Won-Gyu Choi

Photo of Won-Gyu Choi, Extension

Won-Gyu Choi

Associate Professor


BS, Woosuk University, Korea, 2000
MS, Woosuk University, Korea, 2002
Ph.D. University of Tennessee, 2009


  • The American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB) - 2009 - present
  • The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) - 2009 - present

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Book Chapter(s)
Calcium, mechanical signaling and tip growth Won-Gyu Choi, Sarah J. Swanson and Simon Gilroy 2011, Coding and Decoding of Calcium Signals in Plants (editor: Sheng Luan; Copyright Holder: Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York; ISBN 78-3-642-20828-7; ISSN 1867-9048)
Cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx mediates iron- and reactive oxygen species-dependent ferroptotic cell death in rice immunity
Here, we report a novel role of cytoplasmic Ca2+ influx regulating ferroptotic cell death in rice immunity using pharmacological approaches. High Ca2+ influx triggered iron-dependent ROS accumulation, lipid peroxidation, and subsequent hypersensitive response (HR) cell death in rice (Oryza sativa).
Wang, J., Choi, W.G., Nguyen, N.K., Liu, D., Kim, S.H., Lim, D., Hwang, B.K. and Jwa, N.S. 2024, Front. Plant Sci., 01 May 2024 Sec. Plant Pathogen Interactions Volume 15 - 2024
The vacuolar Ca2+ transporter CATION EXCHANGER 2 regulates cytosolic calcium homeostasis, hypoxic signaling, and response to flooding in Arabidopsis thaliana Bakshi A, Choi WG, Kim SH, Gilroy S. 2023, New Phytol. 2023 Dec;240(5):1830-1847.
Overexpressing Vitamin C Defective 2 reduces fertility and alters Ca2+ signals in Arabidopsis pollen Weigand C, Brady D, Davis JA, Speicher T, Bacalso J, Jones D, Miller G, Choi WG, Harper JF. 2023, Plant Physiol. 2023 Apr 3;191(4):2276-2287.
Cas9-mediated gene editing in the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis, by embryo injection and ReMOT Control A Sharma, M Pham, J Reyes, R Chana, WC Yim, CC Heu, D Kim, D Chaverra-Rodriguez, J Rasgon, R Harrell II, A Nuss, M Gulia-Nuss 2022, iScience Volume 25, Issue 3, 18 March 2022, 103781
Arabidopsis Ca2+-ATPases 1, 2, and 7 in the endoplasmic reticulum contribute to growth and pollen fitness Maryam Rahmati Ishka, Elizabeth Brown, Alexa Rosenberg, Shawn Romanowsky, James A Davis, Won-Gyu Choi, Jeffrey F Harper 2021, Plant Physiology, 2021 Jan 28;kiab021
Recapitulation of the Function and Role of ROS Generated in Response to Heat Stress in Plants Medina, E.; Kim, S.-H.; Yun, M.; Choi, W.-G. 2021, Plants 2021, 10, 371
A Ratiometric Calcium Reporter CGf Reveals Calcium Dynamics Both in the Single Cell and Whole Plant Levels Under Heat Stress Weigand Chrystle, Kim Su-Hwa, Brown Elizabeth, Medina Emily, Mares Moises, Miller Gad, Harper Jeffrey F., Choi Won-Gyu 2021, Frontiers in Plant Science , Vol 12
Aquaporin family lactic acid channel NIP2;1 promotes plant survival under low oxygen stress in Arabidopsis Zachary G Beamer, Pratyush Routray, Won-Gyu Choi, Margaret K Spangler, Ansul Lokdarshi, Daniel M Roberts 2021, Plant Physiology, Volume 187, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 2262–2278
The Arabidopsis thaliana NIP2;1 Lactic Acid Channel promotes Plant Survival Under Low Oxygen Stress Zachary Beamer, Pratyush Routray, Won-Gyu Choi, Margaret K. Spangler, Ansul Lokdarshi, Daniel M. Roberts 2020, bioRxiv
Variation in the transcriptome of different ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana reveals signatures of oxidative stress in plant responses to spaceflight. Choi, W.-G., Barker, R. J., Kim, S.-H., Swanson, S. J., Gilroy, S. 2019, American journal of botany, 106(1), 123-136
Sense and sensibility: the use of fluorescent protein-based genetically encoded biosensors in plants. Hilleary, R., Choi, W.-G., Kim, S.-H., Lim, S. D., Gilroy, S. 2018, Current opinion in plant biology, 46, 32-38
Quantitative ROS bioreporters: A robust toolkit for studying biological roles of ROS in response to abiotic and biotic stresses. Lim, S. D., Kim, S.-H., Gilroy, S., Cushman, J. C., Choi, W.-G. 2018, Physiologia plantarum, 165(2), 356-368.
Orchestrating Rapid Long-Distance Signaling in Plants with Ca2+ , ROS, and Electrical Signals. Choi, W. G., Miller, G., Wallace, I., Harper, J., Mittler, R., and Gilroy, S 2017, The Plant Journal
Quantification of sodium accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). Won-Gyu Choi and Simon Gilroy 2015, Bio-protocol.5, 16, 8/20/2015 e1570
Rapid Long-Distance Electrical and Calcium Signaling in Plants, Won-Gyu Choi, Richard Hilleary, Sarah J. Swanson, Su-Hwa Kim, and Simon Gilroy 2015, Annual Rev. Plant Bio. 67, Volume 67
Plant biologists FRET over stress Won-Gyu Choi and Simon Gilroy 2014, Elife, Apr 15; 15;3:e02763
Salt stress-induced Ca2+ waves are associated with rapid, long-distance root-to-shoot signaling in plants. Won-Gyu Choi, Masatsugu Toyota, Su-Hwa Kim, Richard Hilleary and Simon Gilroy 2014, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Apr 29; 111(17), 6497-502
High-resolution imaging of Ca2+, redox status, ROS and pH using GFP biosensors. Won-Gyu Choi, Sarah J. Swanson and Simon Gilroy 2012, Plant J. 70, 118-28
Arabidopsis NIP2;1: a nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein transporter of lactic acid induced by flooding stress. Won-Gyu Choi and Daniel M. Roberts 2007, J. Biol. Chem. 282, 24209-24218