4-H Archery Camp
Girl shooting an arrow
4-H Down the Rabbit Hole Camp
boy making a smoothie
Game of Life 4-H Teen Camp
campers posing for a picture
Paint & Poetry 4-H Camp
Girl holding a paiting

Executive Summary

This report presents the analysis of survey data collected from 147 youth participants to evaluate the impact of overnight camps across four key domains: Engagement, Belonging, Sparks, and Relationships. Additionally, specific items related to the overall camp experience, such as meals, friendships, outdoor activities, and staff interactions, were analyzed. The results highlight the strengths and areas for improvement in fostering positive youth development through camp participation.

Key Findings

  1. Engagement
    • Analysis: Participants generally felt engaged through opportunities for decision-making, leadership, and independent learning. However, variability suggests some participants felt less empowered, possibly due to differences in programming or personal confidence.
    • Recommendations: Increase leadership roles and team-based decision-making activities to enhance engagement.
  2. Belonging
    • Analysis: Most participants felt a strong sense of inclusion, safety, and respect, though a few reported lower experiences in belonging. This reflects the importance of group dynamics and inclusivity.
    • Recommendations: Implement team-building exercises and provide clear mechanisms to address feelings of exclusion.
  3. Sparks
    • Analysis: Participants moderately valued opportunities to explore their interests and plan for their future. Higher variability indicates that some camps may not provide sufficient individualized opportunities.
    • Recommendations: Offer a variety of activities and mentorship programs to inspire participants and cater to diverse interests.
  4. Relationships
    • Analysis: Relationships scored the highest, indicating that participants felt cared for and respected by camp staff and peers. This reflects the strong interpersonal dynamics facilitated by the camps.
    • Recommendations: Continue staff training focused on empathy and fairness, and encourage peer support systems.

Camp-Specific Items

Eight additional items related to the overall camp experience were analyzed. Key findings include:

  1. Good and Nutritious Meals: Consistently rated as a highlight of the camp experience, reflecting the importance of quality food in fostering satisfaction and well-being.
  2. Making New Friends: While most participants appreciated forming friendships, higher variability suggests room for improvement in promoting social interactions.
  3. Being Outside: Outdoor activities were highly rated, though some participants may not have fully engaged with nature-based programming.
  4. Educational Workshops: Educational activities/workshops were valued but showed some variability, indicating opportunities to enhance their relevance and engagement.
  5. Organized Activities and Games: These were well received, highlighting their importance in creating fun and structured experiences.
  6. Cabin Experience: A key strength, cabins fostered comfort and camaraderie among participants.
  7. Teen Counselors: Highly rated as relatable role models who contributed to participants' positive experiences.
  8. Adult Camp Staff: The highest-rated item, reflecting the critical role of staff in ensuring positive adult relationships, safety, structure, and support.


  • Strong relationships with adult staff and peers contributed significantly to positive camp experiences.
  • Structured activities, meals, and accommodations were consistently rated as highlights.
  • Camps effectively fostered belonging and engagement among most participants.

Areas for Improvement

  • Social connections and workshop content showed higher variability, suggesting opportunities to enhance inclusivity and relevance.
  • More emphasis on individualized activities and mentorship could improve sparks and future planning.


  1. Enhance Social Dynamics: Introduce more team building and icebreaker activities to support friendship formation.
  2. Diversify Programming: Offer a wider variety of activities to cater to different interests and promote sparks.
  3. Sustain Core Strengths: Maintain high standards in meals, staff interactions, and accommodations, as these are central to participant satisfaction.
  4. Gather Feedback: Regularly collect participant feedback to adapt and improve programming.

Background and Purpose

Evaluation Goals

The main goal of this evaluation was to determine the effect that the overnight camps had on the participant youth, especially on their relationships, sense of engagement, sense of belonging and the spark in their life.
About the Camps

  1. 4-H Archery Camp: The main activity was archery. Youth learned and practiced the art of shooting arrows while enjoying the great outdoors with exciting activities. For youth ages 12-16.
  2. Game of Life 4-H Teen Camp: Activities include STEM, nature exploration, expressive arts, survival skills, and more. For youth in grades 6-9.
  3. Down the Rabbit Hole 4-H Pre-Teen Camp: Activities include STEM, nature exploration, expressive arts, survival skills, and more. For youth in grades 9-12.
  4. Healthy Living 4-H Camp: Activities include team challenges, nutrition demonstrations, and movement exercises. For youth in grades 4-6.
  5. Paint & Poetry 4-H Camp: Activities included proper painting practices, creative writing, and poetry performance. For youth ages 14-18.
  6. 4-H Outdoor Explorers Camp: Activities include nature walks, animal and plant discovery, and team building with an emphasis on environmental science. For youth ages 10-16.

For the complete report, use the link below to download the PDF version.

Elgeberi, N. & Luna, N. 2024, Evaluation of Clark County 4-H Overnight Camps 2023-2024 Program Year, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Reports

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