Program template tips and tricks

  • Write your copy before you attempt the template.

  • Use the recommended font size (see sizes in the process below).

  • Partner logos can be included but should be placed underneath the bar with contact information.

  • You may use your wordmark identifier in the provided space, but you should not use program logos.

    • The program wordmark space is available to them to name their program.

    • Exceptions include Master Gardeners and Radon, which are allowed to use the University-approved identifiers.

  • Workflow - Create two versions: one for print, one for digital

  • The easiest way to edit: (detailed below)

    • Edit in Word

    • Convert to PDF (if you do not convert to PDF, it will not be accessible as a digital document).

  • Remediate it:

    • check read order, which is typically the only thing you need to do at that point if you have followed the best practices for Word

    • check alt text


Process for using templates

  1. Select Word version of the desired template

  2. Make edits to copy and images on the Word version

    1. The templates are built following accessibility, using “styles.”

    2. Recommended font sizes and styles – They may need to be slightly smaller or larger depending on text length.

    3. Images

      1. Select relevant images to your program/event (ensure we own the photos or have written permission so we do not violate copyright laws)

        1. Guidance on obtaining Copyright permission

      2. Add alt text to your image

    4. Event Template

      1. Headline: Myriad Pro Bold 38 pt.

      2. Location: Myriad Pro Semibold 12 pt.

      3. Event description: Myriad Pro 9 pt.

      4. Contact information (in the bar below event details): Myriad Pro 9 pt.

      5. EEO/AA Institution: Myriad Pro 6 pt.

        1. If space is needed, you can remove the full paragraph copy and leave “An EEO/AA Institution” to be compliant.

      6. Dates and times

        1. Heading: Myriad Pro Bold 9 pt.

        2. Copy: Myriad Pro Bold 8 pt.

    5. Program Template

      1. Titles: Myriad Pro Bold 12 pt. (minimum)

      2. Copy: Myriad Pro 9 pt.

      3. EEO/AA Institution: Myriad Pro 6 pt.

        1. If space is needed, you can remove the full paragraph copy and leave “An EEO/AA Institution” to be compliant.

    6. Class Agenda

      1. Headline: Myriad Pro Bold 22 p.t

      2. Date and time: Myriad Pro Semibold 18 pt.

      3. Class outline: Myriad Pro 14 pt.

      4. Presenters: Myriad Pro Bold 18 pt.

      5. Links/Resources

        1. Title: Myriad Pro Bold 18 pt.

        2. Copy: Myriad Pro 14 pt.           

      6. EEO/AA Institution: Myriad Pro 6 pt.

        1. If space is needed, you can remove the full paragraph copy and leave “An EEO/AA Institution” to be compliant.       

  3. Once you have made all of your edits, convert to PDF to make the document fully accessible. Leaving it in Word will not be accessible because of the placement of the images.

  4. After converting to a PDF, you will have to run the accessibility checker, and check that items have been labeled correctly and complete a manual check on the reading order.

  5. You should create a print version and a digital version to be used accordingly.

    1. The print version should include URLs and email addresses written out.

    2. Digital versions should include hyperlinks for call to actions, URLs and emails.

      1. Note: Hyperlinks should be descriptive and unique. So you should not say “Register here” but rather “Register for Class XYZ.”

    3. Label the end of the file to indicate which version it is.

      1. Example: Marketing_Template_digital or  Marketing_Template_print

Malloy, Molly 2021, Flyer Templates for Extension Programs: Tips and Tricks, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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