C. Stark 2021, Nevada 4-H Program Annual Achievement Record, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Forms


4-H end of year documentation serves a variety of purposes in the 4-H youth development program. Record keeping, a valuable life skill, allows Members to document completed work as well as identify Project and Club activities, achievements and knowledge gained. Through consistent and conscientious completion of these documents, Members chart their personal growth and measure achievement throughout their 4-H careers.

Record keeping teaches/develops these additional life skills and valuable habits:

  • Maintaining consistent records of attendance, achievement and experiences
  • Improved communication
  • Self reflection/evaluation
  • Learning time management and organizational skills
  • Learning responsibility and goal setting skills
  • Using records to build a history of participation and achievement for scholarship applications, job applications and to identify areas of personal growth

The Nevada 4-H Program Annual Achievement Record is meant to accompany and serve as the basis for completion of the Nevada 4-H Star Rank Program Application. Individual 4-H County Programs may require additional materials from 4-H Members for completion of a 4-H Year. (Exs. “Portfolios,” “Record Books,” etc.). Members should contact their local 4-H Office to learn what is required to complete a 4-H Year and receive full recognition for that year’s activities.

(Information excerpted from the UNCE-S. Nye County’s 4-H Record Book)

Remember: “Diligence is the mother of good luck.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American statesman, scientist, philosopher, printer, newspaper editor & writer.


Include your specific involvement (attended, competed, presented, etc.) and level of participation through these code letters: I = Individual, L = Local Club/Unit/Project, C = County, M = Multi- County/Section, A = Area, S = State, N = National/Multi-State, G = Global.

Use these contest, show or event placing abbreviations: W = White, R = Red, B = Blue, RC = Reserve Champion, C = Champion and GC = Grand Champion.

If you do not have information or did not participate in an activity, put “N/A” or “Not Applicable” in the specified section. This indicates you did not have a response, as opposed to forgetting to complete it.

The Annual Achievement Record, Nevada 4-H Star Rank Program should be completed in ink, typed or computer generated.

Items cannot be counted in multiple categories (e.g. double-counting). However, if a Member participates in multiple activities during one event, those separate activities may be counted and attendance at the event counted. (Ex. Member participates in the Nevada Junior Livestock Show AND is a Member of the NJLS Youth Advisory Council.)

Use the link below to download the Annual Achievement Record form in a PDF format.

Learn more about the author(s)


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