Storey County Food Lovers 4-H Club. Foods and nutrition are the focus of this 4-H Club having 17 elementary and middle school youth members. They participated in 7 meetings led by their 4-H leader/trainer and 3 Storey County Sr. Center assistants. 4-H’ers learned basics of a professional kitchen; kitchen safety; how to buy, eat more vegetables and prepare them by different cooking methods; making breads with a variety of grains; and using both meat and other sources as protein sources. 4-H’ers formed teams to complete cooking lessons with an emphasis on enhancing leadership and decision making skills. The support and partnership of Virginia City Senior Center, its director and members are central to the success of this 4-H afterschool cooking club.


Storey County Imagineers 4-H STEM Club. Led by two 4-H leader/trainers, the club’s members decided to focus on two STEM challenges. The 11 elementary and middle school youth accepted the challenge to build a 3-D printer with the ultimate goal to create a hoverboard. Use of the Virginia City Conference Center made available to them by Virginia City leaders set the stage for their increased skills and team work.


The Comstock Hot Shots 4-H Club offers all seven disciplines in Nevada’s 4-H Shooting Sports program that includes air pistol, air rifle, 22 rifle, muzzle loader, shotgun, archery and hunting projects. Led by five active volunteer leaders, 14 youth members and their families hosted, assisted and/or participated in 15 range shoots and 4-H Shooting Sports safety trainings, NV 4-H Shooting Sports Leader trainings and the Nevada State 4-H Expo. While pandemic policies dictated a hiatus of hosting shoots and club meetings, outdoor meetings were again held starting September, 2020.following NV COVID safety policies.

Storey County 4-H Shooting Sports leaders successfully contacted more than 480 4-H and youth community members throughout the year. Rich and Tamara Knight taught and certified a number of State 4-H Shooting Sports Level 1 leaders during 3-day trainings throughout the state during the 2019-2020 4-H year. Well over 100 youth contacts were made at other events within both Storey county and Nevada’s Western Area throughout the year. Three Comstock Hot Shots 4-H members medaled in 4-H Shooting Sport in Winnemucca at the State 4-H Expo. The success of the club would not have been possible without the leadership of volunteers Rich and Tamara Knight, both nationally recognized, certified volunteer leaders. The support provided by Storey County’s Jeep Posse and the Storey County Senior Center combined with NRA and USA Midway Foundation grants ensure the quality of the 4-H education, equipment, facilities and resources provided.


Eating healthy and being active are the focus of the food, nutrition and exercise programs offered by Extension in Storey County. Stay Strong Stay Healthy (SSSH) was a popular offering that built strength and improved balance. Research findings indicated SSSH participants improved their lower body strength by 66.7%, increased balance and agility by 88.9% and improved progressive balance by 77.8% over the program’s 16 sessions. Overall, 88.9 % met the national guidelines for strength and flexibility, 100% reported having increased knowledge of strength training, 66.7% felt confident to continue exercising on their own and 100% of respondents ex-pressed willingness to take another course by the instructor.


$27,500 Revenue
$22,280 Expenditures
$5,220 Balance

Taylor, L. K. 2020, Storey County Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Reports FYI 2020

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Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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