Jensen, C. 2024, Nevada Integrated Pest Management Continuing Education Unit Course, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno. IP

Nevada Integrated Pest Management Continuing Education Unit (CEU)

The Nevada Integrated Pest Management Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is hosted by eXtension. When you click on the link below, right click and choose “Open Link in New Tab.” You will then be able to move between this webpage with instructions and the Extension Foundation Campus webpages.

The link for Extension Foundation Campus is - it will take you to the page below.

Extension Foundation Campus homepage

The first time you go to the site, you will have to create an account – click on the “Log In” button top right of the page to create a new account (red arrow) and it will take you to the page below.

Webpage to create Extension Foundation Campus account

If you have an existing account and password, enter it in the log in boxes on this page.

If it is your first time at the site, you will need to click on the “create new account” button (see red arrow).  

A page will come up that prompts you to accept their Cookie Policy. If you agree, click the, "I agree to the Cookie Policy" button.

Extension Foundation Campus cookie policy webpage that prompts you to agree to the policy.

Fill in the required information on the New account form and then click on the “Create my new account.”

Graphic of the extension online campus website showing how to create an account

Extension Foundation Campus will send you an email with log in instructions. Go back to the home page, and click on the log in button again. The same log in page will show up. This time enter your new username and password.

Once you are logged in, scroll down to the list of Courses and select the 'Pest Management' dropdown.

graphic of the extension onlince course website showing how to navigate to the pest management course

Then, the following menu will come up; click on Nevada. Click on the Nevada Integrated Pest Mnagemetn Continuing Education Unit (CEU).

graphic of the extension online course website showing how to navigate to the nevada section

When it pops up, click “Enroll me.” 

It will take you to the course page shown below. You must watch each module in order. You must take and pass the quiz at the end of each module to move to the next module. At the end of the 6 modules and associated quizzes, you will receive a certificate for I (one) Nevada general Pesticide Safety CEU. The course number is NV-24-171. The CEU will be reported to the Nevada Department of Agriculture. Contact Carrie Jensen at 775-336-0249 or with any questions or concerns.

graphic of the extension online campus website showing all of the course modules for the CEU course


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