Nora Luna

Photo of Nora Luna, Extension

Nora Luna

4-H Youth Development Faculty


Las Vegas High School, 1990
B.A, University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), 1994
M.Ed., University of Nevada Reno (UNR), 2002


horsing around in lake tahoe during the summer.

4-H Afterschool Program

The 4-H Afterschool Club teaches children basic life skills including math, reading, science, positive communication, goal setting, self-responsibility, decision-making and good nutrition. Youth who have these life skills are less likely to participate in risky behaviors.

4H camper with soccer ball

4-H en Español

Los niños enfrentan muchos riesgos a medida que crecen y se desarrollan. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los niños puede beneficiarse enormemente de las interacciones positivas con adultos ejemplares. Los niños que adquieren buenas habilidades interpersonales y además cuentan con un sistema de apoyo, tienen menos probabilidades

Building rockets from straws in a great lesson in propulsion.

4-H Youth Development

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.

A group of girls

Clark County (Las Vegas) 4-H Youth Development

4-H programming in the general Clark County area.

kids playing board games

Clark County 4-H After School Program

Extension provides 4-H programming in the afterschool setting. Students learn-by-doing in 4-H Afterschool.

Happy students with cap and gowns

Next Steps: College Access & Readiness Program

The program's mission is to guide and motivate youth and their families on the path to achieving a post-secondary education.



  • Latinos and End of Life Care and Decision Making. Presenter. National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), 2017 Management and Leadership Conference. May 1, 2017. Washington DC.
  • Caregiving and End of Life Care for Alzheimer’s Patients. Panelist. National Hispanic Medical Association Annual Conference. April 26, 2013. Washington DC.
  • Baby Boomers and Healthcare: Understanding and Appreciating Cultural Differences. Panelist. Nathan Adelson Hospice Eighth Annual Multicultural Conference and Luncheon. February 15, 2012. Local Presentation.
  • Indigenous Mexican Culture, Identity and Academic Achievement: Results From a Community- Based Curriculum Project for Latino Students. National Dropout Prevention Center/Network (NDPN) Conference. Schaumburg, Illinois. National Presentation.
  • Indigenous Mexican Culture, Identity and Academic Achievement: Results from a Community-based Curriculum Project for Latino students. Society for Applied Anthropology. Seattle, Washington. March 31, 2011. National Presentation.
  • Community Cultural Wealth: Lessons Learned in Implementing a Middle School Program with Latina/Latino Students. Children, Youth and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Conference. San Francisco, California. May 7, 2010. National Presentation.
  • From Deficits to Assets: Latina/o Community Cultural Wealth, Las Vegas, Nevada 2009. Regional Presentation.
  • Media Advocacy for Public Health, Las Vegas, Nevada 2008. Local Presentation.
  • Azteca Alcohol Prevention Model, Atlanta, Georgia, 2007. National Presentation.
  • Taller de formación para Especialistas en Prevención del Abuso de Sustancias, San Diego, California, 2006. Bi-national Presentation.
  • Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training. Reno, Nevada, 2005. Regional Presentation.
  • Multicultural and Diversity Issues. Reno, Nevada, 2004. Staff Development Training.
  • Sustaining Prevention Programs. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2004. Local Presentation.
  • Prevention Program Evaluation. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2003. Local Presentation.
  • Pathways to Effective Programs and Positive Outcomes. Washington DC, 2003. National Presentation.
  • Environmental Prevention Strategies: Putting Theory into Practice. Anchorage, Alaska, 2002. Regional Presentation.
  • Comparison of Federal Guidelines for Model Programs. Denver, Colorado, 2002. National Presentation.
  • Best Practices to Reduce Underage Drinking. Jackson, Wyoming, 2001. Regional Presentation.
  • Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Training. Guam, 2001. Regional Presentation for Pacific Jurisdictions.
  • Prevention Services for Adolescents. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2000. Local Presentation.
  • Introduction to Prevention, Online Workshop, 2000. National Course.
  • Introduction to Science-based Prevention Strategies. Casper, Wyoming, 1999. Regional Presentation.
  • Seven Steps to Community Prevention Planning. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1999. State Conference.

Honors and Awards

  • Luna, N. (2017). Southwest Alliance for Excellence, Level 4 Application, Awarded a Category Award for Workforce for Nathan Adelson Hospice.
  • Luna, N. (2016). Southwest Alliance for Excellence, Level 3 Application Award for Nathan Adelson Hospice.
  • 2012 Spirit of Cesar Chavez Award Recipient, awarded by Luz Community Development Coalition
  • 2013 Vegas Inc. Woman to Watch Award
  • 2013 “Circle of Life Citation of Honor” awarded to the Nathan Adelson Hospice Hispanic/Latino Program by the American Hospital Association
  • 2013 “Outstanding Program Achievement Award” from the California Hospice and Palliative Care Association to Nathan Adelson Hospice for its strong efforts in Hispanic/Latino education and outreach



  • Luna, N. (2018). Grant submitted to Anonymous donor for various programs at Nathan Adelson Hospice. Awarded: $2,000,000.00.
  • Luna, N. (2018). Grant submitted to Elaine P. Wynn and Family Foundation for the Elaine Wynn Palliative Care Program at Nathan Adelson Hospice. Requested and Awarded: $568,000.
  • Luna, N. (2017). Grant submitted to Anonymous donor for Uncompensated Care, Families In Need, Complementary Therapies and Deciding Tomorrow…Today at Nathan Adelson Hospice. Requested and Awarded: $5,000,000.00.
  • Luna, N. (2017). Grant submitted to Elaine P. Wynn and Family Foundation for the Elaine Wynn Palliative Care Program at Nathan Adelson Hospice. Requested and Awarded: $568,000.
  • Luna, N. (2016). Grant submitted to Elaine P. Wynn and Family Foundation for the Elaine Wynn Palliative Care Program at Nathan Adelson Hospice. Requested and Awarded: $575,000.
  • Luna, N. (2011). Grant submitted to Nevada System of Higher Education for the U.S. Department of Education’s College Access Challenge Grant Program. Awarded $139,000.
  • Luna, N. (2011). Grant submitted to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed). Awarded: $25,000.
  • Luna, N. (2010). Fixed fee contract proposal submitted to Luz Community Development Coalition. Awarded: $8,750.
  • Luna, N. (2010). Grant submitted to Nevada System of Higher Education for the U.S. Department of Education’s College Access Challenge Grant Program. Awarded: $21,000.
  • Luna, N. (2010). Grant submitted to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed). Awarded: $24,838.
  • Luna, N. (2010). Grant submitted to Nevada System of Higher Education for the U.S. Department of Education’s College Access Challenge Grant Program. Awarded: $108,408.
  • Luna, N. (2008). University of Nevada Cooperative Extension in-house program development grant. Awarded: $10,000.



  • Ad Hoc College of Southern Nevada (CSN) President Search Committee, January to May 2018
  • University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) Advisory Council, January 2018 to June 2019
  • Latin Chamber of Commerce Professional Mujeres (Womens) Group, Co-Chair, June 2016 to present (formerly, Las Mujeres, Co-Chair, 2008 to 2016)
  • Community Implementation Council (CIC), Member, November 2016 to November 2017
  • The Southwest Alliance for Excellence (SWAE) member of the Board of Examiners for the 2016 Performance Excellence Program
  • Southern Nevada Public Television Board of Directors, Member at Large, June 2015 to June 2019; Secretary, June 2019 to present 
  • Latino Leadership Council, Board of Directors, January 2015 to present (inactive)
  • Nevada State Public Charter School Authority Board, Member at Large, January 2012 to June 2019
  • Girl Scouts of Frontier Council, Board of Directors, Member at Large, May 2009 to May 2013
  • National Dropout Prevention Network, Member, 2009 to 2012
  • Addiction Counselor Certification Board of Oregon, Certified Prevention Specialist, 2000 to 2012
  • Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC), Board Member, 1998 to 2003
  • Annual Hispanic Leadership Summit, Steering Committee Member, 1997 to 2002
  • Latinos for Political Education (LAPE), Board Member, 1998 to 2000 (Reno, NV)
  • Latin Chamber of Commerce, Latino Youth Leadership Conference, Committee Member, 1996-98
  • Family Advocates for Community Empowerment Consortium, Co-chair of Service Delivery Committee, 1996-1998
  • Bringing Everybody’s Strengths Together Coalition (BEST), Parent Network Committee Member, 1995 to 1996

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Blog Posts
A memorable experience at 4-H Capitol Days Morales, Y. 2025, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno
Book Chapter(s)
School-based prevention programs. In G.L. Fisher & N.A. Roget (eds.). Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 803-806)
The scope includes behavioral addictions such as eating disorders, gambling and compulsive shopping. Preparation of the profession is heavily featured in numerous articles on standards, training, ethics and professional organizations.
Luna, N. (2009). In G.L. Fisher & N.A. Roget (eds.) 2009, Thousand Oak, CA: Sage.
Substance abuse prevention: The intersection of science and practice
This cutting-edge book responds to the growing need for a textbook that addresses the rapid development of the substance abuse prevention profession.
Hogan, J. A., Gabrielsen, K., Luna, N., & Grothaus, D. 2003, Pearson
Curriculum Materials
Substance abuse prevention specialist training (SAPST) manual
Grounded in current research and SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework, this foundational training helps practitioners develop the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement, and evaluate effective, data-driven programs and practices that reduce behavioral health disparities and improve wellness.
Luna, N., Hogan, J.A., Gabrielsen, K., Fisher, G., & Grothaus, D. 2000, University of Nevada, Reno
Fact Sheets
Advocating for Children's Educational Rights
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 6: Advocating for your Children’s Educational Rights.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-47
Knowing the School System: Standards and Testing
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 3: Knowing the School System: Standards and Testing.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-44
Making Education a Family Goal
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 1: Making Education a Family Goal.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-42
Options After High School
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 4: Options After High School.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-045
Roads to Higher Education
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 5: Roads to Higher Education.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-46
School Communication
This fact sheet provides an overview of Session 2: School Communication.
Luna, N. 2011, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-11-43
How Can I Help My Child Succeed in School?
This fact sheet contains information on ways for parents to help their children succeed in school. Learn more about what parents can do and ways to work with teachers and schools for their children.
Luna, N. 2009, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-09-21
What's Up with School?
This fact sheet contains information on why school is important and things that could be done for a brighter future.
Luna, N. and Martinez, M. 2009, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-09-12
Informational Publications
Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures
This is the updated policies and procedures manual for 4-H Shooting Sports for 2025.
Wright, H 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
4-h member making mask
Statewide 4-H Service Project
Help the Nevada 4-H Youth Development program donate 5,000 face masks to communities across the state!
Stark, C 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
A Qualitative Study of the Emotional and Spiritual Needs of Hispanic Families in Hospice
To address the underlying disparities in the cultural, emotional, and spiritual aspects of hospice care, the objective of the present qualitative study was to examine the emotional and spiritual needs of Hispanic patients' families while in hospice.
Nuñez, A., Holland, J. M., Beckman, L., Kirkendall, A., & Luna, N. 2017, Palliative and Supportive Care
Family Evaluation of Hospice Care: Examining Direct and Indirect Associations with Overall Satisfaction and Caregiver Confidence
The Family Evaluation of Hospice Care (FEHC) survey is widely employed by hospices, and several studies have examined this information to help inform and enhance end-of-life services. The present study aimed to examine the mediating effects of demographic factors, length of stay, timing of referral, and others.
Holland, J., Kirkendall, A., Keene, J., Luna, N. 2016, Journal of Palliative and Supportive Care. 13, 901-908.
Evaluation of Hospice Care by Family Members of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Patients
This study relied upon information from the family evaluation of hospice care survey provided by 2980 caregivers, 152 of whom cared for a Hispanic patient and 2828 who cared for a non-Hispanic patient.
Kirkendall, A., Holland, J., Keene, J., Luna, N. 2016, American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 32:3, 313-321
Indigenous Mexican culture, identity and academic aspirations: Results from a community-based curriculum project for Latina/Latino students
This study examines a community-based cultural program about indigenous Mesoamerican traditions and heritage. Results of the mixed-method evaluation study include quantitative and qualitative data for 225 high school students who were primarily Latina/Latino.
Luna, N., Evans W. & Davis, B. 2015, Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Education. 8:3, 341-362
Sadness, Anxiety, and Experiences with Emotional Support among Veteran and Non-Veteran Patients and their Families at the End of Life
Although many veterans are progressing into older adulthood and a substantive subset of people who die each year in the United States served in the military, there is limited evidence on the role of military service at the end of life.
Holland, J., Currier, J., Kirkendall, A., Keene, J., Luna, N. 2014, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 17:6, 708-711
A Qualitative Study Using Community Cultural Wealth to Understand the Educational Experiences of Latino College Students
The Latino population is the largest minority group in the United States and has the highest high school dropout rate of any ethnic group. If the U.S. is to compete in the global economy, it is important to understand factors that facilitate Latino education success.
Luna, N. and Martinez, M. 2013, Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education. 7:1
Understanding Latina/o school pushout: Experiences of students who left school before graduating
In this qualitative study, the authors describe narratives of school experiences of Latina/o early school leavers, examine their reasons for leaving school before graduating, and analyze their responses using the resistance model. The authors compare the participants' reasons for leaving school with data from school.
Luna, N. and Revilla, A.T. 2013, Journal of Latinos in Education, 12:1, 22-37
Community readiness to address Latino school dropout in Clark County
This article documents the assets, needs and community readiness related to addressing the school dropout rate in Clark County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) faculty conducted interviews with nineteen key stakeholders and informants in Clark County who were connected to the issue of school dropout.
Luna, N. 2009, Border-Lines Journal of the Latino Research Center. 3, 64-109
Reports & Updates
4-H Program Evaluation Report for 2023-2024, Urban Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada
This report documents the outcomes of the Clark Couny, Nevada 4-H program during the 2023-2024 program year.
Luna, N., Solis, J & Christiansen, E. 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Reports
students sitting around library table
4-H 21st Century Community Learning Center Program at Valley High School, Evaluation Report 2023-2024
The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension implemented the 4-H 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) Program at Valley High School in Las Vegas for its third year in 2023-2024. The Center for Program Evaluation (CPE) at the University of Nevada, Reno was the external evaluator for the program.
Christiansen, E; Saunders, S; Garcia-Aguilera, C.; Karandikar, S; Luna, N; Quan-Lopez, H. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
group of kids at cathedral gorge state parks
Evaluation of Clark County 4-H Overnight Camps 2023-2024 Program Year
This report presents the analysis of survey data collected from 147 youth participants to evaluate the impact of overnight camps across four key domains: Engagement, Belonging, Sparks, and Relationships.
Elgeberi, N. & Luna, N. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Reports
youth sitting on blanket
Day Field Trips to 4-H Camp Alamo, 2023-2024 Report
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Clark County 4-H team implemented a curriculum program, Around the World in District B, in various classrooms across the county. The schools were also offered a field trip to 4-H Camp Alamo. This report is a summary of that program with results of teacher surveys.
Luna, N., & Morales, Y.I. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 4-H 2022-2023 Program Evaluation Report
In the 2022-2023 4-H program year, the Clark County Extension team reached 9,938 youth participants, the urban Extension team reached 7,552, and the core urban 4-H team reached 2,649. The core urban 4-H team delivered 123 programs with 1,964.5 contact hours. The remaining Extension team provided 85 programs to 4,903 par
Solis-Leon, J; Luna, N; Christiansen, E. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, 4-H Report
students showing off their certificates
4-H Afterschool 21st Century Community Learning Center Program at Valley High School, Evaluation Report 2022-2023
Evaluation report of the 4-H 21st Century Community Learning Center Program at Valley High School.
Christiansen, E; Howard L.; Luna, N; Chairez, M; Haddad, T. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
4-H Afterschool Safekey Robotics Program, Spring 2023 Report
During the spring 2023 school semester, UNR Extension Clark County 4-H partnered with Clark County Parks and Recreation to pilot a 4-H Afterschool Robotics program. We worked with six elementary schools at five afterschool Safekey sites, trained nine Safekey staff leaders, and taught one hundred seventy-one students fr
Gomez, A. & Luna, N. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada 4-H 2021-2022 Program Evaluation Report
In the 2021-2022 4-H program year, the Clark County Extension team reached 11,867 youth participants. This report is an overview of the evaluation.
Luna, N. and Solis-Leon J. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report
Clark County 4-H, 2020-2021 4-H Attendance and Evaluation Report Luna, Nora and Solis-Leon, Jesus 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, County Report
Technical Publication
Summary of 4-H Classes Taught in 2020 in Clark County, Nevada (Las Vegas Office)
This report provides a summary of 4-H classes taught in 2020 in Clark County, Nevada by the Las Vegas office.
Carla Millares-Forno 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Technical Publication