Chapin, K. 2023, 2023 Nevada Small Agriculture Conference Tentative Agenda, University of Nevada, Reno Extension

The Nevada Small Agriculture Conference is being coordinated by Nevada Farm Bureau members with the assistance of the University of Nevada, Reno Extension and Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE). It will be held on August 25-26, 2023 at the Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas, NV. To register, click on the link below! 

NV Small Agriculture Conference Registration

August 25-26, 2023

Tentative Schedule

Friday, August 25, 2023

7:30 a.m.  -- Tradeshow Setup

9:00 a.m. -- Registration

9:30  a.m.         Concurrent Sessions

Room A

  • Honey Bee Production 
    • Speaker: Lindsay Chinchester, PhD., Douglas County Extension Educator, UNR
  • Poultry Production
    • Katie Combs, Direct Marketer & Sarah Sarah Stallard, Farm Manager of Las Vegas Livestock      
  • Vegetable Production    
    • Cally Wade, Producer and Farm Market Manager, Little Ranch

Room B

  • Time and Stress Management 
    • Speaker: Brenda J. Freeman, Professor of Counseling/Extension Mental Health Specialist 
  • Fruit and Vegetable Trials at the Research Center and Demonstration Orchard, NLV 
    • Speaker: Louise Ruskamp, Manager, Southern Nevada Extension's Research Center and Demonstration Orchard

11:30 a.m.  -- Lunch - Success Stories Utilizing WSARE Funds 

    • Keynote Speaker: Clayton Marlow, Regional Coordinator, Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 

1:30 p.m.            Concurrent Sessions

Room A -- BFR Workshop - Business Management 

  • Enterprise Budgets & Taxes        
    • Speaker: Carol Bishop, Northeast Clark County Extension Educator, UNR
  • Business Planning           
    • Speaker: Buddy Borden, Associate Professor, Clark County Extension, UNR 
  • Marketing Tools for a Busy Farmer 
    • Sarah Stallard, Farm Manager, Las Vegas Livestock

 Room B

  • Hydroponics Past, Present, and Future    
    • Speaker: Taylor Quiram, Youth Horticulture Education Program Instructor

3:30 p.m.  -- Panel Update of State Meat Processing 

    • Shayda Sanjideh, Meat & Poultry Inspection Project Manager, Nevada Department of Agriculture
    • Staci Emm, Extension Educator, Mineral County Cooperative Extension, UNR
    • Kyle Reber, Field Representative, Nevada Farm Bureau 
    • Martin Kirrane, Featherblade Craft Butchery

4:30 p.m.  -- Southern Nevada Agriculture Roundtable Discussion

5:30 p.m.  -- Social with Trade Show

6:00 p.m.  -- Dinner - How to Find Your Place in the Market

    • Keynote Speaker: Jordan and Kari Brough, Owner, Brough Ranch Beef

Saturday, August 26, 2023

8:30 a.m. -- General Session

8:30 a.m.  -- Welcome

  • Bevin Lister, President, Nevada Farm Bureau
  • Jacob DeDecker, University of Nevada Reno, Associate Dean of Engagement and Extension Director
  • Clayton Marlow, Regional Coordinator, Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 

Keynote Speaker: Bryan Velinga (CFO), Allie Pieroni (Assisstant Manager) and Wendy Wilson with Garden Farms

10: 00 a.m.  -- Break

10:15 a.m.          Concurrent Sessions

  • Room A -- Panel for Opportunities in Farm Bureau 
    • Sarah Stallard, Young Farmer's and Rancher's District Chair
    • Katie Combs, Clark County Farm Bureau President
    • Lacey Tom, Agriculture Teacher at Moapa Valley High School
  • Room B -- Food Sovereignty & Food Security 
    • Speakers: Staci Emm, Mineral County Extension Educator, UNR

11:15 a.m. -- Break 

11:30 a.m. Concurrent Sessions

  • Room A -- WSARE Grant Programs
    • Speaker: Clayton Marlow, Regional Coordinator, Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
  • Room B -- How to Accept SNAP      
    • Speaker: TBD

12:30 p.m. -- Lunch - Sectors of Agriculture Networking Lunch

    • Network with attendees who have similar interests as you whether it is in production, distribution, education, etc.

2:00 pm -- USDA, FSA and USDA NRCS Programs 

    • Speaker: Blane Merkley, County Executive Director, USDA  & Ken Sowers, Outreach Coordinator NRCS

3:00 pm -- Break

 3:15 pm -- Value Added Agricultural Producer Programs and Requirements

    • Speaker: Carol Bishop, Northeast Clark County Extension Educator, UNR 

4:30 p.m.  -- Closing Session

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