In 2016 the Desert Farming Initiative was awarded $28,223 from the Nevada Department of Agriculture, Specialty Crop Block Grant program for a project proposal tilted “Winter Field Lettuce Production”. The concept of the project was to investigate if lettuce could be produced in the field and harvested throughout the winter season. Prior to the project trials, DFI has grown leaf lettuce in hoop houses during the winter season with relative success. Hoop houses come with a relatively large financial investment for small farms, with annual overhead expenditures for repair and maintenance, especially in Northern Nevada where winter storms bring snow and high wind, and high winds in the summer. The project goal was to find out if there was potential to harvest a quality lettuce crop during the winter months grown outside in field conditions with the use of row cover (not in a hoop house). This article provides the results of the project along with recommendations for farmers who might be interested in producing lettuce commercially during the winter months in cold climates similar to Norther Nevada. In addition, the information in this article can be applied in the home garden.
Throughout this article, you will read the term “field conditions” and “hoop houses”. We want to make sure these growing locations are well defined. Field conditions refer to a crop grown outside, fully exposed to climatic elements, such as wind, rain, sun, and temperatures. Hoop houses refer to a crop grown in a greenhouse “like” structure, where the crop is protected from outside climatic elements. Temperatures in a hoop house can be somewhat controlled by opening up the sides of the house, and sun radiation can be somewhat controlled by reducing sunlight transmittance with increased opaqueness of the house plastic covering, and or shade cloth. Humidity is often much greater in a hoop house, and crops are protected from wind desiccation. Hoop houses are often farmed by hand and it is common to have outside soil brought into to amend the beds. However, many hoop houses are constructed over the same soil farmed in the field conditions.
Quick Facts about Lettuce
Lettuce has been documented as one of the first domesticated crops brought to the United States from European colonialization (AG MRC, 2019). Lettuce is known to be a cool-season crop and it can be grown in a wide range of climates and soil types across the world. There are many varieties of lettuce, and they are categorized into “head lettuce” and “leaf lettuce”. The term Head lettuce applies to lettuce varieties grown and harvested as a full condensed head, like iceberg or romaine. Leaf lettuce is lettuce harvested as a loose-leaf product, or as a “baby leaf”. The majority of commercial lettuce production in the United States (over 90%) is grown in California and Arizona. Of the two states, there are three prominent regions where lettuce is produced; Salinas Valley, CA from April – October; Imperial Valley, CA from November through March; and Yuma, Arizona from August – March. The Salinas Valley of California is cool in the summertime, perfect for lettuce and other leafy greens, and the Imperial Valley and Yuma are very dry and hot desert climates in the summer, and have cool to mild temperatures during the winter, also ideal for lettuce. In the Imperial Valley and Yuma, lettuce is grown for harvest in late fall, winter, and early spring. It may strike some readers to be strange that lettuce is produced in the desert, however for example, Yuma sits on the flood plains of the Colorado River, is relatively low in latitude so has sufficient winter daylight, average daily minimum winter temperatures of 40°F, and has very little winter precipitation, allowing the farmer to effectively control the moisture regime of the fields (University of Arizona, 2001).
Although lettuce is a cool-season crop, most varieties cannot maintain quality through freezing temperatures, this is why winter lettuce production is prominent in regions that do not experience much winter frost. A hard frost will destroy leaf tissue (UCANR, 2013). Decay will occur and often result in the product being non-sellable. Most lettuce plants will survive below-freezing temperatures, but will not be suitable for commercial sale. Average low winter temperatures in the Reno area range in the low 20’s, with low temperatures often reaching single digits. Successfully producing lettuce for commercial sale under field conditions during the winter in Northern Nevada climates is uncommon and unknown. At the Desert Farming Initiative, we trial many vegetable varieties and experiment with the timing and successional plantings of many varieties to investigate the full growing season potential. Trialing the production of winter grown lettuce has been one of our greatest horticultural challenges.
Winter Field Lettuce Trials at the Desert Farming Initiative
The first trial conducted at DFI was in the winter of 2015/2016 as a preliminary trial to see if there was potential to produce a quality lettuce crop grown in field with the use of row cover. Green and red oak leaf lettuce was direct seeded in mid-November and the first harvest occurred in mid-January with somewhat decent quality. The picture to the right illustrates the lettuce bed without row cover did not sufficiently germinate and the lettuce bed with row cover had relatively good growth. This simple trial was the catalyst for DFI to look further into producing lettuce in the field during winter. Yield data was not recorded in this winter. DFI was unable to effectively farm during the winters of 2016/2017, and 2017/2018, therefore the bulk of the information that follows is from trials conducted in winter 2018/19, and fall planting 2019 for winter harvest 2019/2020. The Desert Farming Initiative emphasizes organic and regenerative farming practices, and all lettuce trials were farmed using these farming principles. All pesticides, soil amendments, and fertilizers used in the trials at DFI are certified organic or OMRI approved.
Description and outcomes of Trials – Winter 2018/19
In fall 2018 Green and Red Salad Bowl seed (oakleaf varieties) from Johnny’s Select Seed was direct seeded in the field into raised beds with and without the use of row cover, and was direct seeded in three hoop houses at the same location with similar seeding dates. Data collection consisted of; days to germination, days to harvest, harvest yield and photo monitoring. All beds in the trials described below were seeded with a push behind precision seeder and all beds were amended with compost and cotton seed meal. In the field locations, germination was established with drip irrigation. Fall rains came in late October 2018 with an above average winter precipitation, therefore irrigation was not required after initial seed germination. Lettuce production in the hoop houses had the same soil amendments and were irrigated with drip every 2-3 weeks after seed germination. To identify each trial more simply we will refer to each trial as Trial A, B, and C.
- Trial A - Johnny’s Select Seed, Green Salad Bowl mix was directed seeded October 19, 2018 and October 30, 2019. For each seeding date (Oct 19th and 30th), one row was grown without row cover as a control and one row was grown with hooped agribon-30 row cover (view photo). Therefore, two replicated trials were seeded on different days. Each bed was 60 ft x 2 ft, a total of 120 sq ft per bed.
- Germination of October 19th seeding – The covered row germinated with a normal germination rate on October 26th, and the uncovered row germinated Nov 3rd with spotty germination, and bed coverage of about 60%.
- Germination of October 30th seeding – The covered row germinated at a rate of about 75% on November 6th, and the uncovered row had a germination date of Nov 14th, with less than a 25% germination rate.
- Both the covered and uncovered row seeded on October 30th were never harvested due to no harvestable crop - very poor quality of greens from frost damage and excessive weed growth of grass species during the winter that rendered a weed management task that was not economical.
- The October 19th seeding with row cover had one harvest cut on January 25th, 2019, 98 days after harvest, of 2.75 lbs. The quality was questionable for wholesale, so it was sold at a farmer’s market where customers are more accepting of #2 grade produce. The uncovered row was never harvested due to poor quality, even for a farmer’s market. The harvest of the covered row was insufficient and was considered a failed crop.
- From Location A, there was no appreciable harvest that resulted in a profit.
- Row cover management was an issue due to many snow events, as seen in the pictures below. Many snow events occurred after the first harvest. The covered rows were so inundated by snow they collapsed in areas and the cover did not make much a difference to protect the lettuce from freezing conditions.
- Trial B - Johnny’s Select Seed, Green and Red Salad Bowl mix was directed seeded October 16th with a push behind precision seeder. Two beds were seeded in this location (view photo, right) and each bed had floating agribon-30 row cover installed (no hoops). Each bed was 60 ft x 2 ft, a total of 120 sq ft per bed. Germination rate was above 75% for both beds, which is sufficient (view picture, Jan22,2019). This location experienced the same snow conditions as Trial A, and the lettuce never grew to sufficient size during winter for a harvest. Therefore, there is no harvest data for this crop and has been recorded as a failed crop. In addition, the product was overgrown by weeds and severely frost damaged. The picture below was taken January 22nd, 2019, 98 days after seeding. It was found that the floating row cover did not provide the warming and greenhouse effect that row cover can provided when hooped, in comparison to Location A.
- Trial C: Hoop Houses - Johnny’s’ Selected Seed, Green and Red Salad Bowl spring mix was seeded in one hoop house to compare against the field lettuce trials, and a second hoop house was seeded with Johnny’s All Star Gourmet mix (oakleaf, green and red romaine, lolla rossa, and red leaf lettuces) to compare to the salad bowl varieties. The seeding dates were October 17th for salad bowl and November 8th for the All Star mix. The salad bowl mix was seeded in two- 110 ft x 2 ft beds (440 sq ft), and the All Star mix was seeded in three – 90 ft x 2 ft beds (540 sq ft). Field observations were made and harvest data is provided. All lettuce in the hoop houses became infected with botrytis crown rot, a fungal disease, and common pest to lettuce in many climates. The salad bowl mixes were much more susceptible to botrytis then the All Star Mix. Multiple applications of fungicides were applied including the use of GreenCure (potassium bicarbonate) and Serenade ASO (QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtilis). One good harvest was achieved from the Salad Bowl mix before major infection, and the All Star mix had a somewhat decent yield before the infection become too prevalent. Botrytis has been an issue in DFI hoop houses in the past.
- Harvest data – An average producing bed of spring mix can be cut 2-3 times in late spring and early summer at DFI, with an average yield of 30-40 lbs per 100 ft of bed length, or 0.33 – 0.40 lbs per bed foot, in our 2-foot-wide beds. The Salad Bowl mix seeded October 17th had two harvests starting from January to March 2019, for a total of 7.5 lbs, which equals less than 0.10 lb per bed foot. The All Star mix had multiple harvests which started in early February with a final harvest in April 2019, for a total of 144 lbs, which equals 0.50 lbs per bed foot. The All Star mix was also damaged by botrytis, however the infection was spotty and did not terminate the entire crop from harvest.
Discussion of Hoop House harvest and production – Although this project focus was to evaluate field production of lettuce throughout the winter, there was some valuable information gained about winter lettuce production in hoop houses. Variety selection for the winter lettuce production is very important for the NV climate, in particular the high desert climates that get very cold and receive snow. Although many other NV farms may not ever experience botrytis infection in lettuce, there is great potential for this fungal disease to cause significant crop damage, especially in hoop houses where humidity levels are very high in winter. For each lettuce seed mix, the first harvest occurred approximately 90 days after seeding. Both the Salad Bowl and All Star mix are indicated by Johnny’s to reach maturity for harvest in 26-28 days for a baby loose leaf cut. Therefore, it took almost 3 times longer to reach harvest maturity in this winter production trial. The All Star mix out preformed the Salad Bowl mix by a large margin. The Salad Bowl yields were insufficient and the trial is considered a crop failure. The All Star Mix produced an economically sustainable yield and may have produced even more yield if we were able to control the botrytis further. However, more management of fungicide applications would be required, increasing material and labor costs and hoop space that could be utilized for another crop.
Description of Winter Trials 2019
In 2019 we decided to discontinue our loose leaf lettuce products (all spring mix) due to the labor intensity involved in managing the crop, and post-harvest cleaning labor and packaging requirements. Spring mix is a high value crop and is in great demand in most areas of the U.S, and very lucrative for many farms that focus on leafy greens. We are not suggesting that it is a bad decision to produce loose leaf lettuce, however at DFI we produced 83 varieties of vegetables, herbs, and fruit in 2019 growing season and found that managing head lettuce was much easier and economical in our operation. Producing a head of romaine lettuce takes on average 50-60 days to maturity from the time of seeding in optimal temperatures, therefore we expect late fall and winter harvested romaine to take longer. In summer 2019 we had great success with producing romaine head lettuce, in particular a variety called Parris Island. In fall 2019 we transplanted Romaine-Parris Island lettuce in two hoop houses and in the field with the use of hooped row cover. All transplants were grown in 72 cell flat trays in the DFI greenhouse and took about 5 weeks from time of seeding to reach an ideal size for transplanting. All transplanting in the field is conducted by hand.
We transplanted the first succession in a hoop house Sept 18th, with expectations for a harvest around mid-October (30 days after transplanting). The first frost date came in the third week of September and below freezing temperatures persisted into October, with temperatures dipping below 20°F in mid-October, 2019. When outside temperatures persist below freezing for many hours through the night, the temperatures in the hoop house generally equalize to the outside temperatures. Hoop houses do not retain heat well throughout the night. Therefore, this succession of lettuce was also covered with row cover in the hoop house to prevent frost damage. The below 20°F temperatures in mid-October caused damage to 90% of the head lettuce. Primarily, the mid vein tissue was severely damaged and “blistered” (view photo below). The product quality became too poor for wholesale, however we were able to harvest and sell about 90% of the heads in our CSA program and UNR campus farm stand from Nov 1st – Nov 8th. A Romaine lettuce head should “close up” and produce a “heart” for an ideal harvest. We were able to reach this harvest stage at 80-87 days after seeding in the greenhouse, which is 27-37 days longer than normal maturation for harvesting romaine head lettuce. Lastly, in late October aphids began infesting the lettuce. Aphid pressure is aggressive in head lettuce in our region, both in spring and fall. No pesticides were sprayed as a preventive or knock down because the economic threshold of crop loss was not determined to be reached. The aphids were washed off during the post-harvest spray wash, leaving them free from aphids or aphid residues.
The second succession of Romaine lettuce was transplanted on October 11th in two locations: inside a hoop house with hooped row cover, and outside in field conditions with hooped row cover. At the time of writing this article, we do not have conclusive results on this succession of the trial. After one month of transplanting, both locations have grown very little and have had to withstand below freezing nighttime temperatures almost every day. The field lettuce has some distortion to the leaves, and we anticipate a failed crop. The hoop house location has potential to be harvested, but we anticipate much aphid pressure and a harvest sometime in February. It has been hypothesized by us that lettuce will not grow well if planted after September in our climate as a result of below freezing lows and less than 11 hours of daylight. As documented above, Romaine lettuce that was transplanted on September 18th reach maturity in early November, which is still within the Fall season, although low Fall temperatures in our climate are similar to winter temperatures for many climates. This trial was conducted with a late fall planting with a prediction that harvest should happen within a winter month. We plan to update this article with results from the October plantings. So far, our success with cool season lettuce production is having the lettuce harvested by mid-Fall.
Discussion and Summary of Winter Lettuce Production Trials
Growing lettuce for winter harvest and or producing lettuce throughout the winter season for spring harvest in Northern Nevada comes with many challenges for commercial production. In conclusion to our trials and experience growing lettuce through the winter, we do not recommend field production of lettuce throughout the winter for commercial sale in the Northern Nevada Climates. There are markets and opportunities to produce lettuce hydroponically, in a heated greenhouse or heated hoop house with success. Producing lettuce in a non-heat hoop house (like the ones at DFI) through the winter may be hit or miss depending on the low temperature extremes. Extreme nighttime lows will damage lettuce grown in hoop houses. Humidity levels will also likely be high in a hoop house throughout winter which may promote fungal disease such as botrytis crown rot. Insect pressure is greater in hoop houses earlier in spring and often begin in late winter, therefore more pest management should be expected. Managing a lettuce crop clean of disease or pest, especially organically, may require an intensive pesticide application program, if produce lettuce for commercial sale. We do encourage home gardeners to have fun with growing lettuce throughout the winter in their garden because there is still good harvestable product for the dinner plate. You may have to pick around the frost damage and clean off some insects, but this is all part of the fun in the home garden. Growing food for self-consumption in the garden does not come with the risk of producing food for commercial sale.
Here are some key takeaways learned throughout the project trials and our overall winter lettuce production program:
- Producing lettuce in the field for winter harvest is not recommended for commercial production in Northern Nevada climates.
- Low temperatures in the winter will damage the leaf tissue in the field and potentially in a hoop house as well.
- Unpredictable and very low temperatures in Fall jeopardize the quality of field grown lettuce due to frost damage. (Quality can be acceptable for direct to consumer markets such as farmer’s markets or CSA, and in the home garden).
- The utilization of row cover in the field does not improve growing conditions enough to produce a quality product. In addition, more labor is required to maintain the row cover.
- Mature lettuce, such as a developed head lettuce is more susceptible to freezing temperatures than young baby leaf lettuce.
- There is potential to produce quality/ sellable loose leaf or baby leaf lettuce throughout the winter season in hoop houses. However, an Integrated Pest Management and preventive pesticide program should be implemented.
- The success of winter lettuce production in the hoop house may be very dependent on the lettuce variety. Multiple varieties should be trialed in your farm and garden to find the best option. For example, Oakleaf varieties were most susceptible to botrytis crown rot in our trials.
- The utilization of row cover in the hoop house is critical for added protection against extremely low temperatures.
- Insect and fungal disease pressure is greater in hoop houses and can damage a crop leaving it not sellable.
- Planning for mid to late Fall harvest is more realistic in the Northern NV climate, for both head lettuce and loose leaf.
- In Northern Nevada there is not much opportunity for a winter field lettuce industry, however, Southern Nevada climates may be suitable for winter lettuce production.
- Producing lettuce on small commercial farms is likely most profitable during the late spring – early fall harvest season.
Identifying Frost Damage and Food Safety Concerns and Considerations
Lettuce is tolerant of freezing temperatures for very short periods of time, and temperatures near freezing will drastically reduce plant growth (UNACR, 2013). If temperatures dip below freezing for more than one hour throughout the nighttime, your lettuce crop may have been frost damaged. Lettuce is more susceptible to frost damage when it is mature, therefore producing head lettuce comes with a higher risk of frost damage. From our experience, lettuce leaves less than 5 inches long tend to withstand freezing temperatures for most varieties. When lettuce matures, the stem and mid-vein of individual leaves become much larger and these components of the leaf contain the most water, and can become solid frozen under freezing conditions. When leaf tissue freezes, the epidermis separates from the leaf. The mid-vein will generally “blister” and open, exposing the interior, followed by decaying tissue (view left photo below). This damage can appear as a discoloration ranging from a yellow to a bronze color (view right photo below), distorted and deformed “wrinkle-like” features in the leaf and interveinal areas, and a wilted appearance immediately after damage.
Identifying even the slightest of frost damage is critical not just for ensuring a quality product to your customer, but also for considering potential food safety concerns. When leaf tissue is damaged, and the epidermis separates from the leaf, the area is more susceptible to attract pathogenic growth (Cantwell et al, 2002; LGMA, 2019). Produce safety needs to be taken into consideration during winter lettuce production. Although contamination of lettuce is rare, from 2010 to 2013 there were three outbreaks totaling more than 700 illnesses associated with just Romaine lettuce in the U.S. (Erickson, 2019). And in early April 2018, a multi-state outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 infections resulted in 210 reported illnesses from 36 states, 96 hospitalizations, and 5 deaths. A trace back analysis concluded that Romaine lettuce from Yuma, CA was the cause of the outbreak (FDA, 2018). In that case, a combination of wind borne pathogens from a nearby livestock operation, contaminated irrigation water and freeze damage were identified as the likely causes of contamination. Although the crop was not overhead irrigated after germination, surface water was used to dilute fertilizers or pesticides and directly sprayed onto the crop. If you are looking for more food safety resources and or seeking assistance to develop or improve your farm food safety plan, please visit our food safety page on our website.
Schembre, C
Winter Lettuce Trial,
Desert Farming Initiative, University of Nevada, Reno, Research Report