Juan Salas, Reyna Mendez, Mike Bindrup, Farrah Stockett 2021, Taxes that Apply to My Business | SBEP Finance Class, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno

Taxes aren't the most enjoyable subject for entrepreneurs, but it's vital to keep an open mind about them. This video
will review business structures and the taxes that apply in each case at the federal and state levels. Learn about
employee and independent contractor classification and compliance in Nevada.

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This fact sheet explores the related impact and legal aspects of the use of General Improvement Districts (GIDs) in the State of Nevada by taking a look at the number and total value of local general improvement districts active in Nevada from 2012 to 2013.
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Funding Economic Development in Nevada: Redevelopment
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Funding Economic Development in Nevada: Special Assessment Districts
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Steinmann, F. 2013, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, FS-13-33