2018-19 Storey City Extension Stakeholder Report

University of Nevada, Reno Extension is the University – Storey County partnership that puts university research to work in our Storey County community and rural settings; on public rangelands; in schools; on family farms and ranches; and in our homes, workplaces and public community centers.  Extension assists the County and its citizens in a variety of 4-H youth development endeavors, community engagement training, providing best management practices to protect our precious natural resources, offering educational programming for improved health and nutrition, assisting agricultural producers in farm and range management. In 2019, significant 4-H program activities in the county focused on preparing our youth with life skills for use in their future career, community, and family activities. In addition, senior adult nutrition, fall prevention and consumer focused courses were provided in Virginia City, VC Highlands (272 contacts) and are targeted for Lockwood and Mark Twain to be added into the rotation in 2020. 

4-H Youth Development Extension 

Sandra Wallin led our 4-H/Youth Development Program in Storey County and was assisted by Jim Barcellos (4-H STEM Instructor). They support 12 certified and trained volunteer leaders who provide direct leadership for the Storey County 4-H program through four 4-H clubs: The Comstock Hot Shots, Storey County Cook Lovers, Silver Bricks, and Imagineers, formerly Crushing Bricks. 

Comstock Hot Shots 4-H Club (4-H Shooting Sports – 7 disciplines, includes all equipment) Seven active leaders, 15 youth members and many family members hosted and/or participated in double the number (30) of range shoots & shooting skills safety trainings as well as Wild Sheep Foundation outreach, Western Area 4-H Camp, Carson City Fair, Childrens’ Day at Miners, State 4-H Shooting Sports Leader training, Nevada Outdoor Expo, State 4-H Expo and Mason Ortiz Youth Outdoor Experience. 

Club members continue to represent and outreach for Storey County 4-H Shooting Sports including promoting their program through use of their Storey County 4-H Shooting Sports trailer throughout Western Nevada and at local events in Storey County. 

Rich Knight, primary leader for Comstock Hot Shots, continues to be a driving force for 4-H Shooting Sports in Nevada.  He serves on the NV 4-H Camp Advisory Board, the State 4-H Shooting Sports Advisory Committee and is a 4-H Shooting Sports Level 2 trainer/leader for Rifle, Archery, Shotgun and Hunting and is a Nevada state 4-H Shooting Sports Level 1 leader in all 7 disciplines. He partners with Virginia City Senior Center for classroom training on safety firearm handling and Storey County Jeep Posse for use of Ice House Range for youth shoots, both integral to the success of this project area. Tamara, Rich’s wife, is also a state Level 1 and National Level 2 4-H Shooting Sports Leader/trainer. They generously share their motorhome for lunch breaks and bathroom facilities while at the Ice House Range.  Rich continues to apply for and receive NRA Foundation grants for purchase and upkeep of new equipment and an USA Midway Foundation grants for ammunition purchases. A winner of many state and local awards, Rich and Tamara exemplify making the best better for our 4-H youth. 

Storey County 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders successfully contacted more than 770 4-H and youth community members throughout the year.  They made over 349 youth contacts at two 4-H Camp events and hundreds of  youth and family contacts at area fairs and well over 100 youth contacts at other events within both Storey County and the western area. Comstock Hot Shots member Case Utter received a Gold Medal in the air rifle, Braelynn Hudson won Gold in archery, Bronze in air rifle and Silver in air pistol; and Dakota Pittsley  earned Silver in Muzzleloader and Bronze in air rifle at the State 4-H Shoot Sports Match in Winnemucca, Nevada at the 2019 State 4-H Expo.  Recognition to all members and their leaders was given at the 4-H Awards Night event held in November. 

Storey County Cook Lovers (4-H Foods and Nutrition) - Eight youth members participated in 14 educational meetings/cooking classes led by 2 volunteer leaders.  Cooking fun and history were experienced during hands-on lessons each week. Members learned to read recipes, measure ingredients and create an edible food item to take home and share with their families. They gained proper commercial kitchen safety, etiquette and clean up as well as related nutrition knowledge.   The support and partnership with the Virginia City Senior Center, its director and members are central to the success of this 4-H afterschool cooking club. 

Silver Bricks (4-H Robotics and First Lego League (FLL) Club, Virginia City Middle School) – One leader with 2 parent helpers assisted 5 youth members participated in 35 meetings/workshops/presentations, 2 competition events and 2 community events.  These members continued to work on its’ team orientation and strengthen member problem solving and teamwork skills. Although winning was not abundant at competitions, Storey County 4-H’ers learned from their mistakes and received the Judges Award at their final completion for their presentation. Club members already developed a plan for their upcoming 2019-20 4-H year. Roasting House generously supplied space for the club’s meetings and workshops. As space became more of a challenge, the club reached out to Virginia City leaders who allowed their use of the Conference Center. 

Crushing Bricks (4-H Robotics and FLL Club, Hugh Gallagher Elementary School) – Two leaders led 6 youth members who met every Friday afternoon when school was in session ending with their last meeting 6/1/19.  The club won the Northern Nevada FLL Championship, and participated in the Qualifier competition for the region.  The 4-H’ers made a successful robot and completed 4 missions. Most important they learned how to be a team.  They reached out to Virginia City leader who allowed their use of the Conference Center, which set the stage for their gaining skills and abilities to be so successful during the year. 

Taylor, L. 2019, Storey County Extension Annual Report | July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, County Report FY 2019

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