Some gardeners try augmentation, or the release of a pest’s natural enemies, to control aphids. More research is needed to tell if this IPM strategy is effective in home gardens.

If you choose to use a pesticide, know that most kill beneficial insects too. This may make your pest problem worse. Select products least toxic to beneficial insects, such as soaps, oils, microbials and botanicals. Spray only where the infestation is and when beneficial insects are not present. Always read and follow label directions.

No matter your aphid control strategy, know a little stickiness in the garden is not a terrible thing. It can be a fond summertime memory in the making, such as enjoying a Popsicle or watermelon slice while watching lady beetles do their work.

Andrews, A. 2017, It’s Summertime in the Garden, and Plants are… Sticky?, Reno Gazette-Journal

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