Suggested Reading
- Beattie, M. (1996) Journey to the Heart. San Francisco: Harper Collins
- Bennis, Warren. (1989) Why Leaders Can't Lead. Jossey Bass
- Block, Peter. (1993) Stewardship. Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson. (1909) The Secret Garden
- Covey, S. (1990) Principle-Center Leadership. Summit Books
- Covey, S. (1995) Principle-Centered Living: Timeless principles of effectiveness. Des Moines, IA: Smart Choice Media
- De Pree, Max. (1993) Leading without Power. HB Printing
- Huber, N.S. (1998). Leading from Within: Developing Personal Direction
- Kline, Peter and Bernard Saunders. (1993). Ten Steps to a Learning Organization. Great Ocean Publishers Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Co
- Maxwell, John C. (1999) The 21 Indispensable Qualities of A Leader. Thomas Nelson Heuerman, Tom. The Adventurers
- Jaffe, D., Scott, C., and Tober, G. (1994) Rekindling Commitment. San Francisco: Jossey Bass
- Lipman-Blumen, Jean. (1996) The Connective Edge. Jossey Bass
- Manus, B. (1992) Visionary Leadership, Jossey Bass
- O'Hara, N. (1995) Find a Quiet Corner. New York: Warner Books
- Peck, M. . (1978) The Road Less Traveled. New Your: Simon and Schuster
- Roueche, J., Baker, G., and Rose, R. (1989) Shared Vision - Transformational Leadership in American Colleges
- Senge, Peter M. (1990) The Fifth Discipline. Doubleday/Currency
- Wheatley, M. (1993) Leadership and the New Science
- Yourcenar, Marguerite (1951). Memoirs of Hadrian
State Leadership Sites
University Leadership Institute (University of Arizona)
The University Leadership Institute (ULI) is a certificate program with a curriculum of over 30 courses and activities to be offered each year.
Illinois Agricultural Leadership Foundation (IALF)
Experience leadership development from global perspectives.
Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL)
Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership, Inc., (KARL), is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to identifying and developing leadership for agriculture and rural communities in order to enhance the quality of life for all Kansans.
Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council (LEAD)
Prepare and motivate men and women in agriculture for more effective leadership.
Pennsylvania Rural Leadership (RULE)
The purpose of RULE is to encourage and foster the development of community leaders from all segments of rural Pennsylvania by using a program of study.
Washington Agriculture & Forestry Education Foundation
Our purpose is to recruit, select and train natural resource industry leaders in the state of Washington.
Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program
The goal of the innovative Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program (WRLP) is to strengthen communities through preparing leaders as catalysts to effectively deal with today's changing world.
Wyoming Agricultural Leadership Council
The Wyoming L.E.A.D. Program will develop highly-motivated, well-informed rural leaders, who will act forcefully, serve effectively, and speak articulately for agriculture and Wyoming communities!
National and Regional Leadership Sites
The Center for Creative Leadership
The mission of the Center for Creative Leadership is to advance the understanding, practice and development of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide.
The Center for Innovative Leadership
The Center for Innovative Leadership is a consortium of consultants, educators, and managers dedicated to developing information that can help leaders improve the effectiveness of their implementation efforts.
The Center for Women's Global Leadership (Global Center)
The Center for Women's Global Leadership (Global Center) develops and facilitates women's leadership for women's human rights and social justice worldwide.
The Heartland Center for Leadership Development
The Heartland Center for Leadership Development is an independent, nonprofit organization developing local leadership that responds to the challenges of the future. A major focus of the Heartland Center's activities is practical resources and public policies for rural community survival.
Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Exchange
The IEL Policy Exchange is about connecting ideas and leaders at all levels of government to make policies and programs for children and families work better.
The James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership
The James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership fosters principled leadership through scholarship, education, and training, with special attention to advancing the leadership of groups historically underrepresented in public life.
Leadership America
A national, not-for-profit organization that recognizes, educates and connects accomplished and diverse women to increase their individual and collective impact globally
Leadership Development & Education for Business Executives
Develop ethical, effective leaders by providing proven, practical information and resources.
The Leadership Institute
The Leadership Institute's mission is to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative public policy leaders.
National Youth Leadership Council
The National Youth Leadership Council's mission is to build vital, just communities with young people through service-learning.
Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership
Our goal is to help people understand the principles and practices of servant-leadership; to nurture colleagues and institutions by providing a focal point and opportunities to share thoughts and ideas on servant-leadership; to produce and publish new resources by others on servant-leadership; and to connect servant-leaders in a network of learning.
Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
To increase the economic, social and environmental benefits for the people, communities and industries of rural Australia by identifying, developing and supporting committed rural and regional leaders to become inspired and highly effective at regional, state, national and international levels.