University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.



Many affected interests lack knowledge about the concepts of plant growth and response to grazing; the forage utilization concept; ecological site potential; the processes of vegetation change and management; managing fuels to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire, habitat elements important for managing sage-grouse. The Extension Educator addressed these issues through a suite of related rangeland management activities, including: 1) residing on the steering committee (as a project Co-PI) of the Great Basin Fire Science Exchange; 2) collaboration with the USFS International Program for presentations about plant growth, physiology and grazing; management of annual and perennial grasslands, and the administration of grazing management to 16 individuals from 11 countries at their International Seminar; 3) continued revision of the Nevada Rangeland Monitoring Handbook; 4) teaching two sagebrush ecology modules at the Nevada Youth Range Camp; 5) attending five sage-grouse local area working group meetings; 6) conducting one forage utilization workshop; and 7) participating in several efforts to implement dormant season grazing to control cheatgrass, to reduce the risk of catastrophic fire. These efforts occurred through 19 meetings, workshops, conferences, field days and field tours, during which the Extension Educator made 13 educational presentations, including invited presentations about sage-grouse habitat management and fall and winter grazing to reduce fine fuels.


We needed this (sage-grouse landscape use) information when we were forming the Conservation Credit System (Member, Sagebrush Ecosystem Council).
I look at landscapes very differently since seeing this presentation (Rancher, Paradise Valley).
This presentation has provided me more useful information than any other sage-grouse related work (Rancher, Orovada).


  • Completed a statewide Forage Production/Loss Assessment for the US Farm Services Agency using precipitation data from about over 90 locations. The FSA uses this report to determine eligibility for insurance payments.
  • Dennis Goldman incorporated components of the Extension Educators sagebrush ecology modules taught at the Nevada Youth Range Camp into a PBS documentary (368 views as of Oct. 2018).
  • Collaborated with CABNR faculty (Barry Perryman) to develop a short video about the need to address fuels management with livestock grazing (910 views as of Oct. 2018; see below).


The Humboldt County Commission supplemented the Humboldt County Extension budget $25,000 for weed control and management efforts for the 14th consecutive year.

Noxious and invasive weeds are widespread throughout Nevada and threaten the productivity of cropland, pasture and rangeland. The Humboldt County Extension Educator interacted extensively with the Paradise Valley Weed Control District (5 meetings) and the Humboldt Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area (HWCWMA: 11 meetings) about weed control and management issues. In FY 2018, the Extension Educator published the last three articles about the 25 weeds of greatest agricultural concern across Nevada’s 17 counties (initiated in 2013). Subsequently, the Extension Educator assembled the entire 26 part series into a binder and provided copies to each member of the Board of Directors of the Humboldt Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area (n=7) and the Paradise Valley Weed District (n=5). Newmont Land and Livestock and Barrick Mining Corporation have each provided the HWCWMA $5,000 to print and distribute additional copies of this binder. This will occur in FY 2019. The Extension educator also integrated published research about weed reproductive strategies, root growth and distribution, and seasonal carbohydrate flow for five, deep-rooted, sprouting perennial weeds into a presentation about how these factors influence chemical and other weed control options. The information is applicable to many similar species. The Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources invited the Humboldt County Extension Educator to present this research based knowledge during fiscal year 2018 at workshops they hosted in Washoe, Pershing, Humboldt and Elko Counties, with future efforts scheduled in FY 2019 in Modoc County, California (for the Vya Conservation District).

The information about weed types, roots, carbohydrate flow and timing of herbicide application was rated “most valuable” by 57 of the 115 participants who completed workshop evaluations.


Humboldt County 4-H had 27 traditional 4-H clubs with 49 volunteers and 234 4-H members in clubs. The number of completed 4-H projects entered in the Humboldt County Tri-County Fair were 258.

The Humboldt County 4-H Program delivered “In-School” enrichment programming to 902 elementary and middle school youth in grades third thru sixth during the 2017-2018 4-H year.

The 4-H Coordinator worked with the Humboldt County Ag in the Classroom Committee to deliver agriculture and animal science programming to all third grade classes in Humboldt County.

The 4-H program in conjunction with the county FFA program delivered animal science and crop science to the fifth and sixth grade classes at French Ford Middle School.


The Extension Educator was a primary contributor to the Humboldt County Water Plan that was approved by the County Board of Commissioners in late 2017. Cooperative Extension prepared the material about agricultural production and water use in Humboldt County and published this material separately as an Extension Special Publication (SP 17-08). The Extension Educator also helped identify appropriate water management policies and standard operating procedures, as well as several ordinances that would make out of basin and out of county water transfers more difficult, and improving the potential of keeping Humboldt County’s limited water resources available for economic activity and growth in Humboldt County.

The Humboldt County Extension Office answers questions about horticultural issues and disseminates research based materials for county residents. The office also hosts the Grow Your Own Program which originates from the Washoe County Extension Office.

Youth Development, from birth to early adulthood, is a statewide issue. Other Extension faculty have developed several educational programs (Little lives and Parenting Programs) that the Humboldt County Extension Office assists with implementation via dissemination of research based publications and materials.

Radon gas is a primary cause of lung cancer amongst non-smokers. The Humboldt county Extension Office distributes home radon testing kits and provides recipients literature about radon dangers.

The Extension Educator assists with community development by residing on the Board of the Humboldt Development Authority (vice-chair).


Perryman, B.L., G. McCuin, and B.W. Schultz. (In Press). Forum: A Framework for Resetting Wild Horse & Burro Management. Rangelands. 40: 160-165

Perryman, B.L. B.W. Schultz, J.K. McAdoo, J.C. Cervantes, S. Foster, G. McCuin, and S. Swanson. 2018. Viewpoint: An Alternative Management Paradigm for Plant Communities Affected by Invasive Annual Grass in the Intermountain West. Rangelands. 40:77-82.

Hourihan, E., B.W. Schultz, and B. L. Perryman. 2018. Climatic Influences on Establishment Pulses of Four Artemisia Species in Nevada. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 71(1):77-86.

Swanson, J.C., P.J. Murphy, S. R. Swanson, B.W. Schultz, and J.K. McAdoo. 2018. Plant Community Factors Correlated with Wyoming Big Sagebrush Site Responses to Fire. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 71 (1):67-76.

FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018


$283,745 - Total Revenue
$40,768 - Total Expenses
$1,037,420 - Total Balance


$185,272 - County
$57,014 - Federal
$40,336 - State
$1,123 - Grants

Humboldt County Cooperative Extension
1085 Fairgrounds Road | Winnemucca, NV 89445
Brad Schultz, Extension Educator | 775-623-6304

Schultz, B. 2017, Humboldt County Annual Report | July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

Extension Associated Contacts


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