Patricia Santos

Photo of Patricia Santos, Extension

Patricia Santos

Assistant Professor


Plants are exceptional biochemists. They have the ability produce innumerous compounds to defend and protect themselves against biotic (microbes, insects, nematodes) and abiotic (drought, heat, salinity, cold, flood) stresses. The polyacetylenic natural products falcarinol and falcarindiol (or falcarins) are two such compounds. Falcarins are lipid-derived molecules that typically contain two triple bonds. They are well known to accumulate in Apiaceous plant species such as carrot. Falcarins have established anticancer properties as well as antimicrobial activities against human and plant pathogens. However, the precise role of falcarins in plant defense against pathogens remains unclear.  

The Santos lab works on molecular plant-microbe interactions. A major focus of the Santos lab is to comprehend how falcarins function in plant resistance to necrotrophic fungi. We employ an integrative approach using tools such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, and cell imaging to unveil the precise role of falcarins in plant defense. The overarching goal of our work is to provide a comprehensive understanding of fundamental aspects of falcarin function in planta and provide resources improving crop resilience to devastating pathogens.        


B.S. & M.S. University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1996
Ph.D. Madeira University, Portugal, 2005

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Structural diversity, biosynthesis, and function of plant falcarin-type polyacetylenic lipids Santos, P., Busta, L., Yim, W. C., Cahoon, E., Kosma, D. 2022, Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 73, No. 9 pp. 2889–2904
NDR1 and the Arabidopsis plasma membrane ATPase AHA5 are required for processes that converge on drought tolerance and immunity. Lu, Y, Chen, H, Corrion, A, Buyuk, I, Li, P, Samaradivakara, S, Wai, CM, Sakamoto, H, Santos, P, VanBuren, R, Kim, Y, Day, B 2021, bioRxiv 2021.06. 10.445978
Transcriptional regulation of wound suberin deposition in potato cultivars with differential wound healing capacity. Z. Wahrenburg, E. Benesch, C. Lowe, J. Jimenez, V. K. R. V., S. Lü, R. Hammerschmidt, D. Douches, W. C. Yim, P. Santos, D. K. Kosma 2021, The Plant Journal, 107(1), 77–99
Identification of Genes Encoding Enzymes Catalyzing the Early Steps of Carrot Polyacetylene Biosynthesis Busta L, Yim WC, LaBrant EW, Wang P, Grimes L, Malyszka K, Cushman JC, Santos P, Kosma DK, Cahoon EB 2018, Plant Physiology December 2018
Primary fatty alcohols are major components of suberized root tissues of Arabidopsis in the form of alkyl hydroxycinnamates. Delude C., Fouillen L., Bhar P., Cardinal M-J., Pascal S., Santos P., Kosma D.K., Joubès J., Rowland O., Domergue F. 2016, Plant Physiology, 171, 1934-1950
Comparison of the nodule vs. root transcriptome of the actinorhizal plant Datisca glomerata: actinorhizal nodules contain a specific class of defensins. Demina, I.V. *, Persson, T. *, Santos, P., Plaszczyca, M., Pawlowski, K. 2013, PLOS One. 8: e72442.
Lignification of cell walls of infected cells in Casuarina glauca nodules that depend on symplastic sugar supply, is accompanied by reduction of plasmodesmata number and narrowing plasmodesmata. Schubert, M., Koteyeva, N.K., Zdyb, A., Santos, P., Voitsekhovskaja, O.V., Demchenko, K.N., Pawlowski, K. 2013, Physiologia Plantarum. 147:524-540.
Actinorhizal plants. Ribeiro, A., Berry, A.M., Pawlowski, K., Santos, P. 2011, Functional Plant Biology. 38, v–vii.
Characterization of four defense-related genes up-regulated in root nodules of Casuarina glauca. Santos, P., Fortunato, A., Graça, I., Martins, S.M., Gouveia, M.M., Auguy, F., Bogusz, D., Ricardo, C.P.P., Pawlowski, K., Ribeiro, A. 2010, Symbiosis. 50:27–35.
Chitinases in root nodules. Santos, P., Fortunato, A., Ribeiro, A., Pawlowski, K. 2008, Plant Biotechnology. 25: 299-307.