Program Impacts 


  • Agriculture education program had at least 650 student contacts.
  • Soil Health Workshops reaching approximately 75 Nevada stakeholders. Producers indicated they would incorporate some of the material in their business and majority requested additional educational events and materials. NvACD agreed to support a soil health educational team with NRCS, CABNR and Extension. Invited to speak at 2020 Small Farm Conference regarding soil health.
  • Invited by producer to assist in implementing a whole farm soil health program, cover crop recommendations, and long term evaluation of soil health practices in conjunction with NRCS
  • state soil scientist and field staff.
  • Assisted UNR Dean Payne in establishing the Great Basin Research and Extension Center based in Diamond Valley, Eureka County, NV. 
  • GBREC will address the related agricultural and natural-resource issues of sustainable grazing management of dryland rangelands, livestock, crop production under water-limited environments, and alternative water and irrigation strategies for crop production. Extension programming and additional projects will address the needs of the community. 
  • Purchased Rafter 7 Merino sheep herd to continue local and US sheep producers procure high-quality wool and rangeland genetics.

Rangeland Resources

Eureka county's economic base is almost entirely dependent upon the use of natural resources most of which originate on public lands. Proactive resource management through a holistic or ecologically-based approach integrated with social and economic goals offers the most direct and efficient means of addressing the priority concerns of the county.

  • Completed the Resource Needs Assessment process in seven CD's to help CDs increase their role as leaders of locally-led conservation in Nevada. Accomplishments for the 2019 year includes the following:
    a) Engaged with seven Conservation Districts and their contractors to complete RNA's in 2019. Eureka County is one of the seven.
    b) Continued development and delivery of RNA online survey instrument in seven CD's in collaboration with UNR/UNCE Department of Agricultural Economics to determine stakeholder conservation needs and priorities.
  • Co-organizer of Free Roaming Equid and Economic Sustainability Summit to develop stakeholder-based processes to better manage free-roaming equids (wild horses and burros) in concert with other public lands multiple-uses to achieve western rangeland ecosystem sustainability. This fostered a "non-political" grassroots movement now known as the FREES Network which continues to increase collaboration and improve scientific knowledge of horses and rangelands. The WHB issue is potentially one of the greatest threats to healthy rangelands in Eureka County, NV and the west.
    a) Facilitated FREES Rangeland and Habitat Workgroup developing 3 presentations for Cody WY 2020 Summit and continued as an organizer for the Cody WY Summit
    b) Invited by Congressman Stewart to provide workshop in D.C. to congressional staffers regarding Wild Horse and Burro management and potential solutions and what Congress could do to help resolve this issue. This effort played a direct role in increasing congressional Budget to BLM increase for WHB management from 6 million to $21 million.


  • Hired a part-time 4-H program assistant to improve programming in the rural communities.
  • The Eureka County 4-H Program included 25 traditional 4-H clubs, 25 volunteer leaders and 243 traditional club members. 4-H youth exhibited 162 projects in FY 2019-2020. Four volunteers left due to the Covid-19 induced shut down, and 12 clubs finished their project year due to various restrictions on indoor meetings. 
  • Moved club programming to virtual platforms during the shutdown – March onward. 
  • Updating and revamping the entire Eureka county 4H program to reflect current statewide goals and activities in Nevada.
  • Planning and fundraising to support the 4H show and market animal sale and expand 4H activities, projects and participation.
  • The Eureka County 4-H Program included 15 craft project youth, 10 Cowboy poetry project youth, 26 livestock project youth, and 8 sewing project youth.  Covid shutdown affected the 4-H livestock show as a live event, however youth were able to sell market animals via remote auction during the Eureka Fair.
  • Continued to work with volunteers and committees to provide accurate information on changing guidelines and requirements during Covid-19 to facilitate continued 4-H programming and events. 

Support for other Extension and Community Programs

  • Supported Eureka “Shop Local Live Local” program providing secretarial, graphics, and logistical support
  • Instructed Range Camp Students (25) on the Sagebrush Rangelands Curriculum.
  • The Extension Office hosted two Pesticide Applicator licensing workshops. 
  • Assisted in set-up and conduction of the FFA Range Judging Contest in Lund, NV
  • Organized NvACD annual meeting and provided soil health presenters and presentations 
  • Co-organizer of Conservation District Needs Assessment survey in 7 counties
  • Provided input into Results Oriented Grazing projects in three counties
  • Constructed a 120’x30’ hoop house to be used as a lambing shed for Rafter 7 sheep and demonstration of affordable lambing infrastructure for NV sheep producers. 
  • Serve on Eureka Natural Resources Advisory Committee
  • Serve on the Eureka Conservation District as a Supervisor
  • Serve on the Nevada Association of Conservation Districts Board as 1st Vice President
  • Serve on the Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition Board
  • Provided Peer review for  two Extension Fact Sheets and two search committees: UNR Water Management Specialist position and Lander County Extension Educator

Scholarship and Research Related to Extension Programming in Eureka County

M. Orr, and G. McCuin. "Locally Led Conservation for Nevada; Conservation Districts at Work." The Progressive Rancher. March Issue 2, pgs.14-15 (March 2019)
Schultz, B., B. L. Perryman, S. Swanson, G. McCuin, D. Voth, P. Novak-Echenique and P.T. Tueller. Ranchers' Monitoring Guide. UNCE Special Publication. 81 p. (Peer review completed, comments incorporated and submitted to Area Director on December 10, 2019 for final approval). 
G. McCuin. "The Importance and Value of Soil Health to Nevada Producers." presentation at NvACD annual meeting. 11/22/19
G. McCuin. "A Public Private Partnership." Invited presentation to Congressional Staff by Congressman Chris Stewart. 11 /28/19

G. McCuin. "A Public Private Partnership." presentation to BLM Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. 11/31/19.

Fiscal Summary 

County Funds Summary

Opening Balance: $960,814 
Revenue: $133,427 
Expenses: $240,648 
Ending Balance: $853,593 
Grants: $8,281
State: $23,647
Federal: $43,334
County: $133,427

McCuin, G. 2020, Eureka County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports FYI 2020

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Eureka Opera House in Eureka, NV
Eureka County Housing Infographic Set
This housing assessment offers an overview with four infographic fact sheets including Demographic and Economic Characteristics, Housing Supply, Housing Demand and Housing Affordability Analysis.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, A. Martinez, R. Visuett 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Eureka Opera House
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) to Nevada Counties in 2021: Eureka County
This fact sheet outlines the procedures for calculating the level of federal payment from the Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program.
T.R. Harris, R. Chicola 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-23-04
Eureka Opera House
Community Assets for Eureka County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and...
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-03
Eureka Historic Museum
Results from the Community Asset Survey: Eureka County
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and...
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Publication
Eureka Opera House
Eureka County Cultural Overview
A quick look at Eureka's demographics, history, geography, and culture.
D. Zapata 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno