Kelly, Christine 2022, Clark County Radon Map, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno IP
Radon Potential by Zip Code
Clark  Zip Valid less than 4 p 4p or greater % radon potential >0<4 >4<10 >10<20 >20<50 >50<100 >100 Average Highest
89002 54 50 4 7.4% 51 3 1 - - - 1.60 10.5
89005 142 115 27 19.01% 115 21 4 2 - - 3.10 36.6
89006 3 2 1 33.3% 2 1 - - - - 3.13 5.6
89007 1 1 - 0.0% 1 - - - - - 1.40 1.4
89009 1 1 - 0.0% 1 - - - - - 0.60 0.6
89011 43 41 2 4.65% 39 2 - - - - 1.60 5.5
89012 122 99 23 18.8% 99 22 1       2.50 11.1
89014 88 82 6 6.8% 82 5 1       1.82 14.1
89015 88 80 8 9.09% 80 6 2       1.99 14.7
89019 5 4 1 20.0% 4 1 -       2.20 4.2
89021 17 13 4 23.53% 13 3 - 1     4.71 24.4
89024 3 3 - 0% 3 - -       0.90 1.5
89025 8 5 3 37.5% 5 3 -       2.64 4.9
89027 44 43 1 2.27% 43 - -       1.76 25.5
89029 14 14 - 0% 14 - -       1.28 1.7
89030 21 16 5 23.81% 16 2 3       3.78 15.7
89031 40 40 - 0% 40 - -       1.13 2.9
89032 33 26 7 21.21% 26 4 1 1 1 - 4.68 66.0
89033 2 2 - 0% 2 - -       1.10 1.3
89034 9 9 -


9 - -       0.87 1.4
89039 1 1 - 0% 1 - -       0.80 0.8
89040 9 8 1 11.1% 9 - -       5.06 36.0
89044 219 198 21 9.59% 198 18 3       2.23 16.2
89052 564 357 207 36.7% 357 151 48       4.50 70.0
89053 1 1 - 0% 1 - -       2.80 2.8
89074 111 99 12 10.8% 99 12 -       2.11 8.4
89081 17 17 - 0% 17 - -       1.09 2.2
89084 58 57 1 1.7% 57 1 -       1.34 5.1
89085 4 4 - 0% 4 - -       0.63 1.0
89086 3 3 - 0% 3 - -       2.47 3.7
89101 16 15 1 6.3% 15 1 -       0.98 4.1
89102 53 49 4 7.5% 49 3 1       2.04 11.8
89103 49 48 1 2% 48 1 -       1.01 5.2
89104 30 26 4 13.3% 26 4 -       1.90 8.7
89105 3 3 - 0% 3 - -       0.90 1.1
89106 21 19 2 9.5% 19 2 -       1.89 9.3
89107 55 53 2 3.6% 53 2 -       1.22 9.9
89108 87 82 5 5.75% 82 4 1       1.23 13.1
89109 14 14 - 0% 14 - -       1.26 3.2
89110 62 56 6 9.7% 56 4 1 1     2.10 22.0
89112 1 1 - 0% 1 - -       1.30 1.3
89113 129 129 1 .78% 129 1 -       1.38 7.8
89114 2 2 - 0% 2 - -       1.05 1.3
89115 25 22 3 12.0% 22 3 -       1.84 7.7
89117 78 76 2 2.56% 76 2 -       0.92 4.7
89118 15 15 - 0% 15 - -       0.77 1.5
89119 27 27 - 0% 27 - -       1.03 2.5
89120 37 37 - 0% 37 - -       1.17 2.6
89121 80 77 3 3.7% 77 2 -       1.71 24.7
89122 63 62 1 1.6% 62 1 -       1.18 5.2
89123 120 118 2 1.67% 118 2 -       1.13 5.2
89124 12 4 8 66.7% 4 7 -       6.19 21.0
89128 53 53 - 0% 53 - -       0.78 3.0
89129 89 88 1 1.1% 88 1 -       1.08 4.4
89130 68 68 - 0% 68 - -       1.02 3.3
89131 93 87 6 6.5% 87 4 -       1.75 23.0
89132 2 1 1 50.0% 1 1 -       2.90 4.9
89134 146 145 1 0.6% 145 - 1       1.04 14.8
89135 71 70 1 1.41% 70 - 1       1.05 13.0
89137 3 3 - 0% 3 - -       0.60 0.6
89138 18 18 - 0% 18 - -       0.68 1.1
89139 32 30 2 6.25% 30 2 -       1.27 9.5
89141 42 39 3 7.14% 39 3 -       1.44 5.8
89142 22 22 - 0% 22 - -       1.20 3.2
89143 25 24 1 4% 24 1 -       1.07 4.7
89144 36 36 - 0% 36 - -       0.83 2.3
89145 40 40 - 0% 40 - -       0.99 3.2
89146 33 31 2 6.1% 31 1 1       2.28 35.4
89147 51 50 1 1.96% 50 1 -       0.92 4.4
89148 34 34 - 0% 34 - -       0.76 1.5
89149 58 58 - 0% 58 - -       1.19 3.6
89156 27 25 2 7.4% 25 1 1       1.93 11.3
89160 2 2 - 0% 2 - -       0.55 0.7
89161 3 3 - 0% 3 - -       1.90 2.6
89166 24 24 - 0% 24 - -       0.76 2.2
89169 7 7 - 0% 7 - -       1.00 1.5
89178 21 21 - 0% 21 - -       0.76 1.5
89179 5 5 - 0% 5 - -       0.86 1.0
89180 1 1 - 0% 1 - -       3.60 3.6
89183 38 36 2 5.2% 36 - 1       2.09 27.5
89191 1 1 - 0% 1 - -       0.80 0.8
Totals 3751 3351 403 10.74% 3351 310 71 20 2 - 2.09  
% of Totals Tests 92% 8.26% 1.89% 1% 0% 0%  

† Range of radon levels in pCi/l
‡ Radon levels by pCi/l

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