Technical Assistance Program

The Technical Assistance Program offers 10 weeks of training for the development of your food business.


The Technical Assistance Letter of Intent is open until April 22.

Upcoming Events 

Join us and Connect with Your Local Food System!

Quarterly Webinar Series Agriculture Technology for Small and Mid-Sized Farms April 16th 3-4PM PST The Webinar will feature speakers from the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, LARTA Institute, and Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF). Learn about: • Current technologies and its application for small and mid-sized farms; • Technical Assistance linked technology implementation; • CAFF's Small Farm Tech Hub project for farmers in California's Central Valley.

Agriculture Technology for Small and Mid-Sized Farms Webinar

The USDA Southwest Regional Food Business Center is hosting a free webinar on Agriculture Technology for Small and Mid-Sized Farms on April 16th from 3:00–4:00 p.m. PT. This webinar is part of the Center’s quarterly series, designed to provide farmers, ranchers, and local producers with valuable insights on business development and capacity assistance. Speakers from the Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), LARTA Institute, and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources will highlight various projects and initiatives that enhance farmers' access to agricultural technologies.

This webinar is free and open to all.  Explore past webinar recordings at

For more information, please contact Grace Kaufman at


Green Our Planet Logo

Southern Nevada Giant Student Farmers Market

The Green Our Planet Giant Student Farmers Market in Downtown Summerlin, Las Vegas, on April 22, 2025, offers student Farmpreneurs a chance to sell their produce while applying lessons in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and conservation from Green Our Planet’s STEM programs. This event helps students gain practical business experience and promotes healthy eating and environmental stewardship.

LEARN MORE about the Farmers Market

SAVE THE DATE! Small-Scale Poultry Education Class April 23, 2025 - 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Small-Scale Poultry Workshop 

Join us for the Poultry Workshop 2025, where you will gain essential knowledge to successfully start and manage a healthy flock. Whether you are a beginner or looking to expand your small poultry operation, this comprehensive workshop will cover facility and zoning requirements, proper care and management of your flock, disease prevention and biosecurity measures, cost considerations and potential income, predator control strategies, and more. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, at 5895 Clean Water Way Reno, NV 89502. 

For more information, contact Jamie Lee at

Sign Up

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