Lindsay, A. 2010, Get Moving!, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-10-78
A family playing softball together
What is my goal? Get Moving!
How do I get there? “Step up your daily activity!”
What do I do?

Take a lunch stroll, park further away, bike to work, use a stability ball, Wash the car, mow the yard, scrub the floors, rake leaves, wash windows, shovel snow, walk to the store, wear a pedometer, use the stairs, walk the dog, garden & pull weeds Walk the dog

How do I make it work? Save money, Do it yourself, get a dog
How often? Anytime!
How hard? However you feel!
How long? Until you stop!

We are driven in this 21st century by our demanding work schedules, family obligations, personal responsibilities and busy social commitments. Strangely enough, busy lives often lead to inactivity and our health suffers as a result. The truth is, busy schedules should not be the reason we are not active, but rather, they should create opportunities to help us become more active. Learning to move more requires a gradual commitment, and doesn't happen overnight.
It can be a challenge to schedule an exercise plan into your busy life. Try stepping up your current routine without adding more commitments to your schedule. This step, called Get Moving!, will add fun and physical activity to your everyday life.

Try parking a little further away where you do not have to fight the crowds. For quick trips to the store to buy just a few things, walk instead of drive. Use the stairs whenever possible. For tall buildings, get off the elevator a few floors early; use the stairs the rest of the way. Try wearing a pedometer and track how many steps you walk each day . See if you can add more steps just by being creative (refer to Using a Pedometer UNCE Fact Sheet 08-32).

  • Pick one day a week and ride your bike to work. Conduct your business meeting over an outdoor walk.
  • Replace your office chair with an exercise (stability) ball. It is fun, inexpensive and it strengthens your core muscles!
  • Eat your lunch, then take a stroll with a co-worker or even go by yourself and listen to some music.
  • How about those chores that need to be done, like washing the car, mowing the yard or washing the windows?

Sure, it is easier to delegate the job to someone else or pay for a service. But why not do it yourself? You can save some money and burn some extra calories while you are at it. Think of it as scheduling activity time that is also productive!
Get yourself a dog. There is an activity commitment waiting to happen every morning and night! Partner with a good friend to incorporate physical activity into your busy day. Taking a family bike ride or walk at sunset can also reduce the days stress and provide an opportunity to spend time and reflect on the day’s activities with your children and loved ones.
There is no keeping score, track or time. Do it any time the thought comes to mind!


  1. Thompson, Gordon, and Pescatello, (Eds.). (2009). ACSMs Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 8th ed.
  2. U.S. DHHS. (2008). 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

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