Adding a scholastic work to the database

  1. Before logging into the Web Asset Management System, create a Word document that includes:
    1. A short description – this gives end users a quick summary of what the publication is about and why the end user should read it. Limit 320 characters including spaces.
    2. A list of keywords:
      1. List your keywords left-to-right in order of priority and importance.
      2. Include words that a general audience might Google.
      3. Include common misspellings of keywords.
      4. Include words that might be used in-house, such as jargon and acronyms.
      5. Include last names of all authors, including common misspellings.
  2. If your scholastic work includes embedded images, use Firefox. Log into the Web Asset Management System.
    1. If this is your first time logging into the system, then put your University email ( into the Username box and click RESET Password. Follow the instructions that are emailed to you, then log in with your new password.
  3. Click Scholastic Works.
  4. Click Add New Records.
  5. In the Authors box, list ALL authors in order of authorship.
  6. Add all CABNR, Experiment Station and Extension authors from the provided list – this allows the scholastic work to show up on people’s profiles.
  7. Fill in the "Year Originally Published," "Title," and "Published In" fields accordingly.
    1. If the publication is not in a specific journal, newspaper, newsletter, etc., you can use the following format for the "Published In" field: "Extension, University of Nevada, Reno," followed by a category such as Forms or Blog Posts.
  8. Copy-paste your list of keywords.
  9. Fill in the "Category," "Peer Reviewed," "Featured Publication," "Language," and "Peer Reviewed" fields accordingly. 
  10. Select all relevant website areas – this lets your publication show up on related pages.
  11. Copy-paste your pre-written short description.
  12. Any of the following:
    1. Copy-Paste from the document to create a webpage version. This is recommended for smaller publications such as Fact Sheets and Special Publications, as it is easier to make them ADA compliant. CLICK SUBMIT INFORMATION AT LEAST ONCE PER HOUR – the system will kick you out if you appear “inactive” for an hour, and it doesn’t recognize typing or formatting in the webpage version box as being active. The button is at the bottom of the page.
      1. The University-required annual training for people who create, edit or post content online will help you in making the webpage version of your publication accessible. Log into to take the training online or visit Teaching & Learning Technology's website to enroll in an in-person session.
      2. Paste with no formatting; you can reformat afterward. WARNING: Microsoft Word is weird and failure to remove formatting may break accessibility, which means your publication may not be approved for posting to the website.
        1. Windows: Ctrl + Shift + v
        2. Mac: Command + Shift + v
        3. To preview, click Submit Information, then within the Edit Publication page, click Preview in the button ribbon at the top.
    2. Upload the publication as a pdf. WARNING: uploaded documents that are not ADA compliant will not be approved for posting to the website.
  13. Optional: If your scholastic work shows up somewhere else on the web, such as a blog post, Nevada Today article or a journal article, you can add the website’s link to the Outside Link section.
    1. If the somewhere else on the web is an Extension website (e.g., it must be accessible.
  14. If you want this to be one of the top 10 scholastic works on your personal profile page, select YES.
  15. Click Submit. Robert and Ashley will receive an email asking them to review your submission for ADA compliance. If it passes, they will allow the publication to show up on the website. If not, they will let you know that changes need made.

Embedded images

Some scholastic works have images embedded throughout the record. These images will be added into the Webpage Version box after the text has been copy-pasted and reformatted.

Accessibility, ADA compliance and why we cannot use images containing text

Because of the funding the University receives, we are bound by federal law on accessibility to make sure everyone is able to experience the content on our site. A recent legal agreement between the University and the Office of Civil Rights in Washington, D.C. also obligates us to make our site content accessible. Plus, Extension’s purpose is to help people, including people who have an ability difference.

Alternate text, also known as alt text, helps people with visual impairments who use screen readers; however, not everyone with a visual impairment uses a screen reader. So, adding alt. text to an image with text on it will still leave some people with disabilities unable to experience the content on our site.

The accessibility checker that is used to monitor the University’s compliance with the legal agreement has a manual check in place that causes every single image to be examined for text. If an image without text cannot be found, the University’s placeholder image for missing visuals will automatically show up.

How to embed an image into the web version of the scholastic work

Images must be jpegs that are no wider or taller than 586px. They can be smaller.
Tip: Check out LinkedIn Learning for videos on how to prepare images for the web.

  1. Place your cursor where you want the image to appear.
  2. Click the Image icon found in the second row of formatting buttons – the box with mountains.
  3. Click Upload, the third tab across the top.
  4. Click Browse and select your jpeg image.
  5. Click Sent it to the Server. This will automatically bounce you back to the Image Info tab.
  6. Add alt text. Make sure it’s a brief and literal description of the photo, tying it to the program if possible (e.g. “two 4-H girls doing backflips,” “Master Gardener taking grape-inspection notes on a clipboard” or “peaches on a tree”).
  7. Delete the numbers in the Width and Height fields, leaving them blank. This keeps the image from getting distorted on tablet and mobile phone screens.
  8. Make sure words don’t touch the image by adding values to the HSpace and VSpace fields.
  9. Click OK
  10. To edit your image, click the image and click the Image icon. Repeat until the page looks like you want it.

Preset images

There are three preset image types for a scholastic work: content blocks, banners and thumbnails. These image types show up with scholastic works titles and descriptions throughout the website. Preset images are added separately and are not part of the process of adding a record to the database. For more information on preset images, see How to add images to a scholastic work.

Kozsan, T., and Andrews, A. 2019, How to add a scholastic work to the database, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources | University of Nevada, Reno

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