University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is engaged in Nevada communities, presenting research-based knowledge to address critical community needs in the areas of agriculture; children, youth and families; community and economic development; horticulture; health and nutrition; and natural resources. It is a county-state-federal partnership providing practical education to people, businesses and communities. It is a unit of the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, and plays a vital role in fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission.



As part of White Pine County’s program on Youth and Community Development, focused on Technological Change Affecting Individuals, Families, and Communities, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension developed and implemented The Unmanned Aerial Systems in Rural Nevada Program to teach youth STEM and technical skills, In collaboration with White Pine County School District (WPCSD) University of Nevada Cooperative Extension offered a six-session experiential STEM activity at Nevada’s White Pine High School to 12 students. Small unmanned aerial systems, some of which are identified as drones, are providing beneficial services in a variety of fields, including agriculture, mining and communication technologies, and are even aiding in search and rescue efforts. Our collaboration with WPCSD and Nevada Department of Transportation is the foundation for Increasing Youth interest in STEM, with activities such as experiential learning about unmanned aerial systems, is one way to increase the chances that they will want to go on to college, while simultaneously giving them some hands-on training in use of an emerging technology.

The unmanned aerial vehicle program at White Pine High School helped the high school become designated as an Official Nevada Governor’s STEM School. In addition, there are plans to expand the program to Steptoe Valley High School and White Pine Middle School.

I’ve loved building the drone and am proud of my school, so I was happy to show off what I’ve learned about the drones.” – Collin Young, White Pine High School STEM physics student


The Local Food Program resulted in increased sales of locally sourced foods and increased county-wide awareness about supporting local growers and the nutritional benefits from consuming more vegetables. Cooperative Extension provided workshops and discussion groups on the potential for local commercial production of fresh food with. “Feasibility of local commercial production of vegetables” program which resulted in 5 new vendors and increased interest in year-round local production .

The farmers market is a great event for our community! I gained confidence. I gained new skills working with and selling to the public.

In 2017, White Pine County Cooperative Extension “Agricultural Entrepreneurship Opportunities and Training” workshops resulted in 5 new Farmer’s Market Vendors generation an estimated $7,800 in increased sales.


In partnership with University of Nevada, Reno’s Small Business Development Center; and White Pine Chamber of Commerce.. There was a professional group of 100+ members that would host gatherings and retreats in Ely, but they discontinued patronage due to dissatisfaction with the customer service the group received. The economic impact of the loss of customers served as a catalyst for the need for the class

White Pine Cooperative Extension helped small-business owners learn financial management, and assess and improve customer service. Based on a needs assessment in 2017, businesses reported a need for customer service skills. There was a lack in understanding of how to handle finances and other basic business skills . University of Nevada Cooperative Extension worked with the University’s Small Business Development Center to offer two series for business owners. The first series had 17 participants who met weekly for nine weeks March 27 – May 22. Participants learned financial management and completed a business plan. The second series had six participants and met four times June 16 – Sept. 11. Participants learned how to assess their business’ customer service and map out strategies to improve it.

Pool of specialists in the community created

One-on-one interviews held

17 participants had a change in skills and abilities

23 participants had a change in knowledge in knowledge area

165 adults were directly reached


4-H ran 13 clubs with 55 active leaders and 106 volunteers. The number of completed 4-H projects entered in the White Pine County Fair were 823. The White Pine County 4-H Program worked with 30 percent of the total youth ages 5 to 17 in White Pine County in 2017.

FISCAL YEAR 2017 - 2018


$169,561 - Total Revenue
$77,957 - Total Expenses
$132,234 - Total Balance


$38,269 - County
$36,035 - Federal
$30,000 - School District
$3,085 - Other
$1,123 - Grants

White Pine County Cooperative Extension
950 Campton St. | Ely, NV 89301
Juan Carlos Cervantes, Extension Educator | 775-293-6598

Cervantes, J.C. 2018, White Pine County Annual Report | Fiscal Year 2017 - 2018, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno

If you need more information.

Please contact Extension's Communication Team for assistance.


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