Staci Emm

Photo of Staci Emm, Extension

Staci Emm

Professor, County Educator


Extension Educators teach students about solutions to identified needs, coordinate education and outreach programs, produce scholarly materials (journal articles, fact sheets, curriculums), and manage community-based offices in the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources. Staci Emm has been the Extension Educator in Mineral County since 2004 and is the principal link between the University, the residents of Mineral County and Nevada tribes. She has a primary assignment that integrates teaching and administration (70%), research (25%) and service (5%) within the formal mission of Cooperative Extension. Emm’s office is located in the Mineral County Extension office.


Mineral County High School, Hawthorne, Nevada, 1991
BA in Journalism (Public Relations & Business Administration), University of Nevada, Reno, 1996
Masters of Agriculture (Extension Education Specialization), Colorado State University, 2003


conference workshop

Advanced Business Training - The Native American Agriculture Fund

The Native American Agriculture Fund (NAAF) is a private, charitable trust serving Native farmers and ranchers through strategic grantmaking in the areas of business assistance, agricultural education, technical support and advocacy series.

cattle feeding at UNR's Main Station Ranch

Agricultural Outlook (Nevada)

Provide agricultural stakeholders with a concise evaluation of current market conditions, expected trends in crop and livestock income potential and management implications.

farmers market

Beginning Farmer and Rancher - Herds & Harvest Program

Developing educational courses, workshops, technical assistance, business advice and mentoring support network for Nevada agricultural producers who are beginning or diversify a farm or ranch operation.

Amilton de Mello in Winnemucca

Cattlemen's Update

Cattlemen’s Update is Extension’s annual educational program offered for beef cattle producers to learn about issues affecting profitability and product quality in the Great Basin region.

man delivering groceries to elderly

Food Business Center

Providing training and technical assistance to help Nevada producers diversify and expand their product portfolio, optimize operational processes and ensure that those entering food processing are compliant with US requirements.

students learning how to process meat

Meat Workforce Development Program

The Workforce Development Meat Program trains and provides certifications in meat harvest and processing for beef, lamb, pork and poultry. Training is a combination on in-class room lecture, hands-on experience and tours.

flying drones

Mineral County 4-H Youth Development

4-H programming in Mineral County, Nevada.

Image of the Mobile Harvest Unit being pulled by an Extension vehicle

Mobile Harvest Unit

University of Nevada, Reno, offers a USDA-compliant Mobile Harvest Unit that serves as self-contained slaughter floors on wheels.

Enhancing climate resilience on tribal lands

Native Waters on Arid Lands

Native Waters on Arid Lands is a five-year (2015-2020) project that partners researchers and extension experts with tribal communities in the Great Basin and American Southwest to collaboratively understand the impacts of climate change, and to evaluate adaptation options for sustaining water resources and agriculture.

Field in Nevada with livestock

Nevada Tribal Programs

The Nevada Tribal Programs works within Extension to provide need-based educational programs to Nevada tribal members.

risk management class

Risk Management Education

Extension develops and delivers a comprehensive risk management education program to livestock, forage, and food producers in Nevada.


Veggies for Kids

Veggies for Kids teaches children about healthy eating habits and improves accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables.

lake tahoe

Water for the Seasons

Water for the Seasons (WftS) is a program that partners scientists with community water managers and water right holders in the Truckee-Carson River System (TCRS), to explore new strategies and solutions for dealing with extreme climate events such as droughts and floods.


As an Extension Educator and Professor in Mineral County, my primary role is to identify local needs and issues that can be addressed through integrated education and research, and to develop and deliver outreach programs to meet those needs.  I utilize a variety of methods to identify educational and research needs, including electronic and postal mail surveys, focus groups, and secondary data analysis.  I have identified and developed educational programs in the following areas: agricultural sustainability and development in Nevada and on American Indian reservations in the western US; health and nutrition for youth and seniors; and youth and community development in Mineral County.

Honors and Awards

Emm, S., & Singletary, L. (2011). People of the Land: Sustaining American Indian agriculture in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Community of Scholars Honoring Excellence: NIFA National Diversity Award. Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU).

Emm, S. (2011). People of Land: Sustaining American Indian agriculture in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Congressional Recognition, APLU Diversity Award.

Emm, S. (2011). People of Land: Sustaining American Indian agriculture in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. Senatorial Recognition, APLU Diversity Award.


My primary assignment as an Extension Educator and Professor integrates teaching and administration (70%), scholarly effort (25%), and service (5%), within the formal mission of the University of Nevada, Reno Extension.  Teaching efforts are focused on achieving short-term knowledge gains, medium-term attitudinal and behavior changes with the long-term goal of affecting social and economic conditions.  Teaching efforts include implementing need-based programming, reporting program impacts, providing leadership in the community, administration of the Mineral County Cooperative Extension office, and offering support to other Extension and university-based faculty within my program areas. 

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Upcoming agricultural events for 2024/2025
An up to date list of upcoming agriculture events.
Chapin, K., Emm, S. 2024, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Bulletin
2023 Nevada Small Agriculture Conference Tentative Agenda
The Nevada Small Agriculture Conference is being coordinated by Nevada Farm Bureau members with the assistance of the University of Nevada, Reno Extension and Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE). It will be held on August 25-26, 2023 at the Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas, NV.
Chapin, K. 2023, University of Nevada, Reno Extension
Fact Sheets
Mineral County Roadside Marker
Community Assets for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
M. Rebori, J. Lednicky, B. Borden, S. Emm 2022, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-22-08
Mineral County Roadside Marker
Demographic Characteristics for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Joe's Tavern in Hawthorne, Nevada
Economic Characteristics for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
El Capitan Restaurant in Hawthorne, NV
Land Use and Fiscal Characteristics for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Sportsman's Beach sign
Social Characteristics for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Hawthorne sign in Hawthorne, Nevada
Top Industry Performers for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
livstock at rim fire
Best Management Practices for Livestock and Equine during Wildfire Smoke Events
The intent of this article is to provide recommendations for best management practices for livestock and equine owners during wildfire smoke events. Some of these recommendations may not be applicable to owners of large quantities of livestock and/or equine.
Chichester, L, Kay, M., Roice-Gomes, J., Allen, M., Taylor, L. Emm, S. 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-10
Best management practices for livestock and equine during wildfire smoke events
Wildfire can be an important tool in maintaining diverse and healthy ecosystems. However, wildfires can also increase greenhouse gas emissions, devastate ecosystems, and decimate animal populations and their habitats, along with homes and other structures, creating hazardous health impacts on humans and animals.
L. Chichester, M. Kay, J. Roice-Gomes, M. Allen, L. Taylor, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-21-10
Navigating Online Program Delivery With Zoom Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
This publication will explore how four faculty moved their programming online to meet both programmatic and clientele needs.
L. Chichester, S. Emm, H. Kratsch, C. Restaino 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-29
Mineral County Youth Issues
Mineral County communities are geographically isolated from large population centers and are economically depressed. The countywide population has decreased over the past several years. The economic base for employment has historically been mining and the Hawthorne Army Depot.
Emm, S., and Hagen, S., Berginnis, C. 2017, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet 17-18
walker lake
Mineral County Assets and Development Needs - 2017
Mineral County communities are geographically isolated from large population centers, and are economically depressed. The countywide population has decreased over the past several years. The economic base for employment has historically been mining and the Hawthorne Army Depot.
Emm, S., and Hagen, S., Berginnis, C., 2017, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Fact Sheet 17-17
Determining Profitability of Alternative Crops
There are many alternative crops to consider. Evaluating which alternative crop or crops will be the best fit for a producer can be a daunting task. This fact sheet breaks down the process to a step-by-step review of individual crops to gauge which crops may be the most successful for a given producer.
Bishop, C., and Emm, S. 2013, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Soil and Climate Considerations of Alternative Crops
To determine which alternative crop or crops are best suited to a particular producer, it is necessary to determine the soil and climatic conditions under which the crop will be grown. This will influence the amount of probable yield, which impacts the possible economic returns.
Bishop, C., and Emm, S. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-27
Working Effectively with American Indian Populations: A Brief Overview of Federal Indian Policy
An understanding of current American Indian issues requires a basic familiarity with federal Indian policy. This fact sheet provides a brief overview of these policies spanning two centuries. The policies are presented as policy “eras” in chronological order.
Singletary, L. and Emm, S. 2011, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Working Effectively with American Indian Populations: Great Basin and Columbia Plateau Indian Culture
American Indians of the western range refers to American Indians who reside in a region of the western U.S. bordered on the west by the Sierra and Cascade mountains and on the east by the Rocky Mountains (Woodhead, 1995). The western range includes the Columbia Plateau and Great Basin cultural and physiographic areas.
Singletary, L. and Emm, S. 2011, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Economic and Environmental Priorities of Walker River Basin Landowners
In west-central Nevada lies the Walker River Basin. Fed mainly by the snow melt of the surrounding Sierra Nevada Mountains, the basin provides the vital water that sustains both human and natural livelihoods.
Curtis, K., Emm, S., and Entsminger, J. 2008, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-08-20
Landowner Willingness to Adopt Alternative Cropping and Irrigation Strategies in the Walker River Basin
Water. In the arid climate of the Great Basin it is the most vital resource available. Both humans and natural ecosystems rely on this scarce resource for their livelihood and well being. Nowhere is this more apparent than the Walker River Basin in westcentral Nevada.
Curtis, K., Emm, S., and Entsminger, J. 2008, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-08-19
Landowner Willingness to Sell or Lease Water Rights in the Walker River Basin
This fact sheet will provide a background on water rights in Nevada, followed by a comparison of the survey findings between 2003 and 2007. This comparison seeks to examine the changes in water rights owners’ willingness to sell or lease their holdings.
Curtis, K., Emm, S., and Entsminger, J. 2008, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
walker lake
Walker Lake: A Snapshot of Water Flow and Water Quality
This factsheet contains everything you need to know about Walker River Basin river flow, water quality, water monitoring, and water rights. Use this factsheet as a tool to find additional information about Walker Lake and understand how water flows in the Walker River Basin.
Emm, S. and Zuniga, K. 2008, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-08-08
Walker River Basin Research Study: Environmental Priorities
This fact sheet contains several environmental priorities of Walker River Basin to show the important and nonimportant groups of each. Learn through detailed tables and graphs that display each importance.
Emm, S., Breazeale, D., and Smith, M. 2007, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-07-02
schurz sign
Walker River Indian Reservation: Community Needs and Issues
This fact sheet contains information on the needs and issues of the Walker River Paiute Indian Reservation. Learn about the survey conducted to find the community risk factors and law and order code.
Emm, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-62
schurz sign
Walker River Indian Reservation: Youth Development
This fact sheet contains information on the Walker River Paiute Indian Reservation and the possible youth risk factors. Learn about major problems that affect the youth in the reservation and the protective factors in place.
Emm, S. 2006, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-06-63
Mineral County Needs Assessment: Community Development
This fact sheet reports the results of a need assessment to determine Cooperative Extension programs and priorities in Mineral County. Learn about the age distribution and community involvement and hobbies of Mineral County through detailed tables with percentages.
Emm, S. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-61
Mineral County Needs Assessment: Community Needs and Issues
This fact sheet reports on community needs and issues through detailed tables of the top five community needs and issues with percentages of 207 households. Learn about the quality of life in Mineral County and both most and least important needs and issues.
Emm, S. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-50
Mineral County Needs Assessment: Youth Development
This fact sheet reports on Mineral County's needs assessment for youth development by exploring youth issues, existing programs, and assessments. Learn about the percentages of households responding to serval youth issues and the average for each.
Emm, S. 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-04-62
Walker River Basin Research Study: Perceptions and Attitudes of Water Right Owners
This fact sheet contains information on the perceptions and attitudes of water right owners by describing the overall study, instrument development, data collection procedure and analysis as well as some of the general findings.
Emm, S., Breazeale, D., and Smith, M., 2004, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-19
Duckwater Shoshone Indian Reservation Agriculture and Natural Resource Focus Group Session Results
This fact sheet contains detailed information on duckwateer shoshone indian reservation agriculture and the results from a natural resource focus group. Learn more about the Duckwater Indian Reservation, Natural Resources Overview, the history and strengths, and many more.
Emm, S., Lewis, S., Breazeale, D. 2002, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-02-44
Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation Agriculture And Natural Resources Focus Group Session Results
This fact sheet contains extensive information on agriculture and natural resources of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation. Learn more about the Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation, vision of agriculture and natural resources, history and strengths and many more.
Lewis, S., Breazeale, D., and Emm, S. 2002, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-02-45
Does Cooperative Extension Have a Role to Play in County Emergency Management and/or Disaster Preparedness?
While Extension may have the knowledge and skills to be an asset to the county or local emergency management and/or disaster preparedness teams, they may not be collaborating with the local authorities prior to a major crisis event.
Chichester, L. & Emm, S. 2019, Journal of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, Vol12, Iss2, Dec. 2019
Online Courses
Food Business Center - 10 Week Course Outline
Learn what sessions are being offered over the 10 weeks by the Food Business Center.
Emm, S. 2025, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno
Special Publications
Sportsman's Beach in Mineral County, NV
Nevada Economic Assessment Project Socioeconomic Baseline Report for Mineral County, Nevada
The project focuses on providing Nevada’s counties, state and federal agencies, and their partners with quantitative and qualitative baseline data and analyses to better understand the counties’ demographic, social, economic, fiscal, and environmental characteristics, trends, and impacts.
B. Borden, J. Lednicky, M. Rebori, S. Emm 2021, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno