The meeting was called to order by President, Rich Knight at 9:31 a.m. PST. There was a quorum present. Those present in person and via interactive video were:

  • Joann Elston-UNR Presidential Appointee Representative
  • Heather Dye-UNR Presidential Appointee Representative
  • Melinda Sarman-Farm Bureau Representative
  • Luetta Mann UNCE 4-H Professional Representative
  • Rich Knight-4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Barbara Byington- 4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Anna Fagundes-4-H Volunteer Representative
  • Sarah Chvilicek-UNCE 4-H Professional Representative
  • Will Douglas-UNCE 4-H Professional Representative

Ex-Official Members

  •          Carrie Stark, UNCE State 4-H Director
  •          Kenny Haack-Damon-UNCE 4-H Camp Educational Coordinator
  •          Spencer Ray-UNCE 4-H Camp Facilities Manager
  •          Ivory W. Lyles, UNCE Extension Director

Public Comment

No public comment

Review and Approval of Agenda

Sarah Chvilicek moved to approve the minutes with changes and Joann Elston seconded the motion. Motion passed

Review and approval of July, 2019 meeting minutes

Minutes were emailed out to everyone prior to the meeting. The following changes were made:  the date was changed to July 17, 2019.   Additional guest were present and added to the minutes.  Those were Kristina Sarman and Mitch Klaich from the UNR Foundation.  Joann Elston moved to approve the minutes. Barbara Byington seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Camp Financial Update

A financial statement was passed around that showed income and expenses from July 1, 2019 to November 14, 2019. Sarah Chvilicek moved to accept and file the financial report.  Barbara Byington seconded the motion and motion passed.

Camp Facility Update

Spencer Ray gave an update on the facilities. Brett Randle, the assistant manager quit in September.  The camp has hired a temporary maintenance worker/assistant manager and have posted the position.  Hope to have someone in place by December. The camp has added over 2 weeks of camper nights for next summer which is a 43% increase from 2016.  Currently, Spencer and Carrie are working on the kitchen staffing/dining services.  They are looking at alternatives to hiring a cook and kitchen staff.  Heather was out all summer last year and isn’t expected to return this coming year.  We currently don’t have dining services and hired some catering companies to fill in for the last of the camps this fall.  Spencer is also looking at hiring a cleaning service to come in and clean the common areas of the camp in between the different camps. The reason for this is because Spencer and the assistant manager spend all their time re-cleaning because youth do an okay job but not good enough.

Camp Programming Update

Kenny attending all three of the 4-H Camps this past summer and observed those camps.  He participated in the teen counselor and adult chaperone trainings for each of those three area camps.  A Camp Educational Master Plan was developed and approved by UNR Extension Administration. 

A brief synopsis of the new plan for camping programs is:

There will not be Area Camps anymore but the camps be coordinated from the State 4-H Office. There will be 5 different camps (one teen camp, three 9-12 age group camps, one 12-14 age group camp). The state is taking care of training and registration. Campers have the option of where they want to go and not every camp is going to be the same. Each county will still be responsible for providing adult chaperones but teen counselors will apply through the State 4-H Office.  A steering committee for camp is being formed with staff, volunteers, and youth.  Kenny is still working on putting together school-based environmental/leadership camping opportunities.

Joann Elston took over as chair at 9:51 a.m.

4-H Camp Facility Master Plan Update

Dr. Lyle has a meeting with Provost’s Office to present the master plan and get approval to move forward or not. After this meeting, there will be clearer understanding of what the next steps are for fundraising.  Carrie will be working with Mitch Klaich, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources Development Officer to determine the plan for fundraising.

Announcements and other business

Carrie announced that the Friends and Family Picnic will be on May 2, 2020.  The planning committee will be meeting in January to determine the details.

4-H camp was on the cover of the Silver & Blue magazine, which is the University magazine. There is a great article about Cooperative Extension and the State 4-H Camp is mentioned in that article.

Public Comment:

Luetta asked that the Elko meeting be scheduled at Great Basin College.

Melinda asked for a final cost to complete the master plan at the 4-H Camp.  Both Carrie and Dr. Lyles mentioned that it was just received last week and that it would be sent to the Camp Advisory Council members.  As a reminder-all improvements will be done by private fundraising so it might not be done in the order or phases that are in the master plan depending on what funders want to support.

Melinda mentioned a letter that was received about the bathrooms not being in compliance and asked for a copy of this letter to be sent to the board members. Carrie had not heard of any such letter and Spencer had to step away from the call. At the time of the meeting, there was not such a letter to send to anyone.

Sarah asked about the Tahoe Beach Club foundations that had been flooded.  Are those foundations still flooded?  Kenny answered because Spencer had to step away. It isn’t known if there is still flooding but we have heard that the Beach Club has changed plans and they are not going to put Condos in those locations because of the issues with the ground water but will be putting in single story homes.

Set date of next meeting

Next meeting is January 21, 2020 at 9:00 am via Interactive Video and Zoom.


Sarah Chvilicek moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

Mendibles, T 2019, Nevada State 4-H Camp Advisory Council - approved meeting minutes November 18, 2019, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

If you need more information.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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