Blecker, L., Creech, E., Dick, J., Gephart, S., Hefner, M., Kratsch, H., Moe, A., Schultz, B. 2020, Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide – Eurasian watermilfoil, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Field Guide


  • Aquatic weed up to 12 ft. long, submersed, branched near water surface, growing points often reddish; breaks into fragments easily
Photo of eurasian watermilfoil plant


  • Whorled with 4 leaves per node; leaves are green to brown, less than 1.25 in. long and pinnately-divided with more than 14 pairs of narrow, opposite lobes, less than 0.4 in. long   
Photo of eurasian watermilfoil plant


  • Pinkish and small, each with a small, bract-like leaf 
  • Occur in clusters on small, pencil-like stalks that emerge from water, 1-3 in. long; stem often bends to become parallel with the water surface after flowering
Photo of eurasian watermilfoil plant


  • Creeping rhizomes
Photo of eurasian watermilfoil plant


  • Most common in still or slow-moving water but can sometimes be found in fast-moving rivers, streams and irrigation ditches; known to occur in Carson City, Douglas and Washoe counties
  • Perennial; reproduces by rhizomes, stem fragments and seed


  • Mechanical removal can be effective but must be done repeatedly; escaped stem fragments can form new plants; draining then allowing an empty water-body to freeze can be effective
  • Aquatic herbicides such as 2,4-D, copper complexes, diquat, endothall, fluridone, and triclopyr are effective; large infestations should be treated a portion at a time to prevent low oxygen levels as plants decompose

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Blecker, L., Creech, E., Dick, J., Gephart, S., Hefner, M., Kratsch, H., Moe, A., Schultz, B. 2020, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Field Guide