Helpful information

Carson City Community Garden
1044 Beverly Drive, Carson City, NV
(Located next to the city cemetary)

Contact for Gardens
Jessica Gardner
Interim Master Gardener Coordinator

Judy Jones
Carson City Master Gardener Volunteer

Application and Garden Information

About the Carson City Community Garden

The Carson City Community Gardens (CCCG) were established in 2001 after the Carson City supervisor, Jon Plank, approached  Extension with the idea of creating a community garden space. The goal of this area was to create a recreational outlet for the community while encouraging a healthy lifestyle for those involved. Although Plank died before the project reached fruition, Extension followed through with Plank’s idea and helped create the community garden site.

CCCG offers 25 4-by-16-foot garden plots. Each plot costs $40 to reserve for each season. The cost of the plot rental covers water and use of select garden tools and resources. The plots are open to anyone in the community. Our participants come from all walks of life — unmarried singles, married couples and ethnically and culturally diverse families work the ground each year.

The gardens are a great source of community building; veteran gardeners help out the novice planters with watering, pest management and harvesting issues. Throughout the year, Extension hosts several annual events for garden participants. Extension Master Gardener volunteers also host an educational series that is open to the public. 

The CCCG are managed by Extension and trained Extension Master Gardener volunteers. CCCG participants also assist with specific duties throughout the gardening season as a part of their plot agreement.

2024 Applications for Garden Plots

Annual Events and Educational Series

Carson City Community Garden Committees

Learn more about the program contributor(s)

Jessica Gardner
Program Leader & Contact

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