Did you know?
- You have the power to achieve your goals if you set your mind to it!
- School can be hard, but life will be harder if you drop out.
- People who leave high school before graduating are more likely to be:
- Unemployed, work in very tiring jobs and make very little money.
- Incarcerated.
- Seek government help for things such as health care, housing and food.

Why stay in school?
- Finishing school gives you:
- Greater self-respect and the ability to help others and your family.
- Pride. We all like to feel good about ourselves and what we do. Staying in school makes you and your family proud.
- Independence and opens up opportunities for a more satisfying life.
- Financial stability. The more education you have, the more money you are likely to make.
- A greater advantage in the workforce. Today, jobs are more complex and employers are seeking people with more than a high school education, including strong math, language and problem-solving skills.

What can you do now?
- Practice good study habits. Good study habits means developing a routine to study and knowing what resources are available to you.
- Talk to a counselor about your goals and interests. Counselors are there to help you become successful.
- Make an appointment with your counselor.
- Tell him/her your goals.
- Ask him/her what classes will be beneficial to you.
- Check in with him/her frequently.
- Visit the following Web sites for more helpful hints on how to succeed in school:
- Explore Careers: It is never too early to explore what you like to do and what steps are necessary to achieve your intended career.
- Visit your school or local library and read about what careers appeal to you and what your interests are.
- Get involved in your school and community. Getting involved in school and community activities is fun and can help you learn more about your interests and strengths.
- You may also meet a future

To learn more, contact: Nora Luna at 702-940-5420 or E-mail.