Lesley Morris

Photo of Lesley Morris, Extension

Lesley Morris

Associate Professor of Rangeland Ecology & Management


B.A. Political Science, University of New Mexico, 1995
M.S. Environmental Policy and Management, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Ph.D. Ecology, Utah State University, 2008


  • REM 408: Rangeland Ecosystems -Ecological characteristics, botanical composition, distribution, wildlife species, and land uses of the major rangeland plant communities in the western U.S.
  • REM 494: Range and Forest Administration and Policy - Public administration of resource management, history of agencies, laws and policies, administrative procedures, policy formation, decision-making, planning, and public participation as related to ethics, science, and politics.

Honors and Awards

  • Early Career Undergraduate Teaching Award, Rangeland Science and Education Council, Society for Range Management (2018)

News & Journal Articles, Fact Sheets, Reports...

Phenologically targeted grazing: A potential sustainable strategy for native bees in semiarid rangelands Mitchell, Scott R.; DeBano, Sandra J.; Rowland, Mary M.; Morris, Lesley R.; Schmalz, Heidi; Burrows, Skyler; Lukas, Scott B. 2023, Rangeland Ecology & Management. 90(2): 78-91
Ventenata (Ventenata dubia) Response to Grazing and Prescribed Fire on the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie Luke W. Ridder, Lesley Morris, Michelle A. Day, Becky Kerns 2022, Rangeland Ecology & Management 80(1):1-9
Historical Fire and Ventenata dubia Invasion in a Temperate Grassland
Ventenata is an invasive annual grass that has rapidly expanded its range across temperate grassland and shrub-steppe ecosystems in western North America.
Luke W. Ridder, JoAnna M.Perrena, Lesley R.Morris, Bryan A.Endress, Robert V.Taylord, Bridgett J.Naylore 2021, Rangeland Ecology & Management, Vol 75, March 2021, Pg. 35-40
Forb community response to prescribed fire, livestock grazing, and an invasive annual grass in the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie. Watson, B. L., Lukas, S. B., Morris, L. R., DeBano, S. J., Schmalz, H. J., & Leffler, A. J. 2021, Applied Vegetation Science
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Low Soil-Disturbance Treatments for Improving Native Plant Establishment in Stable Crested Wheatgrass Stands C. Morris, L.R.Morris, T. A.Monaco 2019, Rangeland Ecology & Management Volume 72, Issue 2, Pages 237-248
Variation in Sagebrush Communities Historically Seeded with Crested Wheatgrass in the Eastern Great Basin Justin R.Williams, Lesley R.Morris, Kevin L.Gunnell, Jamin K.Johanson, Thomas A.Monacoa 2017, Rangeland Ecology & Management Volume 70, Issue 6, Pages 683-690
Cultivation legacies in soils after rehabilitation seeding in the Great Basin, USA L. R. Morris,T. A. Monaco,R. Blank, R. L. Sheley 2016, Arid Land Research and Management Vol. 30, Iss. 4
Special Publications
Ventenata (ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss.): A New Invasive Annual Grass Threatens Northern Nevada. Morris, L. R., Schultz, B. & Meiman, P. 2023, Extension, University of Nevada, Reno, Special Publication 23-08-15