University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.



Field Trials & Research - Jay Davison*, Cooperative Extension Crop Specialist, partnered with researchers from the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources to evaluate several crops adapted to Churchill County.

These evaluations included

  • 19 alfalfa varieties,
  • 10 teff varieties,
  • 3 varieties of the oil seed crop, camelina,
  • 5 forage sorghum varieties,
  • 2 varieties of amaranth,
  • 1 quinoa variety.

In addition, the collaborative team established and evaluated several mixtures of perennial forage grasses and legumes. Research aimed at determining various agronomic characteristics affecting production, such as planting dates, fertilizer usage and irrigation amounts was conducted to determine production and quality of the tested crops. Data collected is being analyzed and will be used to produce scientific and Extension publications.

*Jay Davison retired in Spring 2018 after 33 years with Cooperative Extension. A search is currently underway to hire a new Field Crop Specialist.

Pesticide Applicator Classes - In Nevada, anyone applying pesticides for compensation must obtain a pesticide license. In November 2017, nine people attended a recertification class at the Churchill County Extension Office to obtain educational units for license renewal.


  • Churchill County 4-H enrolled 262 youth between the ages of 5 and 19 as members during the 2017-2018 year. This included 29 youth enrolled in a grant-funded program in partnership with the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe, and an additional 20 youth under the direction of the Top Gun 4-H Youth Program at Naval Air Station Fallon.
  • Our volunteer leaders continue to be the base of the Churchill County 4-H success story. These leaders have helped expand the 4-H program to include new club offerings for 4-H members.
  • Churchill County 4-H hosted its first “Honoring our Home Town Hero’s” banquet to thank departments and individuals who work together to keep Churchill County safe. Over 400 attendees (First Responders, family members, 4-H members/volunteers) participated in this event. 4-H members served dinner, recognizing each Home Town Hero in attendance with a special gift. 4-H presented appreciation plaques to nine departments, honoring their service to our community. We hope this event will ignite others to support, and honor, our local heroes.
  • The Churchill County Junior Livestock Show & Sale held in April 2018, had 84 exhibitors participate from Churchill County 4-H, Churchill FFA and Oasis Academy FFA. The three-day show was once again a great success. Not only did we see an increase in the number of exhibitors, but the participants received an increase in animal sale prices from the previous year. We appreciate the continued support of our sponsors.
  • While livestock clubs are always popular in our county, 4-H clubs teaching archery and quilting skills are expanding in Churchill County. In addition, we have a growing Cloverbud Club that provides our young 4-Hers, 5 to 8 years of age, an opportunity to realize belonging, independence and generosity, in a non-competitive environment.

A program to end family violence

Domestic Violence (DV) rates in Nevada continue to be some of the highest in the nation, with one DV incident occurring every 18 minutes, 28 seconds (2016 Crime in Nevada, Uniform Crime Reporting, Nevada Department of Public Safety). Research indicates that children who witness and/or experience violence develop attitudes about violence and power in relationships that, if left unaddressed, can carry over to future generations. This unaddressed trauma limits the ability for children to feel safe and thrive, and indicates a high likelihood that the cycle of abuse will be repeated for many generations to come.

In 2013, Pamela Powell, Churchill County Extension Educator, and colleagues in Elko, wrote and received a 5-year USDA, NIFA Children, Youth and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) grant to develop a prevention education pilot program to address domestic violence. The resulting Heart and Shield Program provides direct education and non-crisis intervention for children and families to promote resiliency and strengthen positive future relationships. Initially funded for $574,000, Pam and the Heart and Shield team, received an additional $66,000 increasing the 5-year grant total to $640,000.

Program Impacts for FY18:

  • Co-wrote and piloted the family education curriculum, which is in its final stages of revision.
  • Taught classes and/or family night out events for 27 adults and 44 youth.
  • Presented a 90-minute workshop at the 2017 National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference about domestic violence.
  • Revised the Field Guide “Investigating Domestic Violence Crimes in Nevada,” originally published in 2013.
  • Developing a smartphone application based on the Field Guide.
  • Co-authored “Domestic Violence’s Effect on Children” which is the 7th Cooperative Extension publication written about domestic violence.
  • Made two presentations to the Nevada Attorney General’s Committee on Domestic Violence: 1) Heart & Shield: Law Enforcement Training, and 2) Heart and Shield: A program to end family violence, family education program.
  • Manuscript published in the Journal of Youth Development’s Special Issue on Healthy Living, regarding the Heart and Shield program and resulting impacts.


Churchill County Cooperative Extension has been identified as “the go to place.” Faculty and staff work to help community members get answers they need to pressing concerns, by providing information, education, or merely facilitating introductions to other organizations and people that can help.

  • Water Tests: Cooperative Extension partners with the Nevada State Public Health Lab to offer water test kits for the general public. Over 300 county residents received kits from our office in 2017. In addition, factsheets about arsenic, manganese, iron and reverse osmosis systems are provided to help answer questions our residents have about their water test results.
  • Radon Tests: During January and February, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offers free test kits to evaluate the naturally occurring radon that has accumulated in your home. Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Rising from the ground, it can accumulate to a level that raises the risk of lung cancer. Test results from 1989 to 2015 show that 14.8% of the 372 homes tested in Churchill County have radon in excess of the recommended 4 pCi.l level. In 2017, our staff provided 40 radon kits to Churchill County residents.
  • Grow Your Own Classes: Cooperative Extension hosted a spring and a fall series of Grow Your Own (GYO) classes. The eight classes presented in the spring GYO series covered: Starting Plants from Seeds, Growing Tomatoes, The Challenge of Gardening in Nevada Soil, Attractive & Edible Landscapes, Vegetable Garden Pollinators & Other Beneficial Insects, Ins & Outs of Fruit Trees, Vegetable Garden Pest Control, and Successful Berry Growing Basics. The information was presented via interactive video so that each participant can ask questions and receive immediate feedback from instructors. Participants attend, free of charge.
  • Plants, Trees and Weeds: Our crop specialists, and experienced staff, help identify common diseases, distresses, and optimal watering methods for plants and trees. Fact sheets are available for residents on our most common plant and tree issues. Churchill County Cooperative Extension also provides weed identification and management strategies to area residents.

300+ water test kits: What is in the well water you are drinking?
40 radon test kits: Do you know the level of radon in your home?
Grow Your Own, Nevada!: The challenge of gardening in Nevada soil.
Weeds: Identifying & controlling the noxious & nuisance weeds of Nevada.


  • Soil Sample Analysis: To help growers determine how to treat their land, Churchill County Cooperative Extension staff provide instructions on how to take a soil sample for analysis, as well as how to read the soil testing results. Cooperative Extension works with A & L Agricultural Lab in Modesto, CA to help residents test soil for gardens, lawns, and pastures.
  • Wood Cutting Permits and Christmas Tree Permits: We assist the Bureau of Land Management, by providing wood cutting permits and Christmas tree tags for the public. This collaboration saves residents from having to drive to Carson City to obtain these permits. In 2017, 313 Christmas trees tags and 143 cords of wood were provided through the Churchill County Extension Office.
  • Conference Space: Churchill County Cooperative Extension staff collaborated with local organizations in providing facilitation skills for strategic planning events and activities. Many non-profit groups in Churchill County request access to our on-site video-conferencing capabilities, thereby saving participants time and money.

FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018


$463,414 - Total Revenue
$216,185 - Total Expenses
$120,283 - Total Balance


$140,287 (30%) - County
$133,940 (29%) - Grants
$105,427 (23%) - State
$83,760 (18%) - Federal

Churchill County Cooperative Extension
111 Sheckler Rd. | Fallon, NV 89406
Pamela Powell, Extension Educator | 775-423-5121

Powell, P. 2017, Churchill County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

If you need more information.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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