-H Youth Development
Pahrump Master Gardeners Nye County   University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Nye)
Partners in Parenting Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
Small Business Education Program Clark County - Las Vegas      University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark) 
So Nye County 4-H Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
UNRExtension Mineral County's Native Programs Mineral County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Mineral)
UNRExtension Washoe County's Nevadascapes Program Washoe County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Washoe)
UNRExtension Washoe County's Radon Education Program Washoe County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Washoe)
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Mineral County Mineral County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Mineral)
University of Nevada, Reno Extension Green Industry Programs Washoe County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Washoe)
University of Nevada, Reno Extension Grow Your Own, Nevada Program Washoe County University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Washoe)
Youth Horticulture Education Program Clark County - Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno Extension (Clark)
Andrews, A. 2020, Extension streamlines social media landscape, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

Learn more about the author(s)


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