Smith, H. A., W. S. Johnson, J. S. Shonkwiler, and S. S. Swanson 1999, The Implications of Variable or Constant Expansion Rates in Invasive Weed Infestations., Weed Science, 47:62-66.

Data on the spread of invasive weeds into arid western lands are used to evaluate the environmental and economic importance of controlling invasive weed infestations early. Variable rate and constant rate infestation expansion paths are estimated. The implications of variable vs. constant infestation growth rates for projecting biophysical and economic effects are illustrated. The projections derived from constant and variable growth rate expansion paths support the contention that expedient to control new infestations

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Economic Impacts from the Effects of Invasive Weeds on Outdoor Recreation: An Input-Output Model
This special publication contains information on the impacts of alien invasive weeds on the economics of outdoor recreation by using data of recreation of days per year in Nevada for several activities. Learn more about the invasive weeds through serval analyses and tables.
Eiswerth, M., Johnson, W., Agapoff, J., Darden, T., Harris, T. 2005, Extension | University of Nevada, Reno, SP-05-06
Green Fountain Grass
Green Fountain Grass
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