Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Last updated February 2025
This is the updated policies and procedures manual for 4-H Shooting Sports. A summary of the changes follows.
Pg. 7 Minimum Standard 9 - The wording was changed to remove ‘examples of unacceptable firearm components are muzzle brakes, recoil compensators, and suppressors. Ported barrels are permitted on shotguns & pistols.’
Pg. 9 Archery Compound Limited - The definition was updated. Bows that have whisker biscuits on them but no sight would be in this division.
Pg. 11-12 Ear Protection - Ear protection must have an OSHA Noise Reduction Rating of at least 25 dB for all participants in muzzle loading, pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Most noise cancelling headphones do not have a rating of at least 25 dB.
Pg. 12 Lead Contamination -This best practice has been updated based on what the 4-H National Committee Recommends. Every range is different but please do your best to mitigate lead contamination.
Pg. 27 Hits on the wrong target/bullseye - misplaced sighting shots have been updated with no additional penalizing points. Excessive hits has been updated to eliminate the penalization of 2 points. Instead the highest point shot will be eliminated. Excess hits on a target has been updated to eliminate the confirmed shots by another participant.
Pg. 29 .22 Pistol Course (Slow Fire) - The distance was changed from 50 to 25 yds to reflect the targets that are being used (NRA B-8). The course fire was updated to say 40 shots. The course of fire will be determined on the range by the range master. The NGB rules were updated to the 2023 edition.
Pg. 29 .22 Pistol Course (Silhouette) - Silhouette rules were added and will be added to the state shooting sports contests moving forward.
Pg. 31 Air Pistol Course - The section has been reduced to eliminate how the course of fire will be. This is up to the range master to decide.
Pg. 38 Shotgun Shoot Offs - This section was updated to add clarity in the event of a tie.
Pg. 41 National Championships - This section was added to add clarification for who can attend the national shooting sports championships.
Use the link below to download the complete policies and procedures document (PDF).
Wright, H
Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures,
Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
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Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures
Policies and Procedures
Last updated February 2025
This is the updated policies and procedures manual for 4-H Shooting Sports. A summary of the changes follows.
Pg. 7 Minimum Standard 9 - The wording was changed to remove ‘examples of unacceptable firearm components are muzzle brakes, recoil compensators, and suppressors. Ported barrels are permitted on shotguns & pistols.’
Pg. 9 Archery Compound Limited - The definition was updated. Bows that have whisker biscuits on them but no sight would be in this division.
Pg. 11-12 Ear Protection - Ear protection must have an OSHA Noise Reduction Rating of at least 25 dB for all participants in muzzle loading, pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Most noise cancelling headphones do not have a rating of at least 25 dB.
Pg. 12 Lead Contamination -This best practice has been updated based on what the 4-H National Committee Recommends. Every range is different but please do your best to mitigate lead contamination.
Pg. 27 Hits on the wrong target/bullseye - misplaced sighting shots have been updated with no additional penalizing points. Excessive hits has been updated to eliminate the penalization of 2 points. Instead the highest point shot will be eliminated. Excess hits on a target has been updated to eliminate the confirmed shots by another participant.
Pg. 29 .22 Pistol Course (Slow Fire) - The distance was changed from 50 to 25 yds to reflect the targets that are being used (NRA B-8). The course fire was updated to say 40 shots. The course of fire will be determined on the range by the range master. The NGB rules were updated to the 2023 edition.
Pg. 29 .22 Pistol Course (Silhouette) - Silhouette rules were added and will be added to the state shooting sports contests moving forward.
Pg. 31 Air Pistol Course - The section has been reduced to eliminate how the course of fire will be. This is up to the range master to decide.
Pg. 38 Shotgun Shoot Offs - This section was updated to add clarity in the event of a tie.
Pg. 41 National Championships - This section was added to add clarification for who can attend the national shooting sports championships.
Use the link below to download the complete policies and procedures document (PDF).
Published by:
Wright, H, 2025, Nevada 4-H Shooting Sports Policies and Procedures, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
An EEO/AA Institution. Copyright ©
2025, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.
A partnership of Nevada counties; University of Nevada, Reno; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture