Wilson, R.E. W.S. Johnson, S. Swanson and S. Donaldson. 1999, Nevada's War on Weeds - Making your Program Work?, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, FS-99-74

Successful weed management efforts must follow a few basic steps to broaden the effort, making it more extensive, and therefore, more effective. An organized systematic, long-term approach to management is essential because invasive weeds are very difficult to control, with efforts usually stretching over several generations. This is why invasive weeds pose such an economic and ecological threat to most of what we value about life in the West. Unfortunately, most states have not been successful in decreasing the infested acres within their jurisdiction because they have not used a systematic approach to the problem. The alternative to a systematic program, whether ignoring the problem or addressing it poorly, is so potentially devastating that it should not be considered.

A structured, planned approach to invasive weed management:

  1. Makes the job easier.
  2. Increases efficiency and saves money. The process will save time and money by sharing successes and failures.
  3. Improves weed management techniques by increasing environmental knowledge and improving management skills, making weaknesses quite visible.
  4. Develops and maintains public trust by keeping appropriate records and using them to improve future weed management programming.
  5. Increases personal satisfaction because efforts are more successful.
  6. Help recognize the total invasive weed problem, not just the few areas where the problem is most visible.
  7. Prioritizes the invasive weeds of greatest threat as well as management efforts to maximize economic and/or weed control gains.
  8. Shortens the time to control a weed infestation.
  9. Lowers herbicide quantities used because weeds will be treated when treatment is more effective so areas will not need as much retreatment.
  10. Builds community support for local weed management efforts.
  11. Increases the funding and participation base through coordinated planning to involve individual landowners, managers and interested citizens successfully working together.
  12. Complements awareness, education and training programs.
  13. Increases the comfort, knowledge, and skills of managers for integrating chemical, biological, cultural, and physical control practices.
  14. Enables participation in broader invasive weed control projects that benefit everyone by bringing the entire weed problem under control and stopping infestations before they start.

To accomplish a structured planned approach to invasive weed management, the following fact sheets have been developed as an integrated set. They are useful as a set, for individuals planning specific projects, or to guide a total successful weed management program. The "Nevada’s War on Weeds -- Steps to Success" series of fact sheets includes:

Step 1 – Create Effective Coalitions with Awareness, Education and Training.
Step 2 – Build Coalitions Through Collaborative Planning and Management
Step 3 – Map Important Weeds for a Living Inventory
Step 4 – Prioritize Weed Management to Eradicate, Control and Contain Invasive Weeds
Step 5 – Avoid Exploding Weed Populations with Prevention and Early Detection
Step 6 – Plan Projects for Success
Step 7 – Monitor Results to Work Smarter Next Year
Step 8 – Fund Justified, Proven Programs
Step 9 – Finding Additional Resources

Nevada’s War on Weed, Steps to Success fact sheets series have been developed to help you in your efforts to effectively combat invasive weeds within your area of influence. They are designed to be clear, concise, and easy to read. Therefore, they may leave out some of the technical detail you might need for your individual locale. References are available to fill in those specific knowledge gaps.

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