Paul Verburg

Photo of Paul Verburg, Extension

Paul Verburg

Associate Professor


My research focuses on the effects of large-scale environmental perturbations such as climate change and acid rain on nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems with an emphasis on soil biogeochemical processes. In my research I try to apply fundamental knowledge of soil processes to address ecosystem-scale questions. In most projects I have collaborated with people from a wide range of disciplines including plant physiologists, hydrologists, and atmospheric chemists. Recent projects involved experimental and modeling studies focusing on the impacts of increased N deposition and precipitation on Mojave Desert ecosystems. More specifically, I was interested in assessing potential linkages between below-ground biotic processes including fine root dynamics and microbial decomposition and abiotic processes such as carbonate weathering and precipitation. Recently, I have become involved in research addressing the impacts of forest management on soils in the Lake Tahoe Basin. In a recent project we looked at the impacts of prescribed fire on nutrient emissions from soils to aquatic environments and the atmosphere. Finally, I have been involved in a project studying the potential use of Pinyon-Juniper lands in the Great Basin as a feedstock for biofuel production. My role in this project was to assess the potential environmental impacts of biomass harvesting in these often remote areas. 


M.S. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands, 1992
Ph.D. Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands, 1998


NRES 233 Intro Soils (Fall 2013)

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Fact Sheets
Reclaiming Water for Urban Foodsheds: State of Nevada Regulations and Permitting.
The Reclaiming Water for Urban Foodsheds project integrates basic scientific research with Extension outreach to examine the feasibility of using reclaimed water resources for irrigated agriculture in urban environments.
Sterle, K., Ormerod, K.J., Singletary, L., Pagilla, K., Hanigan, D., Verburg, P. and Yang, Y. 2020, Extension I University of Nevada, Reno, FS-20-11
Reclaiming Water for Urban Foodsheds: Program Overview
Reclaiming Water for Urban Foodsheds integrates basic scientific research with Extension outreach to examine the feasibility of using reclaimed water resources for irrigated agriculture in urban environments.
Pagilla, K., Hanigan, D., Yang, Y., Verburg, P., Sterle, K., and Singletary, L. 2019, Extension I University of Nevada, Reno, FS-19-08.
Modeling the fate of ionizable pharmaceutical and personal care products (iPPCPs) in soil-plant systems: pH and speciation A. Shahriar, D. Hanigan, P. Verburg, K. Pagilla, Y. u. Yang 2022, Environmental Pollution Volume 315, 15 December 2022, 120367
Immediate effects of burning sagebrush vegetation on soil nutrient dynamics and fertile islands in a cold desert ecosystem C. Igono, W. Payne, R. Blank, P.S. Verburg, E. Nyakatawa 2022, Journal of Arid Land Studies. 32 (2022) 76
Montane Meadows: A Soil Carbon Sink or Source? C.C. Reed, A G. Merrill, W. M. Drew, B. Christman, R. A. Hutchinson, L. Keszey, M. Odell,S. Swanson, P. S. J. Verburg, J. Wilcox, S.C. Hart, B. W. Sullivan 2021, Ecosystems, 24(5), 1125–1141
Modeling the fate and human health impacts of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in reclaimed wastewater irrigation for agriculture. Shahriar, A., Tan, J., Sharma, P., Hanigan, D., Verburg, P., Pagilla, K., & Yang, Y. u. 2021, Environmental Pollution Volume 276, 1 May 2021, 116532
Predicting micro-catchment infiltration dynamics Founds, M., McGwire, K., Weltz, M., Verburg, P. S. 2020, CATENA Volume 190, July 2020, 104524
Improving modeling of quinoa growth under saline conditions using enhanced Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender Model. Goehring, N., Saito, L., Jeong, J., Kiniry, J., Meki, N., Verburg, P. S. 2019, Agronomy, 9(10), 592
Aerobic respiration of mineral-bound carbon in a soil. Adhikari, D., Dunham-Cheatham, S., Wordofa, D., Verburg, P. S., Poulson, S. R., Yang, Y. 2018, Science of the Total Environment, 651, 1253-1260
Determination of the Concentration and Isotopic Composition of Soil Carbon in Arid Soils Ketchian E., Trimble B., Poulson S., Verburg P.S.J. 2018, Soil Science Society of America Journal Vol. 82 No. 1, p. 231-234
Conversion of a Semi-Arid Nevada Soil to Irrigated Agriculture Preferentially Removes Labile Carbon. Trimble, B., Calderon, F., Poulson, S., Verburg, P. S. 2018, Soil Systems, 2(38)
Microbial Transformation of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PYR-1 You, Y., Das, K., Guo, H., Chang, C.-W., Navas-Moreno, M., Chan, J., Verburg, P. S., Poulson, S. R., Wang, X., Xing, B., Yang, Y. 2017, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (4), pp 2068–2076
Plant species effects on soil nutrients and chemistry in the Great Basin under recent and current climatic conditions. Johnson, B., Verburg, P. S., Arnone, J. 2016, Oecologia, 182, 299-317
A synthesis of climate and vegetation cover effects on biogeochemical cycling in shrub-dominated drylands. de Graaff M-A, Throop H, Verburg PSJ, Arnone JA III, Campos X. 2014, Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9764-6
Effects of climate and vegetation on soil nutrients in the Great Basin studied using a latitudinal-elevational gradient. Johnson, B., Verburg, P. S., Arnone, J. A. 2014, Plant and Soil, 382, 151-163.
Carbon allocation in Larrea tridentata plant-soil systems as affected by elevated soil moisture and N availability Verburg, P. S., Kapitzke, S. E., Stevenson, B. A., Bisiaux, M. 2014, Plant and Soils, Volume 378, Issue 1-2, pp 227-238
Do increased summer precipitation and N deposition alter fine root dynamics in a Mojave Desert ecosystem? Verburg P.S.J., A.C. Young, B.A. Stevenson, I. Glanzmann, J.A. Arnone III, G. M. Marion, C. Holmes, R.S. Nowak 2013, Global Change Biology. 19, 948-956
Moisture effects on carbon and nitrogen emission from burning of wildland biomass. Chen, L.-W. A., P. Verburg, A. Shackelford, D. Zhu, R. Susfalk, J. C. Chow, J. G. Watson. 2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion, 10, 7985-8007.
Impacts of an anomalously warm year on nutrient availability in experimentally manipulated tallgrass prairie ecosystems. Verburg, P.S.J., D.W. Johnson, D.E. Schorran, L.L. Wallace, Y. Luo, J.A. Arnone III. 2009, Global Change Biology. 15: 888-900
Reduction of ecosystem CO2 uptake in anomalously warm year persists due to lagged rise in respiration. Arnone III, J.A., P.S.J. Verburg, D.W. Johnson, J.D. Larsen, R.L. Jasoni, A.J. Farnady, C.M. Batts, C. von Nagy, W.G. Coulombe, D.E. Schorran, P.E. Buck, B.H. Braswell, J.S. Coleman, R.A. Sherry, L.L. Wallace, Y. Luo, D.S. Schimel 2008, Nature. 455:383-386.
Soluble element distributions in a Mojave Desert soil. Marion, G.M., P.S.J. Verburg, B. Stevenson, J.A. Arnone III. 2008, Soil Science Society of America Journal. 72:1815-1823
Impacts of an anomalously warm year on soil CO2 fluxes in experimentally manipulated tallgrass prairie ecosystems. Verburg, P.S.J., J. Larsen, D.W. Johnson, D.E. Schorran, J.A. Arnone III. 2005, Global Change Biology. 11:1720-1732
Special Publications
The Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Reclaimed Water Used for Irrigation of Agricultural Crops in Nevada
This publication, which is part of a series, reports on experimental research to quantify the fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal care Products in alfalfa and green wheatgrass irrigated with reclaimed water in a greenhouse setting.
Busse, G., Verburg, P., Hanigan, D., Sharma, P., Yang, Y., Pagilla, K., & Singletary, L. 2021, Extension I University of Nevada, Reno, SP-21-07