Identification and treatments of shrubs and ground covers for fire safe landscaping at Lake Tahoe.
Higgins, Lesley V. 2009, Backyard Native Plants, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, IP

Extension Associated Contacts


Also of Interest:

Designing Landscapes for Northern Nevada's Arid Climate
This fact sheet contains information on designing landscapes for an arid climate in northern Nevada. Learn more about factors that influence a landscape design, potential goals for the landscape, water-efficient landscaping, and many more.
Kratsch, H. and Skelly, J. 2015, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-11-15
Pruning Desert Shrubs
Pruning Desert Shrubs in Southern Nevada-Type Climates
This publication is a guide to correct pruning of desert and desert adapted shrubs in the landscape. It details how to prune and why correct pruning is important to the health and beauty of the plants.
Robinson, M.L., O'Callaghan, A., and Anderson, J. 2014, Extension, University of Nevada Reno, SP-14-13
Horticultural Business Opportunities in Lincoln County, Nevada
This special publication contains in-depth information on landscaping trees that grow in Lincoln County and native shrubs, wildflowers, cacti and vines that could be produced for landscaping. Learn through detailed tables that indicate the location and zone and list the botanical...
Gatzke, H. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-07-17
Lantana: An Attractive Shrub for Desert Landscapes
Lantana is widely used in Southern Nevada landscaping. This fact sheet is for those who wish to use this plant, what varieties are available, and how to grow it successfully. It also gives information on what adult butterflies are attracted to this plant.
O'Callaghan, A. 2007, Extension, University of Nevada Reno, FS-07-40
aphids on unside of leaf
Aphids and Their Management in Home Gardens
Aphids can be one of the most persistent and noticeable pests in the home garden. They are especially prominent in the spring when new growth is forming on plant material. This publication covers identification, life history of aphids and the various methods of natural and contr...
McKie, P., and Johnson, W. S. 2002, Extension, University of Nevada Reno, FS-02-10

Associated Programs

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Living With Fire

Helping Nevadans and visitors prepare for wildfire