Capacity building strengthens an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission to have a positive impact on communities. Strategic thinking, visioning, action planning, and board development are capacity building activities.

Government and non-profit organizations need to expand their capacity to create safe and productive communities. The government and non-profit sectors face challenges in addressing new critical issues, developing effective policies, adapting communications strategies, improving volunteer recruitment, using technology effectively, collaborating with community partners, and managing resources efficiently. Capacity building strengthens an organization’s ability to fulfill its mission, develops goals, achieve measurable and sustainable results, and have a positive impact on places where people live, work, play, and learn (, 2014). Governmental and local non-profit organizations contacted Jill Baker-Tingey to assist them in creating a framework to respond to organizational and community changes and emerging opportunities.

Jill Baker-Tingey has facilitated strategic thinking, action planning processes and listening sessions to inform community assessments for Indian Health Services Southern Bands Health Center in Elko, Nevada, the unincorporated town of Jackpot, the City of Elko Police Department, Churchill County Museum Board of Directors, the City of Carlin and the Nevada Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee. Strategic thinking, action planning and community listening sessions help determine actions the community can take to better meet the needs of the community and develop strategies for community improvement and economic development.

The Elko Indian Health Services Southern Bands Health Center has updated its three-year plan, identifying new priorities and funding sources to provide additional services to tribal community members. I have agreed to facilitate additional meetings with the planning group to help them refine their mission and vision, prioritize their top strategic issues and to identify short-term goals and benchmarks for each issue.

The Churchill County Museum Association Board of Trustees created action steps and has begun addressing several issues. Follow up discussions with executive director indicated that individual board members understood their role and were working within the parameters of the by-laws and developed a newsletter and fundraising plan.

Partners include Northeastern Nevada Regional Development Authority, Elko Indian Health Services Southern Bands Health Center, Town of Jackpot, City of Elko Police Department, Churchill County Museum, City of Carlin and Nevada Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee.


Learn more about the program's team

Jill Baker-Tingey
Program Leader & Contact